"The Charm" -- ENGLISH (EN) Subtitles Subtitles for: "IcTheCharmEN.---" www.intercommedia.org -and-|www.creationism.org/videos/ "Ken Anderson Films" Presents|(Distributed by "InterComm Media") The Charm Nairobi, Kenya. A city typical of so many in Africa. Streets congested with traffic. Pedestrians fighting to beat the traffic and get on with their business, using any means of transport they can find. It is here that our story takes place. I am David, and I want to tell you my uncle's story. Meet Joseph, my uncle. A successful businessman, though currently facing major business problems. Elizabeth, Joseph's eldest daughter. A university student and a dear cousin. Peter, my colleague. An affluent self-assured young lawyer. And he's the man that Joseph would like for his daughter Elizabeth to marry. If you don't survive this day, it will be on your head, Elizabeth. I hate this drive. Each time I make it, I swear I will never drive it again. You don't mean that. I do. If you truly meant it, you would hire a driver. A driver. I can't afford to pay my clerks. I tell you, Elizabeth, this trip of yours had better be worth while. I am going out of business. And yet, here I am out on a dangerous highway with nothing to protect me. God will protect us. My father, you must relax. We will soon get to the village, and you'll see your brother. My brother, and my brother's worthless son. David is not worthless. Ah - Ah - Enough of this, please! Let's just enjoy the drive. THE CHARM Hello! How are you! Fine. Hello, how are you? Nice to see you. Very good. Yes. Where is David? He's over there in the garden. He's over there. Thank you. ... Thank you. All right, let's come in for a cup of tea, please. David! ... Oh, Elizabeth. Good to see you. David, my brother. Your brother, Elizabeth. You're an educated woman. I thought you would call me your cousin, as the teacher instructs us. Anyone who has lived in my father's house for this long is my true brother. How are you? I am well, and you? I am quite well. So? Some problem? ... I have no problem, really. I have some good news ... and, ... and a question. Good news I love to hear. Share it. Peter wants me to marry him. Ah, hah, that's very good. You think so? What is important is what you think. Yes, but what do you think? What do I think? ... I think your father must be very happy. Oh, yes. He couldn't be more pleased. Peter is educated. ... He is wealthy. My father thinks I'm very lucky. Perhaps he is right. Do you really think that, David? Or are you just trying to tell me what you think I wish to hear? I'd say ... I don't know Elizabeth. I don't know. Please, speak your mind. It was because I needed your advice, that I asked my father to drive us here today. I wondered why you had come. It's so difficult to get him away from his shop, even for a few hours. You understand him too well, David. He's too concerned with money. It's the same with the people that I preach to every night. Each one of them is concerned about getting his share of the national cake. I'm afraid, Elizabeth. ... Peter is the same. I'm sorry, Elizabeth. But isn't that what you expected to hear from me? Peter and I were classmates together. We even passed the bar examinations on the same day. So I know him rather well. You must know, Elizabeth, ... Peter represents ... ... everything I left behind when I turned my life over to Christ. You know, Elizabeth, the Bible says, (2 Corinthians 5:17) "If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; ... the old is gone away, behold, the new has come." I know. There is no question Peter is a clever man. There is no question he is a wealthy man. The question is: Is he an honest man? Do you have some reason to believe he's not honest? I am only sharing with you what I feel, Elizabeth. Peter's view of life concerns me. We have talked together about Christ many times. All he keeps telling me is, "I have all I need." I have questions about this man. There's no question at all, Samuel. This Peter is the right man for Elizabeth to marry. We rejoice with you, my brother. This is wonderful news for the family. We shall celebrate it here. Well, there is some question about that. A village celebration is always best. Who knows you in the city? Who cares for you? True, my brother. That is true. But this is Peter. He is a man of the city. Well, the family will welcome him. The circumstances are not fixed yet. We shall fix them today. Expenses. ... It will take five cows to feed this village. Six! That's true. But what of the expenses? She is your eldest daughter. She's bringing you a wealthy son-in-law. And besides that, you are rich. Rich? This is well known. You have a car, you own a shop. And you are the wealthiest son in the village. And we are proud of you. My brother, you do not understand. These things are not as simple as you imagine. There are forms to be filled. Taxes to be taken. Troubles with shipping. It's