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EN Articles


GREAT FLOOD - Our comfort as humans here on Earth is not what's most important to the God of the Bible. Life on Earth in this temporary biological form is a time for our learning and testing. Some of us are born with more "talents" than others. The fact that "life is not fair" is a given in this fallen world. To our Creator human muscular strength, mental intelligence and external beauty are but as important in the long run as great leaves, thick bark and plentiful roots on a plant. If they don't lead to producing the fruits of the spirit then they're for naught.

Human learning and testing, not our comfort and security, are the important things to the Owner of this planet. We were placed here for a reason. You and I choose each day whether to forgive and how best to build up others. This is true for every society, for each person, down through time. But the whole "crop" went bad at about 1600 years into human history. Many of the over 200 flood traditions from around the world still recall that violence among men filled the Earth leading to God's judgment of the Great Flood.

The Flood of Noah was not merely regional. If one walked at 3 MPH for 10 hours a day (so 30 miles in 1 day) for 10 days then he or she would go 300 miles (500 km). Noah could have moved to a different valley if it was only a regional flood that God was preparing. "Noah's Wagon" would have then been a better vehicle than a 450 foot long carefully constructed Ark.  (text by P.A.)

Please see the article links below.


"Stratigraphic Evidence of the Flood" by Stuart E. Nevins -

"Where is the Garden of Eden?" by Brad T Bromling -

"Two Tough Questions Regarding The Biblical Flood" by Gerard Wakefield -

"Ethnic Testimonies to the Pentateuch" by J. H. Titcomb -

"Polystrate Trees: Flood Burial or Not?" by J. Mackay -

"Noah’s Flood" CMI Section -

"The Gospel of Creation in a Moslem Land" by anonymous -

"The Global Flood of Noah's Day" by J. Morris -

"Noah’s Flood" AIG Section -

"Noah’s Ark" AIG Section -



Creation Research Society
  New Geochemical Analysis Debunks Ryan/Pitman Black Sea Flood, by Carl R. Froede Jr., BS, PG
"Creation Matters"
     Sep/Oct -- Creation Matters 2013 Vol 18, Num 5.pdf -- Page 1
  ... 1998, naturalists William Ryan and Walter Pitman made a bold proposal that 7,500 years ago the Black Sea Basin was quickly and catastrophically filled by marine water, creating a multicultural diaspora later recorded in the Bible as Noah’s Flood ... Young-earth creationists ... Sea of Marmara. This water continued moving farther north and overtopped the Bosporus Sill where it catastrophically flowed several hundred feet down into the Black Sea Basin ... vertical movement and related age of the chemocline layer ... oxygenated, brackish water extends from the surface down to approximately 500 feet ... underlying sulfidic, anaerobic, stagnant (i.e., euxinic) marine water layer ... Total Organic Carbon ... geochemical differences ...

Creation Research Society
  All by Design - Rainbows - A Simple Sign?, by Jonathan C. O’Quinn, D.P.M., M.S.
"Creation Matters"
     May/Jun -- Creation Matters 2013 Vol 18, Num 3.pdf -- Page 12
  ... to Bible-believing Christians, rainbows hold a great testimony to the glorious creativity of the Lord God ... horizontal light rays from the sun strike the upper portion of a spherical water droplet, they are bent by refraction and then reflected internally within the droplet, exiting at an approximate deviation of 138 degrees from their original direction ... exiting at an angle of about 232 degrees ... violet light is bent slightly more than red light by this prismatic action, causing a dispersal of the component colors of white light ... cirrostratus clouds contain predominantly hexagonal ice crystals of uniform size, sunlight passing through these crystals is refracted by 22 degrees ... the heavens declare the glory of God. The high degree of order evidenced by rainbows and sun dogs demonstrates that our world did not come into being by random chance as evolutionists would have us believe, but by an all-knowing Creator ...

