EVOLUTION - A word with so many meanings. This web page <www.creationism.org>
for example, is evolving in content and breadth. This is to say that
it is undergoing change and directed (non-random) improvement.
In science there are six interlocking theories which
are often referred to as fundamental to evolution:
#1 COSMIC: From the theorized Big Bang of (estimated)
14-20 billion years ago to the (evolution or) generation of hydrogen gas
into existence.
#2 CHEMICAL: Gases (beyond hydrogen) and other higher
elements evolving into existence. In other words, increasing molecular
& chemical order and complexity over time happening by itself.
#3 STAR & PLANETS: Gravity, angular momentum,
magnetism, radiation, and other "accidentally existing" forces coalesce
(or evolve) the molecules (from above) that evolved into existence all
by themselves into subsequent proto-stars, then later (over lots and lots
of theorized time; billions of years) into stars and planetary bodies.
#4 ORGANIC EVOLUTION: Life emerging from sterile
non-life by believed automatic advanced chemical processes. This
has also been called spontaneous generation or more recently
abiogenesis. Life from non-life; again, all by itself;
increasing complexity and at some point in time - generating successive
replication all by itself. Scientists today are using tax dollars
to employ advanced, state-of-the-art equipment under expensive, carefully
controlled high-technology laboratory conditions but this still hasn't
succeeded in any way yet ... trying so hard ... all to show that life could
happen accidentally, without much intelligence. (That being the case
#5 MACRO-EVOLUTION: Kinds of life diverging
and occasionally increasing in complexity through random processes down
through time. The theory is that single-celled creatures gave rise
to (possibly) multi-cellular marine organisms. Later fish evolved
into amphibians, and then into reptiles which (possibly diverged and) evolved
into the birds and mammals. Over the theorized millions of
years the divergent complexity of life in nature has (apparently) increased
in order, numbers and magnitude. Many of today's textbooks show lots of
artistic illustrations of such beliefs.
#6 MICRO-EVOLUTION: Structured changes within pre-existing
kinds of life. Heredity & Variation. This one is scientific
and is observable in nature.
It is important to keep all of these various definitions in mind.
Perhaps some but not all are true and verifiable? Perhaps others
never happened at all? Just because it can be demonstrated that the
fur length of offspring (Evolution #6) may vary per individual, this does
not automatically mean that (Evolution #2) molecular chemical combinations
get more complex all by themselves. This belief has not been observed
here on Earth at any time; creationists (who agree with Evolution #6) would
be skeptical at swallowing belief in Evolution #2 without some kind of
testable-repeatable evidence. It would be nice (for example) to send
an oil tanker through an Antarctic storm and end up with a giant chocolate
shake, but this has never been observed.
Evolution is a valid process (in science, business, or otherwise); creationists
certainly agree with this - when it is directed or built into the design
of things. Certainly automobiles have improved dramatically over
the past 100 years, but it didn't happen all by itself. The evolution
of the automobile has been due to intelligent design input, advanced engineering
skills and management oversight. If one just throws a bunch of parts
together or puts all the car parts into a giant tumbler along with four
quarts of oil and 10 gallons of gas and begins agitating the lot for eight
months the end result will not be anything resembling a car.
Evolutionists will contend that the universe (Evolution #1 thru #3) and then
successive forms of life (Evolution #4 and #5) slowly got more complex all by
themselves. These beliefs are well illustrated in textbooks. (The
alternative of literal, recent creation is completely unacceptable to even be
considered by them.) They'll claim that (God made lots of mistakes
and that) there are transitional fossils supporting their belief system.
Then they'll use something like the beaks on Darwin's Finches (Evolution #6) as
evidence of all of this. Au Contraire! We can definitely see
that Evolution #6 worked fine, but they're still lacking any evidence to support
their (underlying; as sinners) desire to (putting it bluntly here) hide from our
Creator and
their responsibilities as part of the created. In other words, Evolution
#6 is truly scientific, but that should not give us any confidence in Evolution
#1 thru #5. Beak variations in finches (Evolution #6) is to be expected
since Darwin's Finches were wisely designed. Built-in variation has
been wisely balanced with the (heredity) built-in limits that the Designer
placed there. Wise design! Thank the Maker!
Concerning Evolution #1 thru #3 - this sure looks like pure speculation! The
Big Bang is primarily believed because without it they'd have to admit
that God created everything.
If ... "God" created the universe then, logically, nothing in life
is more important than finding out just who that God is and why we were
created. But many persons would prefer to hide from this
inconvenient reality. Therefore the Big Bang theory (though defying
true science, i.e. that "every action
has an equal and opposite reaction") is believed and promulgated, but it
is inherently unscientific in nature. A Little Bang happening
all by itself in a small box (to the left) has a greater chance of probability
than a Big Bang containing (theoretically) all the matter in the known
universe. |
A "Little Bang" happening all by itself inside an empty box would
be unscientific. Something from nothing for no reason is unscientific.
Creationists, therefore, standing on the side of science contend that there
must of necessity be a Creator.
Since the "Little Bang" hasn't happened in any attic boxes to date -
then please don't put your faith in the "Big Bang" belief system - which
first and foremost denies God's power and authority over humanity.
That is its purpose and it is an unscientific theory.
(text by P.A.)