impossible to believe. This moment, I have loads of merchandise waiting on the docks. And I cannot get clearance for them. If I cannot get these goods, I will be forced to sack my workers and close my shop. And there, there goes - Joseph, the wealthy man. My brother, I always hear you say, "Oh, I am short of money. Oh, I may have to close my shop. Oh, things are too bad. ..." And yet, you grow richer, you go on. Rejoice, Peter is a rich man. If she marries. If? ... Is there some doubt on the part of this man, Peter? Not on his, but on hers! Things were much easier when marriages were simply arranged. But my educated daughter has her own ideas. And she is talking to your son, who is just as stubborn. Then you think Peter seeks the aids of the spirits to get things he wants? I know this for a fact. I have seen the charms. It's so difficult for a Christian girl to know what to do these days. But, it need not be difficult. God shows us very clearly in the Bible what we should do. 2 Corinthians (6:14) ... chapter 6, verse 14 says, "Do not try to walk together as equals with unbelievers, for it cannot be done. ... How can right and wrong be partners. How can light and darkness live together?" Do you know the church down south of the open air market? I do. They have planned a retreat (weekend meeting). And there are speakers who are prepared to answer questions in your heart. Let's plan to go together. Together? Are you returning to the city? I had already planned to come back. But I had no transport. So you see how God works. He brought you, so you could give me a ride. But that's wonderful. Where are you going to stay? Pastor Bogwa has asked me to come back as his assistant, and I have accepted. So, I am going to be there until God directs otherwise. So we'll have lots of opportunities to talk about this more. To the city? Can this be true? So he has told me. He has grown sensible at last. Brother, this truly is good news. Why have you not shared it sooner? Perhaps I should tell you ... I could never understand why he had left in the first place. A man like David, superior marks, already well thought of ... by those in important government positions. I tried to tell him what a fool he was to waste his opportunities on religion. He would not listen. Has he at last listened to you? I would like him to tell you himself, as he will wish to travel with you. Of course, there is plenty of room. Then it is settled. Your uncle is pleased that you are returning to the city. He thinks you are returning to practice law. Did you explain the truth? How can I tell the truth? You tell me very little of your affairs. How can I tell the truth of things I don't know. Then I must explain. Wait, my son. Consider this. Is it not possible that you might have made a mistake. What's evil in becoming a successful lawyer? There's nothing evil in that alone, Father. Our country's young. Our leaders are young. You have the opportunity of aiding your family and your village. Father, you have said all that before. But, you have not listened. How come that you're so ungrateful, not even lifting one finger to help your family. You take this trouble sending you to school, and you're wasting all this. Do you think you belong to yourself? No, no, no, Father. I don't think that. In fact, the Bible teaches that I should honor my father and mother. I'm grateful for the education you have given me. And I think I can use it to help many people. Then consider my words. Thank you very much ... okay. So, ... I left my father's farm, returning to the city, realizing that I must tell my uncle ... ... that I was not returning to practice law, ... but to pastor a church. Bye-bye ... Bye-bye. I will write soon. ... okay ... Bye, bye. ... Bye. David, it's good to have you with us once again. Thank you, father. It's good to be back. It's been some time, but I knew you'd come to your right mind. And that makes me most happy. It ... saddens me to disappoint you. Disappoint me? What are you talking about? You see, I'm not returning to the city to practice law. I'm returning to the city to preach. What did you say? You see, I have disappointed you. As you always disappoint me. It was not my wish, father. I wish I could make you understand. I do not do this out of disrespect. You are a fool! You are a stupid boy. Father. ... And you - be quiet. But how can you say ...? ... Elizabeth, please. Your family's in trouble, and you do nothing to help. It's true. I have little money. But the Lord may use me to help ... Enough of this! I do not wish to hear. Father, I just want to say, that I am willing to help whatever way I can. If you truly meant this, you would set aside this religious foolishness and return to your profession. I'm really sorry. That I cannot do. Ah, why do I even trouble myself to speak. Joseph, it is you now who is driving like the taxis. I want to get back to the city. There may be time to get