October 1964

VOL. II;  No. 7;  October 1964

Dedicated to:
Special Creation
Literal or Natural Interpretation of the Bible
Divine Design and Purpose in Nature
A Young Earth
A Universal Noachian Flood
Christ as God and Man, Only Savior 

The Bible-Science Newsletter was published by the Bible-Science Association, Inc.

-- Rev. Walter Lang, Editor;  Caldwell, Idaho

    Bible-Science Assn.
The organization of the Bible-Science Association as a nonprofit group is now complete. An incorporation-charter has been secured with the State of Idaho. Application to be designated as a non-profit group has been made with the Internal Revenue Service Officers have been selected as indicated last month in the Newsletter; Paul Hackstedde of Arcadia, California as president; Wm. Gehrke of Denver, Colo. as Vice-president; Ed Rochlitz of Caldwell, Idaho as secretary; Herman Voss of Caldwell, Idaho as treasurer, and Dr. J. Andrews of Newport Beach, Calif., Dr. Larry Kier of Denver, Colo., and Ernest Manthei of Petoskey, Michigan on the Board of Directors.

Many have already sent in $5.00 as membership fees for this Association. All those who had previously made contributions of $5.00 or more are considered members. The membership for students is $2.00.

    Creation Research Society Quarterly
The Creation Research Society has come out with a new quarterly. This is dated July, 1964, but came out about a month ago. There is an article by John N. Moore on the Merit of Creation Concepts. And one John N. Moore. Then there is one by John J. Grebe on how science is now proving the Genesis account correct. David K. Bluake has something on the first verse in the Bible, Genesis 1:1. Donald O. Acrey has an article on the origin of the Universe and George F. Howe an article on Duckweeds, Palms and Orchids; William S. Laugh-lin an article reviewed by Wilbert Rusch, Sr. on Eskimos and Aleuts; Their Origins and Evolution. This quarterly is available by sending a $5.00 membership fee to the Creation Research Society. Send this to Wilbert Rusch, in Ann Arbor, Michigan, as he is treasurer of this organization. The Creation Research Society and the Bible-Science Association are separate but do work together.

There has been a Bible-Science Radio program over KBGN, Caldwell, Idaho, on Saturdays from 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. This has been a sustaining program. Some fine tapes have been sent us for this broadcast. There have been six by Dr. John Whitcomb, which he first delivered at the San Francisco Baptist Seminary. These are on Genesis One, Genesis Two, Modern Science and the Bible, Flood, Miracles and Science. There has been one by Henry Morris. There have been several short ones by Theo. Hand-rich. One has been sent us recently by Clifford Burdick. If there are others who would like to send us tapes for this broadcast, we will be glad to receive them. They should be three and three-fourths speed and on one side of the tape only

    Science Teachers Meeting
James D. Schwengel, a science teacher in Evansville, Indiana, wrote and suggested that High School and College Biology teachers have a set up whereby they can meet to draw up a supplement to textbooks which are used in these schools. These supplements would show the harmony of creation and of the Bible and they could be used at the instructors discretion. We toss this out for what it is worth. Perhaps other High School and Biology teachers would like to write to James Schwengal about this matter. His address is in Evansville, Indiana. James Schwengel mentioned he would be in Chicago over Thanksgiving vacation and would be visiting relatives within 25 minutes of Concordia Teachers' College at River Foreset, Ill., which is a suburb of Chicago. He suggested that perhaps more of the high school and college biology teachers in that area, who are interested, might meet with him at this school.

    Evolution: Fact or Fraud
A tract has been put out by Robert E. Kofahl, Ph.D., of Highland College, a Bible Presbyterian School in Pasadena, California, entitled "Evolution - Fact or Fraud". This is a fine tract. It describes evolution and says it is impossible because of nemato-cysts; because feathers could not have evolved, because no intermediary forms can be found for the evolution of whales from land animals; because the bat sonar would have to be perfect at once; because animal instincts could not have evolved; because nesting habits of birds could not have evolved. They are so remarkable; because the migratory habits of the pacific Golden Flower could not have evolved; because the water spider argyroneta has such tricks they could not have evolved. Then Kofahl shows how animal fossils from rocks contradict evolution. He says this:

"Remember, too that fossils and living creatures are either one-celled animals or many-celled animals, but no animals with two, four, eight, sixteen cells, etc., have ever been discovered. How can this be, if the many-celled animals gradually evolved from one-celled animals?"

He shows how fossils of prehistoric man have been found in rock strata of greater age than those in which ape-like alleged ancestors of modern man have been found. He indicates no genetic evidence has been discovered for evolution.

He shows the fallacy of the theory this way: "universal design without a universal designer, order from chaos wthout a directing intelligence, consistent and continuing progress through random chance processed, mind from mindless matter personality from impersonal atoms, will and choice in a universe governed only by random chance, moral law arising in an amoral universe without a lawgiver, production by purposeless matter of purposeful beings who yet have no purpose for existence except as candidates for natural selection which is supposed to be a purposeless principle which guides chance processes in the direction of "progress", and finally the emergence from dead matter of the things of the spirit - love, compassion, mercy, goodness, faith, and hope."

