International |
Creation Research Australia
Creation Research exists to seek evidence for the bibical account of creation, to investigate and to promote such evidence, as we glorify Christ and build His church. International Director of Creation Research John Mackay was for many years a science teacher in both state and private systems in Queensland Australia. He also lectured in Geology at Tertiary level for Technical Education and was instrumental in establishing Creation Research in Australia. He has done research in USA, UK, Europe, the Caribbean, New Zealand, Australia, Pacific Islands and Asia on the evidence for Creation, Noah's Flood and Babel and regularly speaks on creation topics. More Creation Research Info: The Evidence Web Ask John Mackay |
Creation Ministries International
Creation Ministries International (CMI) is a group of non-profit ministries in several countries. Our role is to support the church in proclaiming the truth of the Bible and thus its gospel message. We provide real-world answers to the most-asked questions in the vital area of creation/evolution, where the Bible is most under attack today — Genesis. |
Creabel is in Vlaanderen het aanspreekpunt wat betreft creationisme. Op onze site vind je heel wat informatie over de schepping en hoe wij dat zien in het licht van de wetenschap. Wij beantwoorden al uw vragen over de schepping per E-mail. Op uw uitnodiging geven we lezingen, nemen we deel aan discussies of staan we de pers te woord. |
Sociedade Criacionista Brasileira
REVISTA CRIACIONISTA – Publicação semestral da SCB. CIÊNCIA DAS ORIGENS - Publicação do Geoscience Research Institute (Instituto de Pesquisa em Geociências) agora editada em português pela SCB, simultaneamente com as edições do GRI nos EUA. SCB (Brazilian Creation Society) is a non-profit organisation, publishing quality literature in Portuguese on the scientific controversy between Creation and Evolution. |
Sociedade Origem e Destino
DEUS ou ACASO? CRIAÇÃO ou EVOLUÇÃO? (Several excellent creation science articles in Portuguese.) |
Associação Brasilera de Pesquisa da Criação
A ABPC (Brazilian Association for Creation Research) é uma organização sem fins lucrativos, de caráter cultural, educacional e científico. Fundada em julho de 1979, a ABPC tem o compromisso de difundir o modelo criacionista como a real explicação das origens do universo e da vida, mostrando que as evidências da natureza apontam nessa direção. More ABPC Info: abpc.impacto.org |
Creation Science Association of Alberta
The Creation Science Association of Alberta is an organization dedicated to increasing public awareness and understanding of both the creation and evolution models. They publish Creation Science Dialogue four times per year. Speakers are made available to local groups who would like to hear presentations on Creation related topics. Books and videos are also available. |
Creation Science Assoc. of British Columbia
Our mission is to compile scientific as well as Biblical evidence which supports creation and contradicts evolution and to communicate this information to schools, churches and the general public. CSABC can provide speakers who will be glad to address meetings at churches, schools, civic functions, etc. |
Creation Science of Manitoba
Creation Science of Manitoba is an active small group that distributes a variety of materials. |
Pour ceux qui n'ont jamais entendu parler du créationnisme, il s'agit de la théorie qui trouve ses origines dans le livre de la Genèse et qui s'oppose à l'évolutionnisme. Vous découvrirez sur ce site des articles et des renseignements qui ne manqueront sûrement pas de vous intéresser. Quant aux internautes qui endossent déjà le point de vue créationniste, ils seront heureux d'avoir enfin un site francophone qui leur permettra de mieux connaître la question et de participer davantage au débat création - évolution. |
Creation Science of Saskatchewan, Inc.