Creation Research Society
  Math Matters - How Long Is a Cubit?, by Don DeYoung, Ph.D.
"Creation Matters"
     Sep/Oct -- Creation Matters 2012 Vol 17, Num 5.pdf -- Page 4
  ... cubit is one of the earliest known standards of length, used in ancient Israel and throughout the Near East. It was originally the length of one’s forearm between the tip of the middle finger and the elbow. The word cubit comes from the Latin word for elbow and the Hebrew term refers to the forearm ... long or royal cubits were common. Dual cubit values in Egypt were 17.72 and 20.67 inches ... Old Testament and archaeology. Hezekiah’s famous Siloam water tunnel ... siege by the Assyrians under Sennacherib. This tunnel is hewn from solid rock ... carved inscription near the tunnel outlet into the Pool of Siloam within the city wall. This Siloam Inscription, now in the Archaeology Museum of Istanbul, Turkey, records the tunnel length as 1,200 cubits ... yields a cubit measure of about 17.5 inches. The number is often rounded to 18 inches or 1.5 feet. ... Noah’s Ark measures an impressive 450 feet long, 75 feet wide, and 45 feet high (300x50x30 cubits; Genesis 6:15) ... biblical giant Goliath was over six cubits tall ...

Creation Research Society
  The Meridian Sandbar and the Flood, by Carl R. Froede Jr., B.S., P.G.
"Creation Matters"
     Mar/Apr -- Creation Matters 2011 Vol 16, Num 2.pdf -- Page 1
  ... Flood of Genesis was a unique event in Earth history. Its geological signature is global and easily documented ... Meridian Sand Member is an example of phenomena supporting the Genesis Flood. It is the lowest stratigraphic unit in the Tallahatta Formation. It outcrops from southwestern Alabama to east-central Mississippi ... sandbar formed and shaped by water. Diluvial geologists ... consolidated but not indurated, cross-bedded in places and also bioturbated, coarse- to-fine-grained, sparsely glauconitic, slightly-to-moderately micaceous, quartzose sand ... large-scale, continuous, neritic bar deposit ...

Creation Research Society
  Did Animals Eat Meat Before the Flood?, by Andrew V. Ste. Marie
"Creation Matters"
     Jan/Feb -- Creation Matters 2011 Vol 16, Num 1.pdf -- Page 1
  ... Edmontosaurus skull. The bite marks in this skull match Tyrannosaurus rex teeth perfectly ... pre-Fall world was the absence of carnivorous (meat-eating) behavior ... Adam and Eve sinned and everything changed, including diets. Carnivorous activity is a prominent aspect of our world today, but when did it begin? ... Bible is the final authority, and in any question it should be consulted first ... Genesis 6:11–12: The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence. And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt ... stegosaur back plate with a bite mark from an allosaur or large crocodile ... indicates people were involved in every sin imaginable. Animals were only given two commandments, however: multiply and eat plants (Genesis 1:22, 28, 30). Of course they did not stop reproducing, but these verses seem to indicate that at least some animals were not following God’s command to eat plants ...

Creation Research Society
  Double-Beta-Decay – The Smoking Gun of Accelerated Decay?, by Eugene Chaffin, Ph.D.
"Creation Matters"
     Jul/Aug -- Creation Matters 2009 Vol 14, Num 4.pdf -- Page 1
  ... isotopes Tellurium-130 (130Te) and Selenium-82 (82Se) are known to undergo double beta-decay, a process in which two neutrons change into two protons with the emission of two electrons and two anti-neutrinos ... 1881, Charles Spurgeon addressed this subject: God’s word is the manifestation of his secret thought ... decay rates were much larger during the Genesis Flood. As part of the research for the RATE project (RATE is an acronym meaning Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth) ... single beta-minus-decay, a single neutron changes into proton with the emission of an electron and anti-neutrino ... the inferred statistical errors (stat) as well as systematic error limits (syst) are indicated. At the recent Creation Research Society Conference ... significant amount of accelerated decay occurred at the onset of the Flood ...

Creation Research Society
  From the Appalachians to the Keys: An Update on the Florida Gravels, by Carl R. Froede Jr., B.S., P.G.
"Creation Matters"
     May/Jun -- Creation Matters 2009 Vol 14, Num 3.pdf -- Page 1
  ... uniformitarians, Earth history is drawn directly from their geologic timescale. From this philosophical perspective, sediments are assigned a stratigraphic position consistent with modern depositional environments. Problems arise where geologic materials and the purported paleo-environments ... Pliocene sand, clay, and gravel deposits along the Florida peninsula ... Appalachian Mountains and Piedmont brought sediment to the coastal plain where it was deposited along adjacent flood plains or reached deltas discharging into the marine environment ... Fluvial-delatic sedimentary processes merged into cross-shelf and downslope sedimentary processes, again all pulsed by variations in sea-level and climate ...