"Evolution 101"
(25 Lessons) by Jolly F. Griggs - http://www.creationism.org/english/griggs_en.htm
"12 Quotes from Leading
Evolutionists" - http://www.creationism.org/english/quotes_en.htm
"The Gentile Names
of God" by Gordon Holmes Fraser - http://www.creationism.org/symposium/symp5no1.htm
"The Breakdown of Philosophy
and the Modern Evolution-Creation Debate" by Ellen Myers - http://www.creationism.org/csshs/v16n4p17.htm
"Language - Origins
and Evolution" by D. Tassot - http://www.creationism.org/csshs/v15n4p18.htm
"Why All the Fuss About
Creation and Evolution?" by Charles Thaxton & Jon Buell
- http://www.creationism.org/csshs/v15n3p23.htm
"Teilhard, Evolution
and the Catholic Church" - http://www.creationism.org/csshs/v14n4p22.htm
"Nazi Paganism"
by Jean-Marc Berthoud - http://www.creationism.org/csshs/v14n4p19.htm
The Secret Behind the Propaganda" by Helder - http://www.icr.org/article/303/
Review of the PBS Video 'Evolution' Series" by Cumming - http://www.icr.org/article/review-pbs-evolution-series/
Effect of Darwinism on Morality and Christianity" by Bergman
- http://www.icr.org/article/449/
Scientific Case Against Evolution: A Summary (Part 1)"
by H. Morris - http://www.icr.org/article/scientific-case-against-evolution-summary-part-1/
Scientific Case Against Evolution: A Summary (Part 2)"
by H. Morris - http://www.icr.org/article/scientific-case-against-evolution-summary-part-2/
Myth of Chemical Evolution" by Rosevear - http://www.icr.org/articles/view/49/281/
and Nazism" AIG Section - https://answersingenesis.org/charles-darwin/racism/
Darwin" AIG Section - https://answersingenesis.org/charles-darwin/
Section - https://answersingenesis.org/racism/
(humanism, etc.)" AIG Section - https://answersingenesis.org/world-religions/
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DNA sequences, especially the sequences of genes which code for proteins ... phenotype of the cell
or organism ... epigenetic systems as heritable, selfperpetuating, and reversible ... tags are used to
influence which genes are expressed. This permits cells with essentially identical DNA to form very
different tissues that are necessary for a functioning body ... nutrition, exercise, smoking, work habits,
and stress affect human health via epigenetic mechanisms ... exposure of the fetus to high glucocorticoid
levels from the mother can result in high glucocorticoid levels in the infant postnatally ... transcription factors
affect methylation ... amino acid residues, acetylation, phosphorylation, and other biochemical modifications
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Prévost, the French “actuel” means “present day,” while the English homophone means “real.” Actualism
affirms that present geological processes are the only possible explanations for the rocks. Though closely
related to “uniformitarianism,” the two are not identical ... geologists argue for actualism based on uniformity,
their analysis fails, thanks to blind spots in their worldview ... distinguish between the method of applying
observed causes (actualism) and the resulting systems (uniformitarianism, catastrophism, and evolutionism) ...
Nature’s laws were God’s mediate works, and everything existed moment to moment by God’s power.
This view changed in the Enlightenment ... Isaac Newton’s physicochemical uniformity was extrapolated
to history ... Charles Lyell’s predilection for static history and geology’s stubborn defense of gradualism ...
metaphysical connections, though he did open the door to neocatastrophism ... Denying Genesis is no
less religious than affirming it. Enlightenment thought simply masked metaphysics with science
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drawing a distinction between “metaphysical naturalism” and “methodological naturalism,” conflating
the traditional scientific method ... secular red herrings—arguments about miracles and accusations of
“god-of-the-gaps” reasoning ... attack Christianity. The “science vs. religion” meme is false ... When
science was born, everyone knew that God ruled the world. Over time, the regularities of providence
became “laws of nature.” Newton’s synthesis convinced people that science was autonomously powerful.
Descartes’ doubting reinforced the dismissal of authority, and Locke’s tabula rasa encouraged an
unrealistic view of man’s objectivity. Soon, both man and natural law were decoupled from God ... atheism
first co-opted science and then used science to co-opt culture ... others question whether science can even
be defined ... Wheaton College ... Christians have generally failed to understand that arguments about
miracles and “god-of-the-gaps” reasoning are laced with unaddressed presuppositions
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progressive parade of horses from the tiny dog-sized Eohippus to the modern horse (Equus caballus)
was historically one of the most well-known examples of the evidence once used to prove evolution ...
American Museum of Natural History ... magnificent set of American fossil horses and published a paper
in 1874 tracing its development from a small three-toed animal “the size of a fox” through larger animals
with progressively larger hooves ... British scientist Thomas Henry Huxley visited Marsh at Yale, and was
“mightily impressed with his progressive series of fossil horses” ... Eohippus (the dawn horse), or more
properly, Hyracotherium. Since evolutionary increase in size is a major component of the traditional tale ...