CSSI was designed to create and distribute information on the creation/evolution origins controversy. CSSI promotes the creation position by presenting resources covering topics such as theology, Biblical creation, scientific creation, intelligent design, fossils, dinosaurs, radiometric dating, and flood geology, as well as some teaching and home school materials. They make available a variety of creation science books, DVDs, and other materials. |
Ian Juby - Creation Science Research & Lecturing
A traveling museum, a museum on-line, a variety of science projects and Ian Juby is available for teaching your group about Creation Science! |
Big Valley Creation Science Museum
The Big Valley Creation Science Museum is located in Big Valley, Alberta. The artifacts and displays in the museum have been obtained from around the world and it is immediately evident when you step into the museum that you are looking at world class fossils and displays. There are numerous themes presented in the museum displays including: Evidence From Geology; Fossils and the Flood; Dinosaurs and Humans; Terrible Lizards; Bacterial Flagellum and DNA; Age of the Earth; and Evidence From Genealogy. |
Creation Truth Ministries
Creation Truth Ministries is dedicated to defending the authority of the Bible starting in Genesis. CTM offers three-day seminars that include creative creation education programs for children as well as multi-media presentations on science and the Bible. |
Mensa -
International Creation Science SIG
The International Creation Science Special Interest Group for Mensa members, has been created to provide a means for the gathering together of intellectuals (specifically members of Mensa) with a common interest in the sciences and philosophies supporting special Creation and refuting Evolutionism. This SIG contends: The Universe, time, space, earth, and life was created with purpose, Ex Nihilo, by a Creator named by name as Jesus Christ (John 1:1-6), in a literal six days, roughly 6,000 years ago, as documented in the book of Genesis in the Holy Bible. That there was a catastrophic, global flood (Genesis 7:11), which submerged the entire planet and destroyed all life that breathes, except for a scarce few saved on board a very large boat better known as the "Ark" of Noah. That stellar, planetary and biological macroevolution, as scientific theories, are based solely on blind faith and as such, these theories are scientifically invalid. |
Creation Research Canada
Creation Research exists to seek evidence for the bibical account of creation, to investigate and to promote such evidence, as we glorify Christ and build His church. International Director of Creation Research John Mackay was for many years a science teacher in both state and private systems in Queensland Australia. He also lectured in Geology at Tertiary level for Technical Education and was instrumental in establishing Creation Research in Australia. He has done research in USA, UK, Europe, the Caribbean, New Zealand, Australia, Pacific Islands and Asia on the evidence for Creation, Noah's Flood and Babel and regularly speaks on creation topics. More Creation Research Info: The Evidence Web Ask John Mackay |
Creation Ministries International
Creation Ministries International (CMI) is a group of non-profit ministries in several countries. Our role is to support the church in proclaiming the truth of the Bible and thus its gospel message. We provide real-world answers to the most-asked questions in the vital area of creation/evolution, where the Bible is most under attack today — Genesis. |
Amazing Discoveries
We are committed to sharing the truth about God and His promises. Amazing Discoveries™ began as a way for us to further spread this truth. AD has put together the Total Onslaught DVD teaching series; along with the Genesis Conflict DVDs by Professor Walter Veith, and other quality materials. |
Attn: Mgr. Libor Votoček
Genesisera je česko-slovenský vzdělávací projekt zaměřený na existenciální otázky týkající se našeho původu a historie. Citlivě a pečlivě analyzujeme vztahy mezi přírodními vědami, historií, biblickým křesťanským světonázorem a evolučním humanismem. Naším cílem je zprostředkovávat druhým Pravdu a Život v té nejčistší podobě a motivovat je pro hodnotově a vztahově orientovaný život korespondující s poctivou vědou a historií, která se skutečně stala. Pořádáme veřejné přednášky a semináře, vydáváme vzdělávací letáky, brožury, knihy a filmy na digitálních nosičích s tématikou evoluce a stvoření. Připojte se k nám a zažijte vědu a víru bez předsudků! Redakce Genesisera.cz. Genesisera is a Czecho-slovak educational project focused on existential questions of our origin and history. Join us and experience Science and Faith without prejudice! |
Assoc. Au Commencement
Au Commencement... La vie est née... Nous vous proposons des sujets de réflexion qui remettent en question le point de vue conventionnel de l’origine de l’univers, de la vie et de l’homme. Dans la plupart des établissements scolaires, des magazines scientifiques et des films documentaires, c’est uniquement la théorie de l’évolution qui est présentée. Notre but est de faire connaître le point de vue créationiste, qui est basé sur le texte de la Genèse et sur les observations scientifiques. |
SG Wort und Wissen
Die Studiengemeinschaft Wort und Wissen ist ein wissenschaftlicher gemeinnütziger Verein. Thematische Schwerpunkte der Arbeit bilden Grundlagenforschung und Bildungsarbeit im Spannungsfeld "Naturwissenschaft und christlicher Glaube". |
Amazing Discoveries e. V.