some work done today. We won't get there at all if you roll us all into the ditch. Elizabeth! Please, let him attend to his driving. What's this? Will nothing go right today? Perhaps it is not serious. See, this is how your God treats me. This is the treatment I expect from your Jesus. Is there something I can do? Yes perhaps. Elizabeth, you could get in and try to start the engine, please. I go to church. I pray. Yet, this is what I get from God. Try again, Elizabeth. Uncle, we passed a mechanic a couple of kilometers back. I'll go and fetch him. I won't be long. Now where is David's God? ... This is very bad, sir. Two, maybe three days. Points need to be replaced. The condenser is out. And the engine is missing a lot of oil. I'll come when the vehicle has been repaired. Travel well, Uncle. Okay. I'll see you. Okay. Ah, very bad luck. For you, my friend, bad luck. But for me, Abdul, good luck. Huh? Yes, it is good luck that I was driving this way. It was good luck that I saw you. It is good luck for you that I was not fully loaded. And - you are in very good hands with Abdul. And that is good luck for you. ... Elizabeth, you should be more careful how you talk to your father. You are causing him grief. That is not my wish. And yet you do it. Why do you speak so? Mother, it's just that I am so confused. About what, child? About Peter. Don't be confused. Just marry him. I can't do that. I don't know if it's right. If your father says it's right, it's right. ... You seem to be a happy man. Why not be happy? I got my taxi - I got my friends - and I got good luck. All the time. No one has good luck all the time. Ah, ah, ah, Abdul does. Ah, aha, aha. How? ... Well, that's my secret! ... You have been talking to David again? Yes, ... what is it? I'm just thinking. Things were much simpler when I married your father. ... What is your secret? You want me to give my secret away? ... The world is changing, Mother. Very much. And you are changing. Perhaps it is the university. Mother. Or it may be David. I just want to do what God wants me to do. And that has changed you, too. It used to be just enough to go to church and to pray. No, mother, that was never enough. And now you must get God's permission to marry. Never mind what hardship it brings to your father. ... ... Come friend, tell me, please. ... You misunderstand me, Mother. Perhaps I do. I'm glad David is coming to live with us again. I have many questions that I must ask him. I'm sure he would be happy to answer them all. I hope so. ... ... Charms! Those are your secret. They work, my friend. I don't have to, ah, ah, ah ... worry about accidents, or other drivers. Ah, ah, ah. They miss me and hit each other. And I don't have to worry about money. These charms - lead me to people who need a taxi. And, of course, they led me to you. Where did you get these charms? Interested? I am. You know the country bus station? ... Behind it, there is a street. There is a man who is old and wise. You go and see him. You'll see. Your luck will change. Matthew? ... Yes, sir? Have you checked the post? ... Yes, sir. Anything from the warehouse? No sir, not yet. Please check again in the afternoon. ... I will, sir. And here's what we agreed on. Are those papers ready? Good, good. Come in. Peter, welcome. Sit down, please. Good to see you. How have you been keeping yourself? Quite well, and how are you? Fine, fine, thank you. How is Elizabeth? She's fine. But is there something the matter? It's just that sometimes she's very stubborn, that's all. Ah, but I shall have plenty of time to discover that for myself one time. But, let's leave that. I've brought you some good news. Good news? I believe you have been waiting for certain goods to be cleared from Customs? Yes. Well, you'll wait no longer. The necessary papers to clear them. You've done it. My pleasure. But how did you ...? Let's just keep that a secret, shall we? Secret? Let's just say you've encountered some good fortune. My good fortune is in having such a friend as you. And not just a friend. I'll soon be your son-in-law, right? How can I repay you? Well, let's just make it part of the bride price, shall we? This daughter of mine, she is giving me problems, Peter. Problems? ... What problems? She's talking with David. Why is that a problem? David is a friend of mine. Yes, yes, he's your friend. But he's too much a Christian to be a good friend. Ah, this religion. I could never understand his thinking. Christianity has poisoned his mind. I no longer expect him to show good sense. Now he is poisoning Elizabeth's thoughts as well. This morning she told me she must go to some Christian camp for a youth meeting. I told her, no. But that only stiffened her insistence that she must go. Peter, things were so much easier in the old days ... when children respected their parents words. Perhaps that is so. But these are new days. We must live in the present. When is this