three-toed Mesohippus, ... The exhibit is now hidden from public view as an outdated embarrassment
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ribosome reads instructions received from RNA molecules and builds a chain of amino acids
accordingly. The chain then folds into its final shape to become a working protein and is
transported to wherever it is needed in the body ... developing a molecular machine that
mimics the actions of the ribosome ... form of a ring (a rotaxane) threaded on a rod. Attached
to the ring is a “reactive arm” ... genetic code that instructs the ribosome’s actions? Far from
being an assemblage of largely “junk” DNA, the genome is now recognised as containing
multi-level coding of astonishing sophistication ... genetic fingerprints ... microscopic
Creation Science |
Sea Urchin Spines
Movement Journal | |
Vol. 17, No. 9 -- February -- 2013-1.pdf -- Page 3
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developing field of biomimetics is the spine of the sea urchin ... the spine is a composite
structure, made up of both “bricks” and “mortar”. The “bricks” are formed from crystals of
calcite, whereas the “mortar” is non-crystalline calcium carbonate ... mesocrystal
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BBC News ... previously unrecognised organ situated between the two bones at the front tip of
a rorqual whale’s lower jaw ... Rorqual whales feed by opening their mouths very suddenly,
engulfing enormous quantities of seawater and the animals swimming in it ... baleen plates ...
Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC ... Humpback whales ... jaws of fin and minke whales ...
ability to filtrate small organisms out of large quantities of water, the specialised feeding lunge,
and the sensory organ that triggers it, must all be fully functional at once for this lifestyle to be
successful ...
Creation Science |
Secretive Coelacanths
Movement Journal | |
Vol. 17, No. 3 -- August -- 2011-3.pdf -- Page 5
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21-year scientific study of the population of this enigmatic fish that lives off the Comoro
Islands (another, rarer, species of coelacanth lives in Indonesian waters) ... caves frequented
by the coelacanths at a depth of 170-240m (600 - 800 feet in oceanic depth) ... BBC News
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basic idea of biological evolution was conceived by Charles Darwin as a secular, non-theistic solution to
the problem of origins ... organic evolution is a very ancient idea that was first taught at least as early as
the seventh century B.C. ... American Indian totem clans who believed themselves to be the descendants
of a “common ancestor" ... Mayan culture, which began about 600 B.C., developed a streamlined
evolutionary view ... Turtle clan of the Iroquois were - descended from a fat turtle ... Cray-Fish clan of
the Choctaws were originally cray-fish and lived underground ... relationship of totemism to evolution
was described by Panati (Panati, 1987) ... Hindus taught a similar idea in the Madhra Sampradaya. In
this sacred text the soul starts out its existence in a lower form of life, and is “transmitted to amphibians,
reptiles, mammals, semi-man, and finally ends up in a superman” or nirvana state ... Darwin would have
found a welcoming audience among the Hindus ... reincarnation is “based on evolution” and is “completely
compatible with Darwinism” (Head and Cranston, 1967) ... early Greek who postulated a theory of
evolution was Lucretius (c.95–c.55 B.C) ... Thales’ most famous students, Anaximander (611–547 B.C.)
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one of the most mysterious characters to appear in the early days of the west ... Alfred Watterson
McCann ... his book, God — Or Gorilla ... Doctor of Letters degree from Duquesne and a
Doctor of Law degree from Fordham ... community owned up to the fraudulency ... evolutionary guru
of the era, Henry F. Osborn, as an unworthy witness for the truth ... Preaching this doctrine, the
materialistic evolutionists, falsifying their unscientific deductions and misrepresenting the honest
research of the laboratories, have so influenced popular education ... If we can delude ourselves into
believing that everything came from nothing (without reference to God) ... ape-jaw and human-cranium
of the ‘reconstructed’ Piltdown man the opinions of various scientific authorities ... pre-Hitler Germany
was strongly influenced by evolutionary thought ... scientific giant Louis Pasteur ... Roman Catholic
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nested hierarchy is a way of arranging items so that one or more are included in a larger category. It is a
common way to arrange things and can be used for clothing, buildings, silverware, vehicles ... preceded
Darwin’s Origin of Species, dating back at least to Aristotle ... in birds there have been numerous
taxonomic changes ... evaluates similarity in the DNA sequence ... elephant shrew is now considered
more closely related to elephants and manatees ... monkeys and flying lemurs; and shrews are placed
near cattle and whales ... whales, horses, bats, dogs, and cattle are derived from separately created
kinds ... universal common ancestry ... DNA similarity often conflict with groupings based on morphology
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19th and 20th centuries, public exhibits of those people that Darwinists of the day regarded as evolutionarily
inferior, mostly non-Europeans and especially Africans, Asians, and indigenous people ... makeshift
“natural habitat” to reinforce the image of “primitive savage people” that evolutionists judged were links
to lower animals ... when Columbus brought several indigenous Americans from the New World to the
Spanish court in 1493 ... New York, Hamburg, Antwerp, Barcelona, London, Milan, and Warsaw ...
Nonliterates such as the Australian aborigines ... Eskimo to refer to themselves, but rather Innuit, often
spelled Inuit ... philosophers, zoologists, anatomists, and physicians. Reflecting Enlightenment
progressivism ... polygenesis was sometimes used to justify slavery, anti-Semitism, and European
domination of indigenous peoples ... anthropological tour ... Hudson Bay trader ... all had died of
smallpox. Ulrikab kept a diary ... Nubians, Negroes, Lapps, Patagonians ... zoological
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when The Genesis Flood hit the bookstores in 1961, the discipline of geology was very different.