Creation Research Society
  Shallower and Less Catastrophic: The Ryan/Pitman “Noah’s Flood Hypothesis” by Carl R. Froede, Jr., B.S., P.G.
"Creation Matters"
     Mar/Apr -- Creation Matters 2009 Vol 14, Num 2.pdf -- Page 1
  ... 1998, naturalistic geologists William Ryan and Walter Pitman published an outlandish idea claiming that a catastrophic marine flooding of the Black Sea occurred northward through the Bosporus Strait ... story made worldwide headlines and proved to be a lucrative source of funding for marine geologists working in the Black Sea ... proposed former freshwater lake elevation ... violated evidentiary rules by dismissing without reason the historical account in the Bible in favor of a questionable geologic interpretation ... Which is the real myth: the straightforward narrative of Genesis or the convoluted attempts of geologists like Ryan and Pitman (1998) to mythologize the Flood? ... Genesis ...

Creation  Science
  Noah’s Ark Found?
Movement Journal
     Vol. 16, No. 8 -- May -- 2010-2.pdf -- Page 2
  ... Many people have looked for the remains of Noah’s ark, and a number of alleged sightings of it in various locations have been reported ... remote part of easternmost Turkey, right on the Iranian border ... Ron Wyatt ... David Fasold ... massive boat shape near Uzengili in the hills of Turkey ... Had the whole thing just been a hoax? ... secular scientific community ... might challenge the uniformitarian evolutionary world view ... wooden, rectangular box ... perched on the summit of Mount Ararat ... Christian mountain climbers ... sceptics ... a freak natural formation ... the shape is 515 feet long, exactly 300 Egyptian cubits of 20.6 inches. The width needs some thought. The bible gives it as 50 cubits, a little under 86 feet. Our ship in the hills measures 139 feet, but then it also has pointy ends ... 1.618), the golden ratio, as a modern shipbuilder or mathematician would do, we come up with 138.9 feet. Pretty close for 5000 year old remains! ... discoveries ... coincidence ... boat shape ... rectangle ...

Creation  Science
  Book review: The Puzzle of Ancient Man, by Donald Chittick
Movement Journal
     Vol. 15, No. 10 -- June -- 2008-2.pdf -- Page 14
  ... The Puzzle of Ancient Man, evidence for advanced technology in past civilisations, by Donald Chittick, PhD, third edition 2006, Compass Creation publishers, 274 pages. ... Was ancient man simple and primitive like the ‘lost tribes’ we see on television today, or did the level of science and technology existing thousands of years ago rival, or even surpass, the level of ours in the 21st century? ... Egyptians depicted the planet Saturn with rings, though they cannot be seen with the naked eye. ... The Great Pyramid of Giza has a ratio of height to circumference of 1 to 2P, just like that of the radius to the circumference of a sphere. Its base of 13 acres is level to within 7/8ths of an inch. It is oriented within 3 minutes of a degree to true North/South/ East/ West. The limestone blocks ranged up to 200 tons in weight, and had to be lifted high into place with amazing accuracy ... Nazca Desert in Peru, as well as the accomplishments of the Mayans and Incas ... ...

Creation Research Society
  Hitler’s “Bible” by Paul G. Humber
"Creation Matters"
     Jul/Aug -- Creation Matters 2008 Vol 13, Num 4.pdf -- Page 1
  ... “we have long discarded the Adamic theory that man is descended from a single pair, created a few thousand years ago in a mythical Garden of Eden somewhere in Asia, to spread later over the earth in successive waves" ... The true Bible forbids murder and upholds the sanctity of human life, but this is not so in Hitler’s “Bible” ... elimination of defective infants and the sterilization of such adults as are themselves of no value to the community. The laws of nature require the obliteration of the unfit ... Madison Grant. The book? The Passing of the Great Race ... Dr. Richard Weikart, faculty member of the Department of History, California State University, Stanislaus, and author of From Darwin to Hitler: Evolutionary Ethics, Eugenics, and Racism in Germany ... America contributed much to the defeat of Hitler in World War II, but it did so with impure hands ... Charles Darwin and Madison Grant and Adolf Hitler ...

Creation Research Society
  Math Matters - Illustrations of the Trinity, by Don DeYoung, Ph.D.
"Creation Matters"
     Nov/Dec -- Creation Matters 2007 Vol 12, Num 6.pdf -- Page 2
  ... Trinity describes the unity of three distinct persons in the Creator of the universe ... Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit ... serious cautions arise when illustrating the Trinity with objects. First, any loss of the true unity of the Godhead leads to the heresy of tritheism, or three separate gods. Second, any loss of the true trinity character of God leads to a false unitarianism ... Human personality which includes intellect, emotion, and will ... Sun, stars, and space (Kepler) ...