camp? It begins Friday evening. Ah, and where is it? Over on the south road, at about 8 kilometers, I think. Ah, yes, I know the place. Don't try and talk her out of it. In fact, encourage her to go. Send her to the camp, and I'll meet her there. Don't worry. I'm a great lawyer, and if I cannot persuade her, she cannot be persuaded. You may count on me to do everything in my power to help you. Don't worry. Everything will work out just right. I'm just about ready. I forgot a few things upstairs. Shh ... speak softly. David returned late last night, and I don't want him to be awakened. David is here? I thought he was going to come to the retreat with me. No, no. Let him sleep. It was very late, and he needs his rest. Does that mean the car has been repaired? He says the car is running fine now. Please, speak softly. Yes, father. ... Get her to the camp, and I'll meet her there. If I cannot persuade her, she cannot be persuaded. ... You may count on me to do everything in my power to aid you. ... Everything in my power. I'm so glad you changed your mind about the retreat. I believe it will prove useful to all of us. Is that all you're taking? But the retreat will only last the weekend. I didn't see you pack your coat. It never gets cold this time of year. You can never be sure. Take it. Okay. Joseph, what was that? What was what? What you have in your hand. I have nothing. But I saw it. It is a charm. What of that? It is my own business! When did you begin to bring fetishes into this home? You're being a very silly woman. Go away and tend to your own affairs. What are you talking about? What's going on? Your father has taken to wearing charms (fetishes). What of that? Why are you making such a display? Be quiet! But father, first you encourage me to go to a Christian camp. Now you are wearing fetishes? You - go finish packing. If I chose to wear a charm and speak with spirits, it's my own affair. Go! My husband, you cannot do this. You cannot mean this. Go away. Listen to me. We are Christians. God commands us not to wear such things. God? You talk to me of God. ... God would have let my business fail. Let my children starve. God didn't care for me. But this charm cared for me. Since I have worn it, I have had good luck. Good luck. I have the blessings of the spirits. You think I will throw it away because of your silly words about God? Let God prove Himself to me. My husband, please. You will listen to me. Either you let me alone or I will beat you. Why all this shouting? David, come talk to your uncle. He's trying fetishes. Fetishes? That is my own business. Get out! I'm going! I'm going! David, please! Uncle, please. I know what you'll say. But it is none of your affair. Leave me alone. Uncle, I could not help but hear. So, you thought you'd rush to the rescue of your Jesus. No, no, no. I thought I could come and learn why ... ... you have decided to trust the spirits, instead of God. Simple. The charm works. God does not. You really believe the charm brings you good fortune. I've proved it. You remember those goods I needed so badly? On the day that I bought this charm - they cleared. I go today to fetch them from the warehouse. And you believe the charms did this? I know it. Uncle, it's not that I disbelieve what you say. It's not. I have many friends who have put their trust in charms. I have watched these friends, and they have not been happy. They have no peace. They are afraid. Afraid that the spirits might turn away. If only they would put their faith in Jesus. Jesus said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you. I am with you always." I have tried Christianity. Have you, truly? Uncle, have you put your faith and trust in Jesus alone? Would you not turn from darkness to light? From the power of Satan to the power of God? And the forgiveness of sins? Elizabeth, aren't you ready to go? Yes, I am ready. Will you take me there? I can't. I have to get these goods cleared. But here, take a taxi. You still want me to go? Of course, Elizabeth. I want you to be very happy. I want you to go, but be careful. Find my friend, Abdul, the driver who brought us from the village. Why that man? He is safe. He has a secret. ... Very well. I'll get the suitcase, Elizabeth. Elizabeth, you have forgotten your handbag. How could I do that? Thank you, Father. Bye. ... Bye. Title: 'Witchdoctor calls it a day after 50 years" I'm glad Elizabeth is going to this retreat. After today, things may be very different. I hope so. Uncle, you puzzle me. You scoff at God. Yet, you encourage Elizabeth to seek Him. I have my reasons. And now, before I hear another sermon from you, I will go. Uncle, I hope you'll soon seek Him for yourself. If He gives me some reason, perhaps I may. If not, don't expect it. Another accident! Why must these drivers be so careless? A taxi! A taxi! ... Elizabeth! Elizabeth!! Peter, you are welcome. So this is how your God of love treats those