Planetary science and plate tectonics were virtually unknown, as were facies modeling and seismic
stratigraphy ... climate change was the province of glaciology and of no immediate concern ... theoretical
side, any possibility of Noah’s Flood ... Lyellian gradualism, though cracks in the system could be seen
in the Spokane (Missoula) Flood evidence ... celebrating Darwin’s centennial, secularists ... school of
logical positivism was dead, a more amorphous, but no less powerful scientific arrogance prevailed,
blurring secular belief with science ... Whitcomb and Morris (1961) engaged evolution, positivism,
religious compromise, and the secularization of science, but their main target was the geological
uniformitarianism ... intellectuals who had already rejected the Bible ... catastrophism
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so much pain and suffering in the world has been a puzzle for philosophers and theologians over the
years. Theodicy is the name given to the question of how a just and loving God would allow this situation.
But most people are unaware that for evolutionists there is a similar problem with pain ... would seem that
natural selection would have favored less sensitive nerves or brain sensations ... Darwinian theory, even
tiny changes that negatively impact survival have been “weeded out” by natural selection ... professor
of biology and evolution at Cornell University, was blogging about the intense pain he suffered while
passing kidney stones ... necessary mutations for mitigating pain receptors were never presented for
natural selection to select ... purely biological point of view, pain nerves, just like all nerves in the body,
have a threshold ... result of the Fall of Man. Sorrow, pain, and death are part of the curse found in
Genesis 3:16-19.
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1935 Heinrich Himmler established the infamous Lebensborn (meaning “well of life”) homes to help
accomplish the Nazi goal of achieving a superior human race by deliberate racial selection ...
Lebensborn’s two main goals were numerical quantity and racial quality ... Aryan is not a precise
category, but in colloquial modern English Aryan signifies the Nordic racial ideal promoted by the
Nazis, which includes most people in Scandinavia, Germany, Austria and people originally from
these areas ... Nazi conclusion, based on Darwinism, that “some human races are infinitely superior
to other human races,” and that intermarriage works against this goal ... national socialist (Nazi) racial
theory ... Racial purity was an obsession with Himmler, consistently emphasized in his speeches and writings
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God’s Undertaker: Has Science Buried God? by John C. Lennox 2009, Lion Books ...
scientific enterprise itself is validated by his existence. Inevitably, of course, not only those of us
who do science, but all of us, have to choose the presuppositions with which we start. There are not
many options — essentially just two. Either human intelligence owes its origin to mindless matter; or
there is a creator ... Lennox’s case is strong that Dawkins fails to convince us of mindless matter. In
Climbing Mount Improbable ... what other rational explanation is there for such a law-like filter
than intelligent origin? ... cause me to speculate that Lennox’s views are similar to Hugh Ross or
Francis Collins. However, there are also clues that Lennox could morph to a young-earth-creationist
(YEC) position ... There is no evidence to show a primitive-to-complex trail. Advances continue to
expose greater and greater complexity
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Semmelweis effect may be defined as any erroneous scientific theory or position irrationally held within
the scientific community in the clear face of existing contrary evidence ... test the Neo-Darwinian
mechanism of evolution. That is, mutations + natural selection + huge numbers of living creatures
in a long sequence = the changing of one kind of creature into an obviously different kind. It does not
work ... micro-evolutionary mutational changes that provide adaptation and variation within a kind are
simply irrelevant to producing macro-evolutionary changes ... If evolution isn’t true, how is it that most
scientists believe it? ... editor of the National Geographic magazine claimed that the Archaeoraptor
article was “reviewed by six leading paleontologists” and the staff worked on the story “for a full year”
to insure accuracy and high standards ... unmasking of forgeries and new research is forcing so many
revisions in the evolution field that a Time magazine senior science editor
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the word evolution has a variety of meanings. Within biology it can refer to a change in gene frequency
in a population over time, or to the idea that all life descended from a common ancestor over a long
period of time ... modification in an existing structure (such as the beak on a finch) does not tell us how
the structure originated ... molecules-to-man or goo-to-you may be used to qualify evolution when it refers
to the idea of universal common descent ... when two people use different definitions in a discussion, it
tends to produce frustration ... terms macro-evolution and micro-evolution ... most people who believe in
evolution believe in it because that is what they were taught
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Scopes evolution trial, occurred in Dayton, Tennessee ... Christian attorney William J. Bryan and
opposed by famous agnostic attorney Clarence Darrow. At issue in the 1925 trial were certain chapters
on evolution and eugenics in a biology text by George W. Hunter, titled A Civic Biology (1914) ...
1925, the Tennessee legislature passed a law that made it illegal in public schools “to teach any theory
that denies the story of the Divine Creation of man as taught in the Bible ... Alan Dershowitz added
that the eugenics movement “took its impetus from Darwin’s theory of natural selection,” explaining
that German militarism ... Hitler and other dictators stressed this point repeatedly in his bible, Mein
Kampf ... Kallikak family study was translated into German in 1914, and the full text appeared in the
German academic journal Friedrich Mann’s Pedagogishes Magazin ... Hunter then quotes
the now-notorious American eugenicist Charles Davenport ... American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
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science involves the activity of finite, fallen, fallible human beings. So science cannot prove things
in an absolute sense ... forensics is used to help solve criminal cases. Scientific investigation can
help us arrive at plausible scenarios and/or reject implausible scenarios ... Creationists use scientific
observations to construct models of what may have happened during the Flood or how life on earth
may have developed over time ... If life came about by unguided chemical reactions, then why should
our senses be reliable? Why should the world follow regular laws? Why should we be able to understand
the world around us? Why should there be laws of logic? ... Scientific investigation is fascinating
because we get to learn more about the world God created.
