Main Web Sites - A set of the largest Creation Science web sites (... aside from this site: www.creationism.org ). This list is not comprehensive, but each of them in turn link to other sites. These sites should help you to find whatever you may be looking for.
International: Global/Worldwide - An extensive list of Creation Science organizations (outside the U.S.) from many countries around the world.
U.S. States (A-K): Alaska to Kentucky - A comprehensive list (U.S. states A thru K) of local and regional creation organizations and available creation science speakers with web sites.
U.S. States (L-Z): Louisiana to Wisconsin - A comprehensive list (U.S. states L thru Z) of local and regional creation organizations and available creation science speakers with web sites.
Evolution Sites - A few sites for looking up evolution theory information.
Note to evolutionists ... is it a coincidence that America both leads the world in many areas of scientific research, and also has some of the best creation science teaching? Maybe, if we had more creationism, the US would make further scientific gains. Dogmatic belief in evolution actually hurts scientific understanding.
(from a 1925 book) |