"Mary and Joseph" -- ENGLISH (EN) Subtitles Subtitles for: "IcBible7of8_MaryAndJosephEN.---" www.intercommedia.org -and-|www.creationism.org/videos/ "Ken Anderson Films" Presents|(Distributed by "InterComm Media") "Mary and Joseph" Long before Jesus was born in Bethlehem, a prophet named Isaiah wrote a letter to Israel. He told them a baby would be born who would be God's Son. And who would grow up to save them from their sins. But many years went by, hundreds of years, and still the one whom Isaiah had promised did not come. The people of Israel had so many problems, they wanted a king to come to save them from their troubles. Day after day, year after year, the people prayed, Please, God, send us our Messiah! "Messiah" is one of the special names for Jesus, as you will learn. Then, many, many years after Isaiah wrote his letter, ... a man named Joseph asked a lady named Mary, if she would become his wife. Her answer was, Yes. So they became engaged. One day, something wonderful happened. God sent the angel Gabriel, to visit Mary. Hello, Gabriel said. God has especially chosen you from among all the women on Earth. The lord is with you. Mary had never seen an angel before. She was frightened. Although she knew angels are special messengers ... God sends to people when He has important news to tell them. And the angel Gabriel, surely had important news for Mary! Don't be afraid. You are going to have a baby boy and you shall name Him, Jesus. Mary could hardly believe what she was hearing! Your son will sit on the throne of Kind David. One day He will rule over Israel forever! Mary could not understand such words! How can I have a baby?, Mary asked. Joseph and I are not yet married! Your baby will be no ordinary child, the angel told Mary. God is the father, and the Holy Spirit will plant the little one inside your body. Always remember, Mary! With God all things are possible! I am the Lord's servant. Let everything be just as you said. Then the angel left her. Now Joseph, the carpenter who had asked Mary to be his wife, knew nothing about the angel's visit. He saw how Mary's body began to change. What had happened? He knew he wasn't the baby's father. That night Joseph had a dream. The same angel who had come to Mary came to Joseph. Don't be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, Joseph. Because the Holy Spirit has put this baby inside Mary's body. This baby is the Savior, the Messiah whom God has promised. Joseph was so happy when he woke up. He remembered the words of the Prophet Isaiah. A young unmarried woman shall give birth to a Son. Joseph just knew this would be God's Son - the Savior, the Messiah. So Joseph did exactly as he was told. He took Mary for his wife. How pleased he was to be the one ... God had chosen to take care of such an important person. At that time, the country we now know as Israel ... was ruled by people called Romans. The Roman leader, Caesar Augustus, made a law that all the people had to return ... to places where they were born to be counted. Such counting is called a census, even today. Poor Mary! It was time for her baby to be born. Yet, she and Joseph had to travel many, many miles ... to the little village of Bethlehem. That's where the relatives of Mary and Joseph had lived long years before. Bethlehem was known as the City of David, the same as King David. You know, the one who faced the big giant, Goliath! Long, long years before, David lived in Bethlehem. Both Mary and Joseph were distant relatives of King David. When they reached Bethlehem, so many other people had come, they had no place to stay. I think the baby is going to be born soon!, Mary told Joseph. Joseph and Mary came to a small hotel. An inn, hoping that there might be just one room. We have no room, the innkeeper said. But you can stay out back with the animals, if you like. Think of it! Mary - about to become the mother of Jesus - having her baby out among the animals. But that's exactly the way it happened! Just like we sing at Christmas, "Away in a manger, no crib for His bed. The little Lord Jesus laid down His sweet head." That night God's Son, the Lord Jesus, was born into the world. Yet even in the little town of Bethlehem, no one knew anything about it! Ah, but just outside of Bethlehem, in the quiet fields, some shepherds were taking care of their sheep. Suddenly, the Lord's angel came to them. The glory of God shined down like a bright light and frightened them. Do not be afraid, said the angel. I bring you good news. Jesus, your Savior, is born today in Bethlehem! You will find Him, wrapped in strips of cloth, lying in a manger! A manger? God's Son? The one Isaiah had written about? Suddenly, the sky was full of angels! The Bible doesn't even tell us how many. They began to shout! Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace, good will toward men! After the angels left, the shepherds said to each other. Let's go to Bethlehem and see what's happened! Let's find the baby the angels told us about! And so they hurried off through the night ... and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby Jesus. Just as the angel had said. Actually, the Shepherds of those days were sometimes very rough. A little bit like some of the cowboys used to be. Many people were afraid of them. But Mary and Joseph welcomed them ... and were excited to hear of the angels they had seen. The next day, the shepherds went all over town telling everyone who would listen, ... about the angels and the baby Jesus. Mary said very little. But kept thinking about the things that had happened ... as she tenderly took care of the baby that God had given them. When baby Jesus was 40 days old, his earthly parents took him ... to the temple in Jerusalem to dedicate Him to the Lord. A very good man by the name of Simeon lived in Jerusalem. For many years he had been asking the Lord ... to let him see the Messiah the Old Testament Prophets had written about. Then - Oh how happy Simeon became! - the Lord told him that, before he died, he would see the Messiah! And so, when Mary and Joseph went to the temple with Baby Jesus, the Lord told Simeon he should go also. Even though he was an old man, Simeon almost jumped into the air! Here was God's Son, the one he had waited so long to see! Before the parents could say anything, the old man began to praise the Lord. Now I can die in peace for I have seen the one who will save us from our sin. What can be a happier thought than to know Jesus came into the world ... so we can all become God's very own children? Simeon asked God to bless Mary and Joseph. He told them the baby would grow up to be ... a greater King than David had ever been. Much happiness would come into the world because of the Lord Jesus. But there will also be great sadness. A sword shall pierce your soul, Simeon said. Mary didn't understand his words. An old woman named Hannah lived in the temple. She was a wise lady who served the Lord in every way she could. She heard Simeon talking and came to see the baby for herself. She probably knew that for so many years, Simeon had been praying he might see the Savior come into the world. Simeon is right, Hannah said. This child is God's son. Our Messiah and Savior has come at last! Just as Isaiah told us He would. And so after Mary and Joseph had done everything that God required, they left the temple. Back in Bethlehem, they stayed in a house ... the Lord had provided before starting the long trip back home to Nazareth. About this same time, wise men from the East followed a star which led them to Jerusalem. The southern part of Israel at that time was called Judea. Herod was the name of the man who ruled over that area. Even though he was not from King David's family, and so really he had no right to be king at all. He forced the people to make him king in Jerusalem, with the help of the Roman army. But he was cruel and evil. The people of Israel hated him. When the 3 wise men came and asked to talk with him, Herod was flattered. He could see the wise men were obviously very important people. Perhaps, he thought, they are messengers from a foreign king ... hoping to impress me. If that is so, they surely have many expensive presents for me. So Herod ordered all his officials to come to his throne room. Then the wise men were brought in. They bowed low before King Herod. That pleased Herod very much. Please, O great king. May we see the baby who has been born to be King over all Israel? We have seen His star in the East, and have come to worship Him and give Him honor. Herod couldn't believe his ears! All his officials were shocked and asked each other, Is this some kind of a joke? There is no baby here in Herod's court. Then Herod began to think. He had heard of the prophecies about a coming Messiah, but never believed them. He knew this Messiah was to be of the Family of David, and to be Israel's King and Savior. If that was true, soon Herod would no longer be king. Herod was getting angry! He asked his religious history experts, well, where is the Messiah supposed to be born? One finally answered. In Bethlehem, according to the ancient prophet Micah. "But you Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are not the least among the leaders of Judah ... for out of you will come a ruler ... who will be the shepherd of my people Israel." (Micah 5:2) Now Herod was very disturbed. What should he do? What if all these prophecies were true. Herod's advisors were very worried. They didn't know what the king might do to them. But to their great relief he ordered them all out of the room ... so he could talk to his distinguished guests in private. Herod asked them all about the star. He wanted to know when they had first seen it ... so he would know exactly when the baby had been born. As soon as they explained to him, he said, ... Now go to Bethlehem as quickly as you can and carefully search for this child. As soon as you have found Him, come and give me a full report so I can worship Him too. Do you think the wise men thought it strange ... that a newborn king wasn't at the palace? Just as they were wondering how they would ever find this king,... when Herod himself didn't know where He was, they saw the Star again. The wise men crawled up on to their camels ... and followed the Star as it led them to Bethlehem. They went to the exact house where the young Child and His family were living. As soon as they came into the house, they bowed down and worshipped Him. Then they opened their treasures, the gifts Herod hoped they would give him, and put them in front of little Jesus. They gave Him gold, expensive perfumes, and myrrh, a valuable healing medicine. They were presents fit for a King. The wise men knew their trip had been a success. They had found the Messiah at last. In camp that night, they talked about the many wonders they