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1971, the small Tasaday tribe of about 25 people was discovered on the island of Mindanao in the
Philippines. They were “living the lives of cave men" ... primal mankind came out of the 1960s hippie
movement ... BBC, National Geographic magazine devoted 32 pages to the Tasaday ... linguistic
anthropologist ... ethnobotanist ... “they were really from the T'boli and Blit people, and [the ABC news
program] 20/20 exposed the hoax [in a program] ‘The Tribe That Never Was’ ” ... deliberate deception,
a hoax ... Vulnerable villagers ... were induced to cavort, clad in leaves, as cave-dwellers before
outsiders during brief, preannounced visits ... The false premise that there must be primitive evolving
races conditioned scientists to “see” what they believed
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the movie Expelled (Miller and Stein, 2008) is that Ben Stein and the movie’s producers link Darwinism
with eugenics and Nazism ... millions more were forcibly sterilized by governments, including the German
and American governments ... new form of Judeophobia emerged that not only stirred up a wave of
hatred throughout Europe but also produced the soil on which the Nazi mentality would be nourished ...
the eugenic implications of Darwin’s ideas were very clear in his writings. For example, Darwin (1871,
p. 167) wrote that the “advancement of man from a former semi-human condition to his present state”
was due to survival of the fittest, i.e., natural selection, eliminating the weak and inferior humans ...
critical in the development of racism ... Adolf Hitler, took the implications of Darwinism seriously
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presupposition is that evolutionary theory is antithetical to a belief in the existence of a supreme
being and to religion in general ... theory of evolution represents good science, is overwhelmingly
accepted by the scientific community, and that it in no way conflicts with, nor does it deny, the
existence of a divine creator ... ecosystems harmonious, these broader features of life arise only as
consequences of the unconscious struggles of individual organisms for personal reproductive
success ... efforts to bring religion and science in harmony ... evolution has become an explanation
when none exists and, for this reason, interferes with investigations to find the real explanation by
scientific research
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where previously they might have spoken of God ... The broadcast, ‘Blame it on the Universe' ...
Russian Orthodox mystic ... traditional religion ... Feminism, Eastern religion and the
environmental movement ... their contribution to this ongoing spiritual evolution ... understandings
towards deeper reality’. All of which sounds very sweet, tolerant and holistic ... Ecclesiastes ...
Hindu and Buddhist style ... cosmic and biological evolution ... evolutionism, it is stated in
such imprecise terms that it cannot be rigorously examined or falsified and is so flexible it can
adapt to accommodate any situation ... currently fashionable ‘evolutionary cosmic spirituality’
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a committed "anti-evolutionist," I looked forward with interest to the recent programme by Sir
David Attenborough entitled Charles Darwin and the Tree of Life ... in trying to explain
how a complex structure such as the human eye could have 'evolved' by random mutations
and natural selection, he quoted the examples of three or four different creatures with much
simpler kinds of eye. ... But he conveniently overlooked the fact that there is no observable
evolutionary link between any of these creatures and us ... Also, he cited the fossil
Archaeopteryx and the still-living hoatzin ... oddities with no known antecedents or descendents
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Natural History Museum reverentially moving the statue of Darwin into pride of place amid
the Gothic columns of the Dinosaur Hall, like the altar of a cathedral ... replaced the statue
of Richard Owen, the great 19th century biologist who not only created the museum and
coined the term ‘dinosaur’, but on purely scientific grounds was one of Darwin’s most
trenchant critics ... what happens when science ceases to be scientific and becomes a
substitute religion ... The symbolism of the change is more perfect than its perpetrators know
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examines the alleged flaws in 'intelligent design' - the contention that God is the creator
behind the universe and all creatures ... Over 90 organisations across the UK are
hosting events and exhibitions over the next year to mark Charles Darwin's bicentenary. ...
London’s Natural History Museum ... Lord Rees from the Charles Darwin Trust says,
"As an iconic figure, Darwin is matched only by Newton and Einstein" ... The Genesis Expo,
the only permanent creationist exhibition in the country, will also be expanded
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it will later succumb in the struggle against the higher level. Such mating is contrary to the will of
Nature for a higher breeding of all life ... not lie in associating superior and inferior, but in the
total victory of the former. The stronger must dominate and not blend with the weaker, thus
sacrificing his own greatness ... consequence of this racial purity, universally valid in Nature, is
not only the sharp outward delimitation of the various races, but their uniform character in themselves ...
the struggle among themselves arises less from inner aversion than from hunger and love ...