Creation Research Society
  Norway’s Newest Dinosaur and the Flood/post-Flood Boundary, by Carl R. Froede, Jr., P.G.
"Creation Matters"
     Jan/Feb -- Creation Matters 2007 Vol 12, Num 1.pdf -- Page 9
  ... Plateosaurids ranged in size from five to 26 feet (1.7 to 6 m) in length. Their skeletons have been found in North and South America, Europe, Africa, and Asia ... Norway is not known for dinosaurs. In fact, the country’s first dinosaur was announced by the Research Council of Norway in April 2006 ... Norwegian Snorre oil field in the North Sea ... Uniformitarian paleontologists identified the bone as belonging to a Plateosaurus, a large sauropod dinosaur that lived 200 million years ago during the late Triassic Period ... vegetarian dinosaurs. It had beak-like jaws and leaf-shaped teeth which were well designed to cut through plant material ... some British creationists have proposed that the Flood/post-Flood boundary for animals should be located in the Mississippian Period of the Paleozoic Era ... it would appear more reasonable to suggest that the dinosaur was buried during the Flood ...

Creation Research Society
  Karl Pearson — Chief Architect of Statistics and Eugenics, by Jerry Bergman, Ph.D.
"Creation Matters"
     May/Jun -- Creation Matters 2006 Vol 11, Num 3.pdf -- Page 7
  ... early eugenics movement was the eminent British mathematician and statistician Karl Pearson ... he often lectured on Marxism to revolutionary clubs ... chair of applied mathematics and mechanics at University College, London, and soon thereafter established an international reputation as a leading mathematician ... Both Pearson and Francis Galton, the founder of the science of eugenics ... Challenging Pearson on a scientific point invited “demolishing fire in return.” ... forge Darwinism into a weapon against laissez faire capitalism ... Pearson began publishing a journal titled The Annals of Eugenics ...

Creation Research Society
  Creation Calendar - Events, Meetings, Speakers, Conferences
"Creation Matters"
     Jan/Feb -- Creation Matters 2005 Vol 10, Num 1.pdf -- Page 11
  ... Note: Items in “Creation Calendar” are for information only; the listing of an event does not necessarily imply endorsement by the Creation Research Society. ...

Creation Research Society
  Mercury’s Messenger, by D. Russell Humphreys, Ph.D.
"Creation Matters"
     Jul/Aug -- Creation Matters 2004 Vol 9, Num 4.pdf -- Page 1
  ... perhaps you have heard of NASA’s recently-launched Messenger spacecraft mission which is scheduled to reach orbit around the planet Mercury ... creation-based predictions regarding the magnetic fields of a number of planets, including that of Mercury ... possible losses during the Genesis Flood due to magnetic field reversals ... quantum-mechanical rationalization ... we have evidence that the moon and Mars experienced magnetic reversals as well as the Earth ...

Creation Research Society
  Book: The Missoula Flood Controversy and the Genesis Flood, by Michael J. Oard, CRS Books. 133 pages
"Creation Matters"
     Mar/Apr -- Creation Matters 2004 Vol 9, Num 2.pdf -- Page 1
  ... spectacular floods in prehistoric times, besides the Genesis Flood, was the great Lake Missoula flood, which left its mark in the Channeled Scabland of the Pacific Northwest in the United States ... evidence for the largest flood of all time — the Genesis Flood ... John Shaw’s paradigm-busting subglacial flood hypotheses ... Spokane Flood ... field of geomorphology ...

Creation  Science
  Cuttings & Comments from New Scientist
Movement Journal
     Vol. 15, No. 3 -- September -- 2006-3.pdf -- Page 7
  ... you believe that humans are evolved primates or created in the image of God ... new recombinant DNA technologies indisputably prove that the unborn child is a whole human being from the moment of fertilisation ... Darwin’s book On the Origin of Species is all about variation within a kind. On the Galapagos Islands, Darwin came across finches with different beak sizes on separate islands ... ‘microevolution’ cannot be extended to lead to microbes-to-men series of macro-evoluton, as Darwin theorised ... high level of mental development ... “RNA as well as DNA can carry information from one generation to another - a violation of Mendelian rules ... Moles feel their way through the dark, subterranean world with their noses ... “Sixty-seven scientific academies around the world have signed a statement urging governments, teachers and parents not to tolerate the teaching of creationism in science classes. The InterAcademy Panel on International Issues warned on Wednesday that evidence about the origins and evolution of life is being ‘concealed, denied or confused’.” ... 110-million-year-old fossil from Gansu province in China ...