had seen. But they didn't sleep very well. Each was frightened by the same horrible dream. They all agreed it must be a warning from God. So they quickly broke camp and headed home, traveling secretly by a different road. Without saying anything to Herod. Again an angel came to Joseph as he was sleeping, Joseph, get up. You must take Mary and the child and escape to Egypt. Herod is going to come looking for Him to kill Him. Stay in Egypt until I bring you word from the Lord again. Joseph got out of bed right then, packed up his family, and left for Egypt. When Herod finally realized that the wise men had fooled him, he threw a fit. He called his soldiers and screamed, There will be no king in Jerusalem except me. Go to Bethlehem! Kill all the children 2 years old and younger. That will put an end to all this Messiah nonsense! The soldiers did as they were told. And many little boys and girls died because of that wicked man's jealousy. But Jesus and His family were safe in Egypt. One day, after Herod died, the Lord's angel came to Joseph in a dream again. He said, It's safe now Joseph, take your family back home to Israel. So Mary, Joseph, and Jesus finally moved back ... to their home town, Nazareth in Galilee. Joseph opened his carpentry shop again. He was good at his work. When Jesus was old enough, Joseph would let Him come into the shop and help him. Jesus always obeyed his parents without complaining. Since He was the oldest perhaps he had special chores sometimes, like looking after his younger brothers and sisters. Joseph and Mary often told Jesus the story of his birth, about the angels and the shepherds, and the wisemen. Jesus especially loved to hear and read Scripture stories. He loved to talk about God's Word. Jesus wanted to please His Father in Heaven more than anything else. Once a year, thousands of people from all over the country ... would go to Jerusalem for a special celebration. Passover was a holiday when God's people would remember ... how He saved them from being slaves in Egypt. When Jesus was 12 years old, Joseph and Mary took Him with them to celebrate the holiday. There were many people on the road from Jerusalem after the celebration. Mary and Joseph started home with many of their friends, neighbors and relatives. It was safer to travel in large groups, and besides, a caravan was a lot more fun than traveling alone. The people would sing, and tell stories. So it wasn't until Jesus' parents had gone about a day's journey ... that they noticed Jesus wasn't with them. All day they had thought He was somewhere else in the caravan ... with friends or relatives. But now they began to ask if anyone had seen Jesus. No one had. Neither Mary nor Joseph could remember exactly where they had last seen Him. He must be lost somewhere in that huge city of Jerusalem. They hurried back toward the capital city as fast as they could go. Back in Jerusalem they stopped everyone they met ... and asked if anyone had seen a 12 year old boy ... about so high with a Nazareth accent, wearing a little coat His mother had made Him. When it got dark, Mary began to cry. She probably wondered if this is what the old man in the temple had meant ... so many years before when he said, ... A sword shall pierce your soul, because now her heart was breaking with worry. But there was no need to be so concerned, because Jesus was safe back at the temple. Mary and Joseph surely couldn't have forgotten that God was Jesus' real Father. This is what had happened. Men called Scribes and Rabbis, who studied, taught, and talked about God's Word, would often gather at the temple. They loved to discuss complicated questions about God's Word. Jesus, interested as he always was in the Scriptures, felt right at home and began listening to their discussions. Soon He respectfully asked a question of one of the teachers. They were all surprised to see that such a young boy ... had asked such a good question. One wise teacher was pleased with the question and answered it in great detail. Jesus was able to understand the long answer. This he proved by asking the teacher an even more difficult question than the first. Several of the teachers disagreed about the correct answer. But Jesus amazed them all when he politely pointed out ... the answer from Scripture. The young lad spoke with the dignity of a judge, demonstrating understanding far beyond his years. The hours went by quickly as questions and answers followed each other, and everyone lost track of time. Mary and Joseph looked for 3 days. But they couldn't find Jesus. Finally they decided to go to the temple to ask if anyone had seen their little boy. And there He was. Son, why have you treated us this way? We've been worried sick! Didn't you know I would be doing what my Father wanted me to do? Joseph and Mary didn't fully understand what he was saying. Jesus was always obedient to his parents. Of course, he had never intended to worry them. Through the years his parents remembered that experience in the temple. And it reminded them that The Lord God was Jesus' real Father. As Jesus grew up, his parents saw more and more clearly how wise he was. He was well liked by his family and everyone who knew him. God loved him very much and continued to prepare him ... for the special work he was sent to do. Jesus - our wonderful Savior and Lord! THE END --- "Mary and Joseph" Visit: www.intercommedia.org -and- www.creationism.org