==| Chapter
3 |==
Mars Puts On A Little
Weight |
==| Chapter
6 |==
Ancient Ring System
of Mars |
==| Chapter
7 |==
The Flood of Mars
- Its Ice Age |
==| Chapter
8 |==
Tilts of Mars and
The Earth |
Dedication & Credits
This volume is dedicated to Johannes Kepler (1571 - 1630). Kepler
is the father of celestial mechanics and the discoverer of three primary
laws of planetary motion. He was a friend of Galileo and he was the
mentor of both Edmund Halley of cometary fame, and Isaac Newton of Principia
fame. The works by Kepler and Newton have been the two biggest birth
pangs in the birthing of modern science.
Consultants: Ronald R. Hatch, physicist and orbital
Michael T. Lute, computer technician
William S. Thompson III, astrogeophysicist
Appreciation is expressed to NASA and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory,
California, for allowing the use of the reproduction of plates for the
following figures: 5, 7, 10 and 11.