Creation  Science
  Theistic Evolution - ‘God used evolution’
Movement Journal
     Vol. 14, No. 9 -- September -- 2005-3.pdf -- Page 5
  ... Lord Jesus Christ, whom the Bible proclaims as the Creator ... Lord of the Sabbath ... Jesus spoke of a literal flood in the days of Noah. All of the New Testament writers take Genesis, with Adam and Eve, Creation and the Fall, Cain and Abel, Enoch and Noah, as literally true ...

Creation  Science
  Satellite photos spark Noah's Ark trek
Movement Journal
     Vol. 14, No. 4 -- June -- 2004-2.pdf -- Page 3
  ... scientists, archaeologists and forensic experts plan to climb Turkey's Mt. Ararat this summer ... evidence that will prove they have discovered Noah's Ark ... National Press Club in Washington ... alleged structure, believed to be about 45 feet high, 75 feet wide and as long as 450 feet. ... excavating it ... artefacts ... Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, D.C. ...

Creation Research Society
  Does the Modern Pattern of Extinction Fit the Darwinism Prediction?, by Jerry Bergman, Ph.D.
"Creation Matters"
     May/Jun -- Creation Matters 2003 Vol 8, Num 3.pdf -- Page 1
  ... modern patterns of extinction and threatened extinction reveals a pattern opposite that predicted by Darwinism ... Since the killing of the last Dodo in 1680, there have been at least 300 extinctions of vertebrate animals, more than half of these being full species. Before the expansion of Western Man and his culture, the extinction of an animal species was a rare occurrence. Even during such cataclysmic processes as the “Great Dying” of the dinosaurs ... survival-of-the-fittest law, yet the number of offspring, longevity, and length of the fertility period of almost all animals have been remarkably stable ... nor would natural selection produce extremely complex structures or mechanisms, such as those used by the bombardier beetle, the firefly, or the archer fish ...

Creation  Science
  Book review: Unlocking the Mysteries of Creation
Movement Journal
     Vol. 14, No. 1 -- November -- 2003-3.pdf -- Page 3
  ... Book review by David Rosevear - "Unlocking the Mysteries of Creation" by Dennis Petersen, Creation Resource Publications (California), 240pp, hb., 2002. from CSM. ... far from progressing from primitive to technically brilliant, mankind’s artefacts have shown a fall from former greatness ...

Creation Research Society
  Soldiers in the Field — A Report from NIAGfest 2003, by Steve Miller
"Creation Matters"
     May/Jun -- Creation Matters 2003 Vol 8, Num 3.pdf -- Page 1
  ... evolutionary concepts have remained seemingly unchallenged, it is in Astronomy ... heart of naturalism itself ... Dr. Don DeYoung ... Astronomical Society ... stargazers ... religious dogma of atheistic naturalism ... masquerades undercover in the stealth mode of scientism ... exposing the errors of evolutionism and the Big Bang Model ... Institute for Creation Research, and Answers in Genesis ... spring galaxy clusters ... Astronomical observations from the Hubble Space Telescope ... spiral galaxies which present a serious challenge to evolutionary time ... delicate spiral arms can arise across an entire galaxy, and then persist ... gravitational disturbances that somehow keep stars bunched into the spiral arms ... density waves are only a model ... Planet earth, the solar system, and thousands of nearby stars are located within one spiral arm of the Milky Way Galaxy ...

Creation Research Society
  Uniformitarian Scientists Pull the Plug on the Black Sea Flood, by Carl R. Froede, Jr., P.G.
"Creation Matters"
     Jul/Aug/Sep -- Creation Matters 2002 Vol 7, Num 4.pdf -- Page 3
  ... several uniformitarian geologists and oceanographers proposed that the Black Sea was catastrophically flooded 7,500 years ago. This event was suggested to be what is known as the Flood of Noah ... Unfortunately, the Ryan-Pitman Black Sea flood has no credible parallel with the biblical record, and its many conflicts with Scripture caused it to be rejected by young-earth creationists ... Outflow Hypothesis ... flow through the Marmara Sea Gateway ... mouth of the Bosporus Strait ... freshwater over saltwater ... fossilized marine invertebrates ... euryhaline mollusks ...