Hitler’s atrocities against the Jews and other people groups he considered racially inferior
‘weaklings’ ... Hitler and the Nazis’ philosophical debt to Darwin, clearly seen in Hitler’s own words
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Fossilised dinosaurs and birds are often found with the head thrown back, mouths
open and with the tail curved towards the head ... 'Dinosaurs Died Agonising Deaths,’ Live Science ...
dinosaurs died agonising deaths with evidence of brain damage and asphyxiation. One explanation
is the animals died in volcanic events as they are often buried in ash deposits ... We are left then
with a picture of dinosaurs, birds and mammals dying in a sudden catastrophe being buried alive in
sediment in a state of distress ... this evidence is consistent with the biblical account of the Flood
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how unconcerned evolutionists seem to be about entropy and the problems it poses both for a natural
origin of life and for macroevolution. The argument from entropy is one of the most powerful arguments
against the spontaneous formation of life from a random association of non-living chemicals ... random
changes to an organized system of any kind tend to destroy its order ... second law of thermodynamics ...
reliability of data transmission. In performing statistical analyses on the corruption of digital information,
he ended up with certain formulas that were very similar to Boltzmann’s ... late 1940’s Claude E.
Shannon was a scientist working for Bell Labs ... Evolutionists claim that this organization is the result
of cumulative progress made through mindless, undirected, random changes to an existing structure
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National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) ... chemical evolution (the origin of life)
and to macro-evolution (turning an amoeba into a man) ... random, blindfolded paint strokes on a
Rembrandt painting will invariably destroy the quality of the painting, not improve upon it ... Ilya
Prigogine received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1977 for his work in the thermodynamics
of systems significantly out of equilibrium. He claims that these systems tend to spontaneously
organize themselves ... No matter how skillful a flute player might be, he will never make a flute
sound like a full symphony orchestra, complete with violins, trumpets, and tympani
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Darwinists often claim that creationists and intelligent design supporters avoid reading, or refuse
to read, material that does not support their position ... skeptics hold their anti-Darwin views largely
out of ignorance ... we get very annoyed having our own words twisted by lying fundamentalists ...
Darwin was originally a creationist, and remained so during his entire voyage on the Beagle. ... and
showed no signs of deviating from church doctrine ... few Darwinists have read much creation or ID
literature ... avoided reading anti-creation/ID or evolution material because they did not want to
challenge their faith ... many creation groups work out of homes, and even their full-time staff do not
draw a salary, but rely on retirement income and donations to survive ... mostly ad-hominem attacks
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we are, instead, examining the second possibility: that after God created some kind of material
out of nothing, He then used the very processes, which still govern the behavior of matter today,
to arrange it into the stars, galaxies, and even our solar system ... a nebula is an interstellar cloud
of dust, hydrogen gas, and plasma ... God claims to have stretched the heavens. The Big Bang
postulates that a singularity suddenly, for some reason, expanded rapidly, forming the universe
we see now ... stretching of the heavens, is made by God twelve times ... redshift measurements
increase with distance from the earth to support a sudden expansion of ‘something’ into the
universe we see ... wildly gyrating nuclei in a turbulent sea of electrons — a plasma, the fourth
state of matter
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believed for most of human history that the entire physical heavens consisted of only about 6,000
stars ... solar system that is but a “dot” in the Milky Way galaxy ... group of some thirty galaxies,
named the “local group,” a minor member of the “local supercluster,” that is just one of many
super-clusters of galaxies existing in the universe ... Hubble Space Telescope ... Simon Marius,
a contemporary of Galileo ... we realized that galaxies are assemblies of billions of stars ...
Red giants, white dwarfs, and black holes ... estimated one hundred billion galaxies exist ...
could be observed from the earth, it took a Johanas Kepler to figure out the actual orbits of the
planets, as described by Kepler’s famous laws
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the so-called objective field of human evolution is anything but objective ... Piltdown man and
Hesperopithecus, but many other examples exist. One of the best-known examples of greed,
revenge, and open frauds involved the war between Edward Drinker Cope and Othniel Charles Marsh
in the bone war of the late 1800s ... no small amount of arrogance exists within the scientific community.
Hooper claims that some scientists dogmatically believe that they have the answer, and only they have
the right to ask questions ... fossil evidence accounts for less than 10 percent of the animal, it can be
interpreted in many ways, even in the rare situation where a skeleton is relatively complete. Lucy, for
example, is the most complete skeleton to date, and around three quarters of it is missing. ... the Leakeys
and others, such as Donald Johanson ... Tim White, professor at the University of California Berkeley
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it is critical to define the central terms used. This is especially true in the whole creation/evolution
controversy. A major trait of anti-creationist literature is gross over-generalizing and labeling. ...
define central terms inaccurately, or they use a narrow, idiosyncratic definition designed to serve
as a straw man ... theistic evolutionist, who concluded that the word “creationist” has become
a label not only for people who believe that the universe is God’s creation but also for those who
insist that biological evolution has not occurred ... The Encyclopedia of Evolution defined
creation as “the belief that some or all of the various forms of life on earth were brought into being
by a creator” ... in theology creationism is a religious doctrine which teaches that each human soul
is a specific and direct creation by God
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Abraham Lincoln brings to mind log cabins, the Oval Office, and a homely, bearded face. The name
Charles Darwin brings to mind evolutionary charts, the geological column, and The Origin of Species ...
the two men share a birthday on February 12, 1809 ... these men compromised scientific and
some say Constitutional principles to have a tremendous impact on future generations ... Charles
Darwin transferred to Christ’s College to study theology ... While Darwin was studying Latin and theology,
his uneducated counterpart was moving to Indiana and studying the art of rail-splitting ... In 1831, the
twenty-two-year-old Darwin embarked on the H.M.S. Beagle as a naturalist ... idea of macro-evolution
demands first the compromise of sacred and secular laws ... some say Lincoln compromised the
Constitution to keep the Union together ... Darwinists preferred a world in which Biblical rules mean
nothing. There will be no Judgment Day, no reckoning of accounts, no Book of Life ... the Discovery
Channel and Bill Nye the Science Guy ... Darwin certainly compromised Christianity and science,
while Lincoln might have compromised the Constitution. One tore things apart, while the other held
a nation together
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Naturalism (which may also be referred to as materialistic, atheistic evolution, or macroevolution) is
the basic non-theistic view of origins ... produce the universe out of nothing, to cause life to arise from
non-living chemicals, and to cause all living things to develop from a single cell ... Classical Deism is
the belief that an external God or power created the natural laws and original substance of the universe ...
