Colossians and Science
A Total Christ  -  by Walter Lang

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Day Seventeen -- Colossians 1:23

A Total Christ in Every Creature

Herman Schaars, formerly teacher in a Christian school in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, had a remarkable way of explaining the wonders of nature and creatures of nature to children. He collected his studies and they were printed in magazines. Finally, they were collected and published in a book titled Nature and Nature's God, still available. In describing these wonders, Schaars always gave God the glory. Schaars was a Creationist and he helped found the Creationist organization in Milwaukee. From a thoroughly Christian and Creationist viewpoint he illustrates the wonders of God's creatures.

The Gospel and the Creature

In Col. 1:23 the writer seems to say that the Gospel is preached to every creature. It is preached to all people, but what about animals and what about stars or rocks? The original Greek language demands that we translate "in every creature" or "in the presence of every creature." The word for "creature" in this verse is the one used in Mark 16:15 (ktisis) and also in Col. 1:16 where we read that Christ created everything. Perhaps, even better than saying "in the presence of," we can note that in every creature we see the need for the Gospel, for all creatures are cursed by sin as we note in Rom. 8:19-21. Evidences of degeneration throughout nature point up the need for the Gospel.

Grand Canyon of Arizona

In the summer of 1976 we were making a movie of the Grand Canyon, from a Creationist viewpoint. Halfway down the North Rim trail we met Bruce Atkins who was witnessing to backpackers as they hiked through the canyon. Bruce complained that Creationists who were emphasizing that Grand Canyon was formed thousands of years ago (not millions, or billions, of years ago) were not promoting the Gospel. In his encounters it was necessary only to quote John 3:16. We pointed out that beautiful and awesome as the canyon is, it is not perfect. Every day up to one-half million tons of sand and silt are swept down the Colorado River. From erosion of this scenic wonder, we can demonstrate the need of the Gospel for mankind. As we apply the Gospel, we discard the mythology that this marvelous canyon is millions, even billions, of years old.

A Total Christ

Throughout the book of Colossians the apostle Paul emphasizes the need for a total Christ. The Gospel of His redemption has been needed by people of every generation in every land.

Reference 17.

Prayer: That we see the Gospel at work through believers and that the Gospel even has material regenerating power.

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