We receive many letters each day. Most of them are orders for materials, especially for Dr. Paul Zimmerman's "The Christian and Science." Many send in substantial contributions, without which we could not continue this work. And many have some very fine comments.

A reader from Decatur, Ill., says: "Thank God for a movement in our church such as yours."

A reader from Minnesota says: "I hope this will help strengthen our teenage sons' faith and help them to adhere to the literal interpretation of the Genesis account of creation in spite of the atheistic theories of evolution taught at the university they attend."

A reader from Wisconsin says: "I have always been a firm antagonist of any sort of evolutionary hypothesis because the underlying philosophy is diametrically opposed to the Christian doctrines of man, the Fall, soteriology and of course inspiration. I can't for the life of me understand what could move men in our synod or in any Christian church body for that matter, to take a conciliatory attitude or a wait and see approach to a philosophy, mislabeled science, which is so fundamentally opposed to Christianity."

Another reader from Illinois says: "Finally, I believe it is going to be a matter of Hermaneutics. What do words mean? And they must be so plain and simple that ordinary people (like me) can understand what God is saying to me; and our Seminaries must teach it just as plain and simple, to those who are going to be pastors."

Then a reader from Kentucky says: You are to be congratulated upon forming the Bible Science Newsletter. The time has come when we desperately need to put a stop to the teaching that evolution is a fact."

Another pastor from Chicago has sent us the list of all his students attending colleges or university. He wants them to have the Newsletter. He also inclosed a sizeable contribution.

All these letters indicate there is a great need for the kind of work done by this Newsletter. For that reason we encourage everyone to send us support, send us names and addresses, and help in every way to make a better relationship between Bible and Science in churches and in schools.

The tract put out by Dr. John Howitt of Canada, entitled "Evolution" not only has very much packed into a small booklet, but also is very helpful. This has already been put out in 15 editions. It is printed in England and is distributed by the International Christian Crusade of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. ... This booklet defines evolution and also discusses theistic evolution. Then it brings in the evidence from comparative anatomy, embryonic recapitulation, geological record. It shows the absence of pre-Cambrian fossils and the absence of intermediate forms. It gives the supposed evolutionary series.

In discussing blood precipitation tests, Howitt points out that there is much variation in blood among humans and animals, and the fact that some similarity can be found between the blood of a human and a bat or a whale does not prove anything. Sometimes whole blood from one human to another, even from one close relative to another, can be fatal. This shows how little an argument we can derive from similarities or dissimilarities in blood.

Then Howitt also discusses vestigial organs and other difficulties in the evolutionary theories current today. Howitt says that no structure in the human body is either useless or rudimentary. Even if there were any vestigial organs in nature it would be evidence of degeneration and retrogression and not of evolutionary progress. The problem of evolution is to prove that living creatures acquire new organs, not that they lose the old ones.

Howitt says this about fishes and birds both laying eggs: "That fishes and birds both lay eggs is not because they are related, but because each floats at a certain level, the fish in liquid and the bird in air. For either to bear live young would add to their weight so as to make the fish sink too deeply in the water, and the birds would be unable to fly."

Then Howitt discusses the neo-Darwinism of today, which is sometimes called synthetic evolution. This depends much on mutations and he shows mutations are harmful and discusses them under changed conditions. He talks about the difficulties of natural selection, and the difficulties in the time element. He shows there is much more evolution in reverse, when we think of the evolution under our eyes.

Howitt mentions the black moths in England that are supposed to be black because of the smoke in industrial areas. But black moths are found in rural areas and even there are ousting the white moths. So smoke is not the factor.

Then Howitt has a section in this rather complete booklet on science and evolution, discussing entropy, worthless data, that evolution is not new, discussing the dynamics of evolution teleology. He also shows evolution is not a science, quoting Dr. Mason Davies: '"Evolution is justly described as philosophy, but it is not justly described as science. If it is called science, then it is science falsely so called . . . We should never mistake superficial smartness for wisdom and strength."

Then Howitt discusses whether evolution is a fact and speaks of the fruits of evolution, with its code of ethics, with its atheism, with its deception, and what it has done for education and progress. He speaks of the dead hand of Darwin.

Howitt says this about the age of the earth: "Assuming that the population of the earth was 8 persons at the time of the flood (B.C. 2448) as recorded in Genesis 7 and assuming that the population of the earth had doubled every 157 years, which would be quite reasonable, then the number of people on the earth would have doubled 28 times in the intervening years, giving a total population of roughly 2,147,000,000 in 1950. This corresponds fairly closely to the estimated population of about 2 1/2 billion in 1950 . . . on the basis of these calculations that the age of man could hardly be more than about 6,000 years."

    Eskimos and Aleuts: Their Origin and Evolution
In the July quarterly of the Creation Research Society there is an article reviewed by Wilbert Rusch, Sr. written in Science magazine by William S. Laughlin. He indicates that a study of the Eskimos and Aleuts is uniquely suited for studies of population genetics as well as microevolu-tion. "There have been a number of stratified village sites that, after excavation revealed many animal remains as well as human artifacts and skeletons."
He says that near Umnak there is a village of 55 Aleuts, called Nkolski. On the south margin of this community is an old stratified village site called Chaluka. This is about 4,000 years old, at least there are about 4,000 years of continuous record. The skulls of paleo-Aleut are compared with those of neo-Aleut. The older Aleuts appear to have more cranium and the newer ones look more primitive.