who follow Him, huh? What do you mean, Peter. She was on her way to a Christian camp. She was going to learn how to be a better Christian. Why would a God of love kill a beautiful girl like that? Peter, I don't believe God killed Elizabeth. I believe -- I don't want one of your Christian sermons! She is dead! And she did nothing to deserve it. I'm holding your God responsible for this. He's angry. It will take him long to recover. It was a very difficult funeral. ... Some understood that Elizabeth was with Christ. And they rejoiced. While others were angry and bitter. David, I will never recover. I must tell you something. I do not think that God killed Elizabeth. I think that - I killed her. ... Uncle!? Perhaps that I mean that, He let her die because of me. You remember that we were arguing about charms? Then you came in. Yes. While you were helping her carry out her suitcase, I slipped a charm into Elizabeth's handbag. I killed my daughter. You believe by placing that charm in her handbag - you caused the accident to occur? Don't you? No, no, no! I don't believe that at all, Uncle. The belief in charms can be very dangerous sometimes. The taxi drivers I know at times feel that the charms will protect them from accidents. And as a result, they drive foolishly. Perhaps ... in that way, the charms helped cause her death. It was Abdul who was driving. Then it was Abdul's charm that killed her. Not Abdul's charms. It was his belief in charms that caused him to be foolish. God killed him for his foolishness. And Elizabeth as well. Uncle, God does not kill. He sometimes allows us to suffer because of our foolishness. But He is not like these spirits who seem to kill out of anger or revenge. God is love. The Bible says God showed how much He loved us ... by sending Jesus to destroy the works of the Devil ... and that we might live through Him. Can't you see, Uncle, God intends only good for us. If God intends only good, how could He let my child die? What good can come from the death of such a treasured daughter? Uncle, how God would bring good out of bad is sometimes difficult to see. This has just happened. There is time. And I know God will reveal His love through this death. ... I grieve for her, too. But take comfort from this. Elizabeth knew Jesus Christ. And she's with Him today. God understands how you feel better than I can. He gave His son and because God sacrificed His son, Elizabeth has eternal life with Him. Uncle, are you willing to trust Jesus Christ to deliver you from this power of darkness? ... My uncle made no response to me that day. Later, I learned that he went again to the witch doctor, but only to find that he was not there. In fact, the witchdoctor had become a believer in Jesus. And as a public confession of his new faith, he was to burn his charms and fetishes before the people of his community. So uncle went to witness this ceremony. Now we will witness how God has done His own miracles ... to our oldest witchdoctor. In our village, to give up his life to Christ. He is now God's son! He is now God's son! ... Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Burning all of these witchcraft charms that I am holding in my very hands, it is our joy to many of us who are here today ... to witness and see by our own eyes how the witchdoctor himself ... will put his charms and fetishes in the fire - to be destroyed. Come here, take this paper. Light this fire, destroy everything. ... All must be destroyed today. All of the charms! ... Tell you what, my friend, ... your luck will change. ... It was his belief in charms that caused him to be foolish. Put all those things in the fire. Even your cherished fetishes. Even any others you may have in your pocket. All of them, all!.... Don't spare even one. Destroy everything that you have. Put all those things in the fire. ... All of them, all!.... Don't spare even one. All must be destroyed today. Hallelujah! ... ... Tell you what, my friend, ... your luck will change. ... You really believe the charm brings you good fortune? ... Tell you what, my friend, ... your luck will change. I have many friends who have put their trust in charms, and they have not been happy. ... They have no peace. They are afraid, ... afraid that the spirits might turn away. If only they would turn to Jesus. He said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you." "I am with you always. ..." Would you not turn from darkness to light? From the power of Satan, to the power of God, and the forgiveness of sins? ... Tell you what, my friend ... God showed how much He loved us by sending Jesus to destroy ... ... the works of the Devil, and that we might live through Him. Uncle, are you willing to trust Jesus Christ to deliver you from this power of darkness? I have decided to follow Jesus. Joseph decided to follow Jesus. ... Will you? THE END --- "The Charm" Visit: www.intercommedia.org -and- www.creationism.org