by Walter and Valeria Lang
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Reverend Lang has kindly given his permission for this book to be posted on <>. It is free to copy and re-distribute for any non-profit educational purpose; but please do not re-compile into any other work or sell for profit in any way without written permission from Rev. Walter Lang. "Two Decades of Creationism" is © 1984 Bible Science Association and Genesis Institute.
Chapter I - Beginning of Modern CreationismChapter II - Value of Creationism To Science
Chapter III - A 100-Year Program
Chapter IV - Geology Tours
Chapter V - Opposition From Scientists And Educators
Chapter VI - The New Science
Chapter VII - Opposition Within Churches
Chapter VIII - Value To Churches
Chapter IX - Creation Evangelism
The author gratefully acknowledges the assistance of the following persons in the publication of this book:
His wife, Valeria, who revised the copy and prepared it for publication, including typing it into the computer, compiling the index, etc. She also did the paste-up.
His BSA partner, Bill Overn, who wrote the necessary computer programs and who offered advice in preparation of paragraphs dealing with scientific matters.
BSA office worker, Ann Overn, who provided the computer instructions for typesetting.
Biography - Walter & Valeria Lang
Walter H.J. Lang was born in Omaha, Nebraska on November 3, 1913. His
father, Victor Lang, was a teacher in a day school of the Lutheran Church-Missouri
Synod. Walter is a graduate of St. Paul's College, Concordia, Missouri,
and a 1937 graduate of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri. He spent
the next two years as an assistant pastor at St. Philip's Lutheran Church
in St. Louis and one year teaching at a rural Christian school at Burkburnett,
In 1940 Lang accepted a call to serve St. Paul's Lutheran Church in
Denton, Texas. He left there in February of 1942 to accept a call from
the Mission Board of the Texas District of the Lutheran Church-Missouri
Synod to begin a mission church among the blacks of Houston. Several years
later a Christian day school was established in connection with that church.
In September of 1950 Lang left Houston to accept a call to St. Paul's Lutheran Church in Winslow, Nebraska, a congregation which his grandfather, Rev. John Lang, had begun 38 years earlier. In June of 1955 he left Nebraska to take a call to Mount Calvary Lutheran Church in Denver which was located in an area with a changing population, The Air Force Finance Center was being relocated from St. Louis to Denver (several blocks from Mount Calvary), and some workers, many of whom were black, settled in the area of Mount Calvary. Within four years Mount Calvary was fully integrated and a new building for its Christian day school had been finished. Also, an excellent day care center had been established. |
The move to Caldwell, Idaho was made in late spring of 1959 when Lang accepted a call to Grace Lutheran Church. He resigned from Grace Lutheran in 1963 to assume duties as executive director of the newly-formed Bible-Science Association.
Valeria Ruth Lang was born on April 27, 1911 in Beaumont, Texas where her father, the Rev. Fred Wessler, served as pastor of a congregation of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. Later the family moved to Milbank, South Dakota where her father continued to serve until his retirement at age 70 (36 years).
Following graduation from high school, Valeria attended business college in Minneapolis, and then spent four years working in the State Treasurer's office at Pierre, South Dakota. Following that she worked as a legal secretary in Pierre until August, 1940, when she married Walter. Over the years she served as church secretary in a number of their parishes. Beginning with the very first Newsletter in September, 1963 and continuing until June, 1981, she served in the capacity of working editor of the Newsletter and later, when the "Five Minute" magazine was initiated, served as its editor also.
The Langs have two sons. Bob is a graduate of Valparaiso University
in Valparaiso, Indiana, and received his doctorate from Illinois Institute
of Technology in Chicago. He works as a design engineer for Boeing and
lives in Seattle with his wife Carole, son Marty, and daughter Robin. Philip
teaches seventh-eighth grades and serves as principal at Grace Lutheran
School in Denver. He lives with his wife Linda and daughters Laura and
Laisa in Aurora, Colorado.