Modified Deism is similar to Classical Deism, except that the external God or power must, from time
to time, intervene ... Theism teaches that all things that exist, and all changes that occur with time,
regardless of the method or mechanism of that change ... Pantheism ... Special Creation
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perception that many scientists are either atheists or are antagonistic toward theism ... Christianity
and science are not inherently antagonistic. They are actually completely complementary ... this
hostility is revealed in what may be called the hidden curriculum ... techniques as nuclear magnetic
resonance and x-ray crystallography ... four major binding methods (sulfide linkages, salt bridges,
hydrophobic interactions, and hydrogen bonds) ... Darwinism is based largely on history rather than
empirical and experimental science ... all but the most bigoted scientists must admit that it is possible
God exists and has played a role in the history of life, why not discuss this possibility in the textbooks? ...
There exist only three explanations for the origins of life and the universe
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information systems that code for all the parts of living things often have such functionally neutral
mutations ... Nature plays a brutal game of competition ... mindless evolutionary processes do
actually create novel functions in creatures that were never there before ... de novo antibiotic
resistance ... production and activity of various enzymes ... proper penicillinase code in their DNA ...
without the genes needed to make this lactase enzyme, the mutant E. coli were no longer able to use
for energy the lactose sugar ... evolutionary potential of living things, like bacteria ... blocking the
antibiotic-target function ... the mindless processes of evolution simply become untenable
Creation Science |
Just So? Story
Movement Journal | |
Vol. 15, No. 3 -- September -- 2006-3.pdf -- Page 4
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familiar with the story of how the camel got his hump and how the elephant got his long nose.
But do you know how the feather duster evolved? ... Then, behold - he developed fuzzy branches. ...
Some of his fuzz got longer and longer until it looked more like fur. Oh, how warm
and cosy he was in the winter now! ... As you know, feather dusters are
with us to this very day, so the earlier history is obviously true, isn't it?
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Letter from a senior demon to a junior demon (With apologies to C. S. Lewis and The
Screwtape Letters) ... the theory of Evolution is one of our most exquisite stratagems
precisely because it is not logical, although it pretends to be ... You will notice that nowadays
most of the humans don't really know what ‘Science’ is, and could not define it if asked
Creation Science |
The Monkey Trial
Movement Journal | |
Vol. 14, No. 8 -- June -- 2005-2.pdf -- Page 2
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www.themonkeytrial.com - compares the actual facts of the famous 1925 Scopes Trial
in which an American teacher from Dayton, Tennessee was brought to court for
teaching evolution theory as fact, with the 1960 film ‘Inherit the Wind’ ... battle for the
minds of America’s youngsters continues today ... intelligent design ... evolution ...
mechanism of origins ... people confuse the Hollywood version with the facts of the case
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taught in school ... a bizarre thing to claim the Bible suggests that - Genesis is
saying that behind Creation is a good God ... Is the Oasis Academy to teach the big bang
theory as fact ... Why then does Creation matter? ... John Dewey who in 1933 drew up
the first Humanist Manifesto ... atheistic humanism within the education system
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explosion of scientific understanding in the areas of genetics and molecular biology ... human genome
or the molecular basis of various diseases ... In fact, the scientific case for creation has never been
stronger, and the claims by evolutionists have never been weaker. ... bacteria and humans are
presumed to have shared an early, biologically “simple” ancestor ... portions of DNA, once thought
to be “junk,” appear to have key roles in the cell’s genetic activity ... universality of the genetic code ...
bacteria, archea, yeast, plants, and animals ... evolutionists have pointed to the occurrence of
“beneficial” random mutations as a mechanism for evolutionary change and common descent
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Oxford Union Debate between evolutionists and creationists ... Dr. Richard Dawkins, one of the
world’s leading evolutionists ... published correspondence with Stephen Jay Gould ... the testimony
of Dr. Dean Kenyon, Professor of Biology, San Francisco State University: “Dr. A.E. Wilder-Smith
was one of the two or three most important scientists in my life ... 6-day Genesis, Adam-and-Eve
creationist ... said that I believed in a small tribal God, which was not acceptable today
Creation Science |
Eugenics Lives On
Movement Journal | |
Vol. 14, No. 1 -- November -- 2003-3.pdf -- Page 8
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equate poverty with a lack of intelligence ... Intellect depends to a small extent on heredity,
but is mainly nurtured by adequate nutrition, education and a stable family ... Creator ...