We are committed to sharing the truth about God and His promises. Amazing Discoveries™ began as a way for us to further spread this truth. AD has put together the Total Onslaught DVD teaching series; along with the Genesis Conflict DVDs by Professor Walter Veith, and other quality materials. |
Noah's Ark Hong Kong
Noah's Ark Hong Kong is a full size Ark replica, with attendant restaurants, hotel, and resort amenities. There is a theme park, children's activities, a theatre, and a solar tower. (This is not a creationist site, per se, they do have a full size Noah's Ark!) |
Protestáns Teremtéskutató Kör
A Teremtéskutató Kör elsősorban a természettudományt művelő, bibliahű, keresztyén emberekből áll. Természettudományos szaktanácsadónk Dr. Pauk János Akadémiai-díjas növénygenetikus, teológiai szaktanácsadónk Sípos Ete Zoltán református lelkipásztor. Célkitűzéseink: A természettudomány bibliai alapokon történő igényes művelése. A teremtéskutatás eredményeinek ismertetése a magyar oktatási intézményekben és gyülekezetekben. Tudományos fórumok szervezése. Krisztus egyházának építése és a tudomány által Isten dicsőítése. |
Creation Research Eastern Europe
Creation Research exists to seek evidence for the bibical account of creation, to investigate and to promote such evidence, as we glorify Christ and build His church. International Director of Creation Research John Mackay was for many years a science teacher in both state and private systems in Queensland Australia. He also lectured in Geology at Tertiary level for Technical Education and was instrumental in establishing Creation Research in Australia. He has done research in USA, UK, Europe, the Caribbean, New Zealand, Australia, Pacific Islands and Asia on the evidence for Creation, Noah's Flood and Babel and regularly speaks on creation topics. More Creation Research Info: The Evidence Web Ask John Mackay |
Creation Science Association of India
Creation Science Association of India: a non-profit, non-denominational, registered religious educational trust. CSAI is a Christian ministry dedicated to promoting the accounts of the origins of creation and the vital truths that Jesus Christ is our Creator, Saviour and Lord. (Col.1:16-20). It seeks to challenge the evolutionary indoctrination of our homes by the media, through education, our churches and Christian institutions. It also seeks to enlighten those ensnared or perplexed by the unproven claims made by evolutionists. More Info: Know the Truth |
Creation Research and
Apologia: Free Apologetic & Biblical Courses - Creation Research And Apologetics Society Of India, Estd. 1970 Download These On-line Courses, Study Them To Your Satisfaction More Info: Reason for Belief Free Courses Biblical Archeology |
Centro Studi Creazionismo
Cosa è il Creazionismo: L'obiettivo che si prefigge - Il Creazionismo è un variegato movimento che ha come obiettivo la difesa della credibilità del racconto biblico della creazione, così come descritto nei primi capitoli della Genesi. I metodi - Il Creazionismo non si limita ad affrontare le questioni teologiche connesse col racconto della Genesi, ma accetta di confrontarsi anche sul piano storico e scientifico, secondo i metodi comunemente accettati da queste discipline. |
Creation Research Japan - CRJ
Creation Research exists to seek evidence for the bibical account of creation, to investigate and to promote such evidence, as we glorify Christ and build His church. International Director of Creation Research John Mackay was for many years a science teacher in both state and private systems in Queensland Australia. He also lectured in Geology at Tertiary level for Technical Education and was instrumental in establishing Creation Research in Australia. He has done research in USA, UK, Europe, the Caribbean, New Zealand, Australia, Pacific Islands and Asia on the evidence for Creation, Noah's Flood and Babel and regularly speaks on creation topics. |
Answers in Genesis Japan
Upholding the authority of the Bible from the very first verse! Over 20 years ago, Dr Carl Wieland, Ken Ham and others saw that the church in their own country, Australia, was struggling and often compromising its Biblical integrity in the face of the ever-increasing attacks from those hostile to Christianity. They began speaking on creation/evolution issues and encouraging the body of Christ to trust in the authority of God's Word. |