In further summing up, Laughlin finds that significant differences are present between the related Aleuts, Eskimos and American Indians; and that apparently this has occurred over a demonstrated short time lapse. When this is coupled with the large difference found among various living human groups, e.g. Bushmen and Eskimos, one is justified in concluding that Sinantthropus, and by inference I would also say Pithecanthropus, also belong to the same species, Homo sapiens."

    New Study On Luther and Science
Dr. John Warwick Montgomery of Trinity Evangelical Theological School at Deerfield, Ill., has given an excellent paper showing that Luther was interested in science and was not opposed to it. He shows that Luther had a positive attitude to the study of nature and that this grew directly from his central theological insights. He says:

"For Luther, when God became man in Jesus Christ, the Word of God (to use the Johannine terminology) did in fact become flesh and thus the entire natural world was hallowed by God. This hallowing continues, moreover, even after the Ascension of Christ, for the whole Christ, body and spirit, is present throughout the universe today. When we speak in the Creed of Christ sitting on God's right hand, we must realize that just as God is everywhere, so the God-man Jesus Christ is everywhere, displaying His grace and love."

Montgomery shows how the Wittenberg University favored Joaohim Raehlicus and Erasmus Reinhold, who accepted the theory of Copernicus, and promoted it. Then Montgomery says:

"But Lutheranism did not merely promulgate the Copernican system; it provided the ideological milieu for the refining, perfecting, and advancing of that view in -the years that followed."

Montgomery shows how Lutherans of the Reformation had a keen interest in astronomy and developed it.

Montgomery says that science today is too specialized, separates sciences from the humanities, and has lost much purpose. He says the Reformation thinkers would be amazed at this. To them everything belonged together with God behind everything.

    Evolution and Hydrogen Bomb
This is taken from a tract "Evolution . . the Hydrogen Bomb and You", by F. J. Williams M.D., 1963. These are his findings:

1. Different flesh. He states laboratory tests easily distinguish between human and ape flesh. Flesh or organs of apes cannot be transferred to man.
2. Different blood. Ape blood cannot be transfused to human. Laboratory tests easily distinguish between the two.
3. Chromosomes and genes of apes are different from those of humans.
4. The embryology of apes and human is different.
5. There are many gross anatomical differences -
  a. Brain case vs. jaw ratio direct opposite.
  b. Apes have no chins.
  c. Apes have sloping foreheads.
  d. Apes have interlocking teeth.
  e. The dental arch of apes is markedly different from the human.
  f. Apes walk on all four extremities.
  g. Legs are shorter than the trunk in apes and the opposite in humans.
  h. Hair quantity and distribution is different in apes.
6. Physiology levels are different in apes vs. man.
7. Mental faculties, capacities, and accomplishments, et cetera, can't even be compared - have apes written dictionaries, composed operas, built skyscrapers?
8. Are you going to compare the grin, grimace and pout of the ape face to the height, depth and breadth of human emotions? See any sacrifices of ape love and devotion?
9. God created man a living soul - wherever mankind is found there is the universal consciousness of God! Do you know hymns or anthems written by apes ? Cathedrals built by apes ?

    Differences Between Man and Ape
    Teen-agers Bible Class Material on Science
We refer to a High School Class Guide for April-June, 1963 edited by the Rev. Hubert Riedel and published by Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis. The first lesson stresses problems and goals of the Guide. The second lesson defines science and discusses scientific method. The limitations of science in finding the truth are stressed in the third lesson. It indicates how science can show there is a God, but not the true God. This knowledge comes from the Bible alone.

The fourth lesson has this to say about evolution as an explanation for man's origin: "Christian faith, however, is unsatisfied with the evolutionary theory on both counts. It believes that evolutionary theory does not give sufficient emphasis on either man's grandeur or his misery. It does not understand either the glory which is his as a creation of God nor the depth to which he has sunk as a result of his own rebelliousness."

Science and man's nature are treated in the fifth lesson and science and man's destiny in the sixth. The seventh lesson deals with science and the world and this is what it says on the age of the earth:

"While it is universally agreed that Bishop Ussher's dating of Genesis 1 at 4004 B.C. is not inspired, and that the world may very well be much older, it is nevertheless difficult to see how the Biblical chronology could be stretched to two billion years. Those who argue for a younger earth explain their view by asserting that the rate at which minerals were dissolved and deposited in the oceans, the rate at which the sedimentary rocks were deposited, and the rate the decay of uranium to lead, has not been constant, but occurred at a much faster rate than now."

The ninth lesson speaks of science and God's providence. There is a lesson on science and miracles, one on faith and the moral responsibility of science, and on science and faith serving each other.

For those who may be looking for material of this nature, this seems to be a helpful Guide for use in High School Bible Classes.

(The on-line presentation of this issue (starting with Vol. II, No. 4; 
and those following contain only excerpted sections and contents.)


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