Colossians and Science
A Total Christ  -  by Walter Lang

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Day Nineteen -- Colossians 1:5, 2:2

A Total Christ in the Trinity

In the concluding chapter of Studies in the Bible and Science, titled "Christ in Creation," Dr. Henry Morris attempts to find the Trinity in nature. He refers to time, space, and matter--a threefold division reminding us of the threefold Trinity. Then he divides each of these into three dimensions: East/West, North/ South, and depth dimension. He also notes three dimensions of time: past, present, and future. There are also three divisions of matter: energy, motion and phenomena. According to Rom. 1:20, the Godhead may be discovered through nature, without aid of Scripture, but the apostle adds that this truth which could be learned from nature is suppressed in unrighteousness. It is the Gospel which works in us a willingness to accept what can be learned of God.

The Trinity -- Total Christ in Trinity

Emphasis in the book of Colossians is on Christ, because Paul emphasizes that He is greater than angels worshiped by gnostics. But the writer does not neglect the Trinity, for Christ's power would be nothing were He not the Second Person. In 1:15 Christ is portrayed as the image of the invisible God, implying there is more to the Trinity than Christ. In 2:2 we read of the mystery of God, and of the Father, and of Christ, placing the Spirit at the head of the list. The Father is needed to send the Son. The Son must redeem. The Spirit creates faith. This mystery is beyond human comprehension but is most useful in life.

Because emphasis in the book of Colossians is on the total Christ, He is the center of the Trinity. The Father sends His Son to suffer, die and rise for mankind. The Spirit leads us to believe in the Son's redemption. Recognizing the relationship between the Trinity and a total Christ, we emphasize love rather than force. God's greatest power is displayed in the love of Christ rather than in God's power in nature. Seeing Christ as the center of the Trinity, we get a clear picture of the total Christ.


In the book titled Genesis and Science Walter Lang notes three references to the Trinity in Genesis, chapter 1. First: Gods (plural) create (singular) the heavens and earth. There are three Persons, but only one God. The Father is mentioned in verse 1. the Spirit in verse 2, and the Son (the Word) in verse 3. In Gen. 1:26 we read "Let us make man," again referring to the Trinity. For Christ to be total in our material and spiritual lives we need to acknowledge Him as a Person in the Trinity.

References 19, 20.

Prayer: That we may receive understanding and strength and power through the Trinity and that this will lead to acknowledging Christ as important in science as well as in religion.

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