gribu zināt
1. Pētera 3:15-16 | [..] būdami arvien gatavi aizstāvēties pret ikvienu, kas vaicā par cerības pamatu jūsos; [..] Nu ko tur daudz rakstīt, man ļoti interesē šīs tēmas un es vēlos dalīties ar interesantu informāciju, kas oriģināli ir bijusi angļu valodā, bet ir tikusi pārtulkota latviski. Uzreiz atvainojos par gramatikas un stila kļūdām, jo mēs, kas tulkojām, neesam speciāli tam apmācīti. Bet domu jau uztversiet un tas ir pats galvenais |
CREAVIT - Creando Vision Total
Creavit es un ministerio de enseñanza para el cuerpo de Cristo. Aquí podrás encontrar enseñanzas varias de la Biblia, además de los capítulos 1 al 11 de Génesis (la creación, la caída, el diluvio, el cuadro de las naciones y Babel) vistos tanto en forma científica como teológica. |
Científicos Creacionistas
¿Estás cansado, frustrado y decepcionado de que a muchos estudiantes, jóvenes, adultos y personas en general no les interesen las cosas de Dios ni la Biblia? Vivimos hoy en una sociedad totalmente saturada con las ideas de la evolución, millones de años y que "la Biblia no es verdad". |
Degeneratie of Evolutie?
Op 24 november 1859 verscheen het boek The Origin of Species van Charles Darwin in een oplage van 1.250 stuks. Het was op de dag van uitgifte uitverkocht. Op 24 november 1997 is het boek Degeneratie, het einde van de evolutietheorie verschenen in een oplage van 5.000 stuks. Het was op de dag van uitgifte uitverkocht. Deze website is gewijd aan het thema creatie-degeneratie. Het laat zien dat het idee van evolutie genetisch gezien precies het tegenovergestelde is, namelijk genetische verarming en degeneratie. (English version - and their complete book is on-line! - at: www.evolution-is-degeneration.com ) |
Mediagroep In Genesis
Schepping of Evolutie Iedereen leeft met vragen rondom zaken over het doel van ons bestaan. Waarom we hier zijn, en hoe wij en alles om ons heen tot stand is gekomen. Vanuit een christelijk perspectief willen we proberen antwoord te geven op allerlei vragen over het onderwerp schepping en evolutie. |
Logos Instituut
Logos Instituut verenigt creationistisch Nederland en zet zich in voor onderwijs, opvoeding en onderzoek. Als breed apologetisch instituut helpt het christenen bij het vinden van antwoorden op moeilijke vragen over Bijbel, geloof en wetenschap. Typ je vraag in en ontdek. Heb je vragen over God of the Bijbel? Zijn Bijbel en wetenschap met elkaar in tegenspraak? Hoe zit het met de oerknal, dinosauriërs, de zondvloed en de andere religies? |
Weet Magazine
Weet Magazine is een tweemaandelijks verschijnend populairwetenschappelijk tijdschrift. Het beschrijft de leukste ontdekkingen uit natuur, techniek en wetenschap vanuit een christelijk perspectief. |
Summerschool geloofsverdediging Wie heeft de Bijbel samengesteld? Zijn er argumenten voor de betrouwbaarheid? Hoe zit het met evolutie? Kom naar onze summerschood voor christelijke studenten! |
Creation Ministries International
Creation Ministries International (CMI) is a group of non-profit ministries in several countries. Our role is to support the church in proclaiming the truth of the Bible and thus its gospel message. We provide real-world answers to the most-asked questions in the vital area of creation/evolution, where the Bible is most under attack today — Genesis. |
Creation Research
Creation Research exists to seek evidence for the bibical account of creation, to investigate and to promote such evidence, as we glorify Christ and build His church. International Director of Creation Research John Mackay was for many years a science teacher in both state and private systems in Queensland Australia. He also lectured in Geology at Tertiary level for Technical Education and was instrumental in establishing Creation Research in Australia. He has done research in USA, UK, Europe, the Caribbean, New Zealand, Australia, Pacific Islands and Asia on the evidence for Creation, Noah's Flood and Babel and regularly speaks on creation topics. |
Polish Creation Society