Francis Galton, the cousin of Darwin ... pseudo-science of Eugenics was used by Hitler to
justify his killing of Jews, Gypsies and the mentally retarded ... atheistic evolution
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post-Christian culture ... believe in creation and the God of the Bible ... Christianity actually
influences the curriculum ... Editor of Scientific American, John Rennie, chose to run a lengthy
feature by himself with the title “15 Answers to Creationist Nonsense.” The piece had
a very aggressive style and was effectively a gloves-off confrontation ... intelligent design ID ...
archaeology and forensic science ... same principles be applied to the discipline of biology ...
definition of science. There has been a very significant change within the scientific community
since I was an undergraduate student of physics ... “Science is a systematic method of continuing
investigation, based on observation, hypothesis-testing, measurement, experimentation, and
theory-building, which leads to more adequate explanations of natural phenomena.”
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Plate Tectonics (PT) dominates uniformitarian geology as much as the Bible does creation science ...
very important uniformitarian concept in PT theory is that hotspots provide a record of actual plate
movement ... deep within the Earth, originating from an area close to the outer core. Magma created
from this location rises from this deep source toward the surface, penetrates the crust, and creates
a hotspot volcanic feature ... Emperor Seamount Chain and Hawaiian Islands ... existing PT theory
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Charles Darwin’s book, The Origin of Species, in chapter six, “Difficulties on Theory,” he states
that, “If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed, which could not possibly have
been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break
down.” ... it requires the would-be disprover of evolution to do the impossible, viz., to demonstrate
how something could not happen ... bombardier beetle’s defense mechanism is often set forth as
an instance of a complex organ which could not have come about by “numerous, successive,
slight modifications.” ... To this day no one has demonstrated any complex organ coming into being
by observing “numerous, successive, slight modifications” over many generations
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It has now reached the point where any and all biological changes that occur are being characterized
as forms of “evolution” ... a basis in empirical science ... Kerkut defined the “General Theory of
Evolution” as the theory that “all living forms in the world have arisen from a single source” ...
Ernst Mayr ... Mayr argues that Darwin’s Origin of Species is really nothing more than a detailed
analysis (or long listing) of observable changes ... “micro-evolution” ... “macro-evolution"
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freshwater flora and fauna beneath the Black Sea ... none of the work being conducted by these
researchers has any bearing on the Flood reported in Scripture ... marine geologists and
archaeologists ... Exploration and Discovery of the Glomar Challenger ... the stratigraphy and
composition of the world’s continental shelves and ocean basins ... Joint Oceanographic Institutions
for Deep Earth Sampling (JOIDES) more commonly known as the Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP).
This research program operated from 1968 to 1983 ... the biggest theory advanced as a result of
the drilling was proposed by Kenneth Hsü when he stated that the Mediterranean had dried up
during the Miocene ... DSDP drilling in the Black Sea ... to be a slow transition of the Black Sea
from a freshwater lake to its present brackish state ... saltwater flowing through the Bosporus Strait
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University of Cambridge in England. This paleontologist is well known for his studies on Burgess
Shale fossils ... in British Columbia which was made famous by Stephen Jay Gould ... Harvard
University ... DNA sequences (information coded in chemical form) reveal that wildly different
organisms nevertheless share some very similar genes ... form and function of organisms, and
those proposed lines of descent which are based on DNA data ... Different organisms — similar genes
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the intelligent design (ID) movement is an eclectic mix of philosophers, theologians, scientists,
miscellaneous academicians, and laymen that is held together by a common belief that science has
been blinded by a philosophical commitment to naturalism. The immediate goal of the movement is to
legitimize, within the larger culture, debate on the subject of origins. ... If the science establishment
can be forced to acknowledge the scientific case for intelligent design, theism will become part of the
“post-Christian” cultural air. In that philosophical environment, a new set of options will open for people,
one of which will be biblical creation. ... prevailing cultural philosophy
Creation Research Society |
Shaking Up Kansas Education
"Creation Matters" |
Sep/Oct -- Creation Matters 1999 Vol 4, Num 5.pdf -- Page 1
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Kansas school board’s decision on evolution and the state’s science curriculum Standards ...
Unfortunately, much of what the secular media reported may not have been correct ... opinion
articles ... media and the evolutionists, you would have thought this was the end of education ...
Kansas universities will not be able to fill openings in science departments, Kansas students
will be denied admittance to college ... Scientific American ... intelligent design/creation was not
mandated ... committee’s proposed Standards ... board of education ... testable and falsifiable
aspects of evolution ... Kansas State University biology professor who commented on the standards controversy: Even if all the data point to an intelligent designer, such an hypothesis is excluded from
science because it is not naturalistic ... no evidence or analysis of evidence that contradicts a current
science theory should be censored ... evolution apologists feel threatened ... Glen W. Wolfrom, Ph.D.
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anapsids ... synapsids ...pelycosaurids ... therapsids ... cynodonts ... early mammals ... modern
mammals ...evolutionists claim that the fossil record establishes beyond a reasonable doubt
that reptiles evolved into mammals ... Anapsida to Synapsida ... lack of fossil evidence
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Mesonychids to Archaeocetes ... whale evolution: (1) from a mesonychid to an amphibious
archaeocete, (2) from an amphibious archaeocete to a fully marine archaeocete, and (3) from a
fully marine archaeocete to modern whales ... The alleged ancestral relationship remains
highly speculative. ... Marine existence then shaped further adaptations to produce the 75 to 77
living species of whales, porpoises, and dolphins.