Creation Research Society
  An Interview with Dr. Russ Humphreys: Part 2, by Doug Sharp, Rich Geer, and John Goertzen
"Creation Matters"
     Jan/Feb -- Creation Matters 2002 Vol 7, Num 1.pdf -- Page 1
  ... the Revolution Against Evolution is a weekly TV show ... cosmologists ... satellites ... understanding the big bang theory — understanding how my theory contrasts with it ... The process is called nucleosynthesis. Now here’s a difference between the big bang theory (that version) and my theory, the collapsing ball of matter expansion. ... uranium, iron, lead, all of them — have to be made at the heart of a supernova ... e=mc2 ... gravitational time dilation, or time stretching ... universe from the Hubbell ...

Creation Research Society
  Why Should the Bible Be Interpreted Literally?, by Robert E. Gentet
"Creation Matters"
     Mar/Apr -- Creation Matters 2001 Vol 6, Num 2.pdf -- Page 7
  ... It’s important to understand that the term “evolution” can be understood in a variety of ways ... species of some plants/animals can change ... no evidence of anything evolving a wing, an arm, an eye, a toe, a hand, a fin, a fingernail ... there was a literal first man (made from the dust of the earth) and a first woman made from the first man. If we cannot accept this on the basis of Moses’ account in Genesis, and the affirmation of Christ and the original apostles in the New Testament, then we have no basis to accept the rest of the Bible as well. The Bible then becomes merely a book of stories of the ancient Jewish people ... believed in the literal, seven-day creation week of Genesis ...

Creation Research Society
  All Forms of Science Designed for Discussion, by Jonathan Wells, Ph.D.
"Creation Matters"
     Nov/Dec -- Creation Matters 1999 Vol 4, Num 6.pdf -- Page 1
  ... Washburn University. Scientists, philosophers, lawyers and educators met to discuss one of the most controversial topics in America today -- how state-supported schools should teach Darwinian evolution ... American educational institutions ... Darwin’s theory has religious implications ... seemingly designed, can be explained by purely material causes, rather than by divine creation ... A consensus of biologists? ... Scientifically, what little evidence was presented challenged Darwinian evolution and favored intelligent design; philosophically, Darwinian evolution was shown to have as many implications for religion as intelligent design; and legally, teaching Darwinism while excluding other views in state-supported schools could not be justified on First Amendment grounds. ... Darwinians to demonize their critics rather than deal with the issues ... unanswered questions ...

Creation Research Society
  Letters - Special Announcements - Position Available - Now Available from CRS Books - Creation Calendar
"Creation Matters"
     Jul/Aug -- Creation Matters 1999 Vol 4, Num 4.pdf -- Page 8
  ... Answers in Genesis ... Ken Ham, Buddy Davis, Don Batten ... Creation Ministries International ... Carl Wieland ... Jonathan Sarfati ... accepting inquiries for the position ... Laboratory Director ... CRSteen Listserv ... CRSnet ... evangelical youths frequently face a completely dogmatic approach to the teaching of origins in our schools — viz., an “evolution is a fact” approach ... John Woodmorappe ... Errata ... Creation Matters ISSN 1094-6632 ... Copyright ... Creation Research Society All rights reserved ...

Creation Research Society
  Creation Quest - Niagara Falls Bus Tour, by Emmett L. Williams, Ph.D.
"Creation Matters"
     Sep/Oct -- Creation Matters 1998 Vol 3, Num 5.pdf -- Page 1
  ... ICC (International Creation Conference), the Creation Research Society sponsored a tour to Niagara Falls ... the age and rate of recession of the Falls of the Niagara River ... Canadian Niagara Falls ... St. David's Gorge and the Whirlpool ... Charles Lyell ... erosion ... Schoellkopf Geological Museum ... ice age after the Flood ... Genesis ...

Creation Research Society
  Physical Science and Creation: An Introduction, by Don B. DeYoung, Ph.D.
"Creation Matters"
     Jan/Feb -- Creation Matters 1998 Vol 3, Num 1.pdf -- Page 1
  ... Dr. DeYoung presents not only the classical subject matter of physical science (the building blocks of nature, motion and forces, gravity, energy, and light), but he also touches briefly on more modern topics such as radiometric dating, quantum theory, the uncertainty principle, and relativity ...

EN Articles