W kwietniu 1993 roku zawiazala sie Grupa Inicjatywna Polskiego Towarzystwa Kreacjonistycznego, która postawila sobie za cel stworzenie i zarejestrowanie pierwszej polskiej organizacji kreacjonistycznej, a w oparciu o nia propagowanie w polskim spoleczenstwie idei stworzenia swiata i czlowieka przez specjalne akty stwórcze Boga. Polskie Towarzystwo Kreacjonistyczne zostalo zarejestrowane w 1995 roku. |
Parque Discovery
Parque Discovery visa dar a conhecer a origem do universo, nomeadamente o Criacionismo Biblico, de um modo esclarecedor, simples e agradável, proporcionando tambem aos seus visitantes, de todas as idades, momentos de lazer. |
Tudományos Kreacionizmus
Mentesnek kell lennie az evolucionizmusnak a tantermek kritikájától?
(Ne pare rău dar acest web site despre creaţionism din România nu este decât în limba maghiară.)
Jan Vareca
SIONSKA TRUBA je prvenstveno zamišljena kao Internet magazin (e-zine), koji izlazi dvomesečno i šalje se putem elektronske pošte. |
Creation Ministries International
Creation Ministries International (CMI) is a group of non-profit ministries in several countries. Our role is to support the church in proclaiming the truth of the Bible and thus its gospel message. We provide real-world answers to the most-asked questions in the vital area of creation/evolution, where the Bible is most under attack today—Genesis. |
Creation Ministries International
Creation Ministries International (CMI) is a group of non-profit ministries in several countries. Our role is to support the church in proclaiming the truth of the Bible and thus its gospel message. We provide real-world answers to the most-asked questions in the vital area of creation/evolution, where the Bible is most under attack today—Genesis. |
Amazing Discoveries - Filadelfia
We are committed to sharing the truth about God and His promises. Amazing Discoveries™ began as a way for us to further spread this truth. AD has put together the Total Onslaught DVD teaching series; along with the Genesis Conflict DVDs by Professor Walter Veith, and other quality materials. |
Este portal ofrece documentación sobre temas de cristianismo con el objeto de la difusión del evangelio. Contiene documentos sobre la defensa de la fe del cristianismo evangélico en sus distintas vertientes, con un gran énfasis en apologética, teología y una exposición de las principales doctrinas de la Biblia. En el ámbito de la apologética, se da especial atención al debate creación - evolución, con un examen de la evidencia aportada por distintos campos de la ciencia; se desarrollan los temas del designio inteligente y de la complejidad irreducible de los sistemas vivos; otros artículos discurren sobre temas de agnosticismo y ateísmo, materialismo y filosofía de la ciencia. |
Genesis – Vetenskap Ursprung Skapelsetro - Föreningen Genesis är en svensk idéell förening. Vi informerar både församlingar och allmänhet om frågor som rör området evolution och skapelse. Vi gör det bland annat genom vårt magasin Genesis (4 nr/år), genom poddradiosändningar (”Genesispodden”), debatter, föreläsningar och litteratur. |
True Origin Archive
The TrueOrigin Archive is a primarily science-based response to the essentially religious trilogy of evolutionism, scientism, and naturalism which is popularly perceived as science in contemporary western culture. |
Centre Biblique European
Christian Center for Science and Apologetics
Creation Science Movement
The Creation Science Movement is the oldest creationist movement in the world. Founded in 1932 as "The Evolution Protest Movement" by a small group of Christians concerned by the propaganda that was promoting the theory of evolution as if scientifically proven, it has gradually grown in strength over the years. CSM publishes and distributes the journal Creation, and a variety of pamphlets, books, video and audio tapes demonstrating that the biblical account of special Creation is supported by true science. Genesis Expo - The biggest Creation Museum in the UK! |
Creation Ministries International
Creation Ministries International (CMI) is a group of non-profit ministries in several countries. Our role is to support the church in proclaiming the truth of the Bible and thus its gospel message. We provide real-world answers to the most-asked questions in the vital area of creation/evolution, where the Bible is most under attack today—Genesis. |
Biblical Creation Society
BCS is a Christian society that advances and defends the Biblical teaching on creation. Founded in 1976, we seek to think through issues related to origins from a coherent Biblical and scientific standpoint. We respectfully challenge fellow Christians who have accepted holistic evolutionary explanations of the living world to reconsider the issues. We believe we have a constructive response to their questions founded on scripture. |
Daylight Origins Society
Daylight Origins Society is a Catholic creation & origins science organization; countering false macro, stellar, and other evolutionary views. Special Creation by fiat encompasses traditional Catholic understanding of scripture as well as sound origins science interpretations. The Catholic creation story no longer needs to be interpreted soley through the lens of theistic evolution paradigms. |
Answers in Genesis U.K.
Upholding the authority of the Bible from the very first verse! Answers in Genesis (AiG) is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to enabling Christians to defend their faith and to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ effectively. believing it. defending it. proclaiming it. AiG teaches that “facts” don’t speak for themselves, but must be interpreted. That is, there aren’t separate sets of “evidences” for evolution and creation ... The difference lies in how we interpret what we study. |
Edinburgh Creation Group
We are a group of Christians from different churches and denominations
who share a common belief in the Biblical story of Creation - just as it
is written in Genesis. We meet to explore our own understanding of
Creation as Christians and seek to convey the evangelistic message from
our Creator. Some of us are concerned with what we teach our families
while others are involved in speaking to church groups.
Creation Resources Trust
Our Mission: to share the evidence for creation through videos, books, literature and seminars.We are a Registered Charity and a member of the Evangelical Alliance. The CRT exists as an educational and resource organisation to help both Christians and non-Christians find out the facts concerning creation and evolution. We offer a wide range of media for all ages, and we have a large lending library of videos. We also provide speakers for meetings and seminars, and arrange all-age 'Creation Discovery Days'®. The Director of CRT is Geoff Chapman. |
Creation Research UK
Creation Research exists to seek evidence for the bibical account of creation, to investigate and to promote such evidence, as we glorify Christ and build His church. International Director of Creation Research John Mackay was for many years a science teacher in both state and private systems in Queensland Australia. He also lectured in Geology at Tertiary level for Technical Education and was instrumental in establishing Creation Research in Australia. He has done research in USA, UK, Europe, the Caribbean, New Zealand, Australia, Pacific Islands and Asia on the evidence for Creation, Noah's Flood and Babel and regularly speaks on creation topics. More Info: Creation Research; Main Site The Evidence Web Ask John Mackay |
Society for Interdisciplinary Studies
(SIS is not a creationist organization!) The SIS was formed in 1974 to consider the role global cosmic catastrophes may have played in our history, and even recorded by cultures worldwide in their oral and written ancient traditions. We also consider the effect catastrophes have on other disciplines, such as biology, cosmology, geology, psychology, archaeoastronomy, astrophysics, linguistics, and other areas such as religion. |
Creation Discovery Project
The purpose of the Creation Discovery Project (CDP): To relate to lay-people and others the Holy Scriptures of the Judaeo-Christian founding faiths of Canada to science, technology and social science. The nature of this is three-fold. Encouragement in the Judaeo-Christian beliefs of the Bible; to teach the principles of science, technology and social science; and to encourage scientific, historical and religious research into the areas promoting the agreement of the Holy Scriptures with science, technology and social science. |