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The article below (from "A Symposium on Creation" Vols. 1-5 @ is used by permission of Baker Books, a division of Baker Book House Company, copyright ©1968-1975.  All rights to these materials are reserved.  Materials are not be be distributed to other web locations for retrieval, published in other media, or mirrored at other sites without written permission from Baker Book House Company.

A Symposium on Creation

From: "A Symposium on Creation" (Vol. II)
©1970 - Baker Book House

Centuries ago the church ruled the western world, doing such a poor job of it that the resulting span of time is almost universally called the "Dark Ages." Christ, however, did not give the church the job of ruling; the church was given the job of teaching and witnessing

With the coming of Biblical publishing in native languages of Europe came the Reformers, and following them came a new understanding of the Bible, of God, of man, of superior economic relationships, superior governmental structures, and of purpose of life. This new complex of values and principles is frequently called the "Protestant Ethic," an ethic grounded on the Scriptures. It prepared the way for the development of the greatest civilization and technology in the history of man.

But today western civilization is staggering. The Protestant Ethic is deeply eroding in the wake of western affluence, or wealth. Former virtues are no longer classed as virtues, and likewise, former vices are no longer classed as vices. Biblically-oriented morality is being progressively challenged and replaced by offshoots of atheism such as anarchism, Bolshevism, collectivism, Fabianism, and the like. And atheism finds its excuse for existence – and some say its virility – in Darwinism – evolution – evolutionary uniformitarianism – call it what one may.

We perceive that evolutionary uniformitarianism is not science. It may be mythology. It may be a philosophy. But especially, it may be a psychological crutch. By way of illustration, when Adam and Eve elected or preferred to flee from both the knowledge of God and the presence of God, they felt a need of a crutch or some sort of cover-up, in that case, fig leaves.

And so it is, we suspect, with several recent generations of affluent western intellectuals, men who have also frequently elected to flee from the knowledge and the moral presence of the Creator. A scientific cover-up was apparently required here also. And so, in the process of time, a sewed-up patchwork of supposedly scientific cloth was manufactured, and was widely distributed. The system was generated by the cynicism inherent in German rationalism. It was structured around Kant's nebular hypothesis in astronomy. It was braided around Hutton's and Lyell's uniformitarian myth in historical geology. And it was completed with the leaves of Darwin's evolutionary network.

We maintain that this patchwork of thought is neither necessary nor scientific. (Nor is it adequate history.) Declaring this, with strong evidence, bares open the very soul of western civilization, an agonizing condition for some, and, no doubt, a welcome condition to others.

This is the second of a projected series of Symposiums on Creation. In this volume, and even more so in the total series, a program of balances is intended to be achieved. These are:

  1. A balance between biological subject materials and earth history (geophysical materials).
  2. A balance between catastrophism and creationism, forming a dual framework of thought.
  3. A balance between negative assertions (identifying mistaken ideas) with positive conclusions, ideas and proposals, constructive in nature.
  4. A balance between the philosophical and the scientific. (Within the philosophical we include the theological; within the scientific we include the historical.)
  5. A balance between practical and theoretical thought.
  6. A balance between recognized and defensible assumption, and logical conclusion.

We object to the evolutionary mythology as if it were a shelter for the atheism to which it frequently leads, and for which it is used as defense. We object to the evolutionary mythology inasmuch as it is part and parcel of a modern, neopagan, western syndrome. Yet this objection is the lesser of two goals.

More importantly, an understanding of earth history within the framework of catastrophism and creation opens up the panorama of creation in its grandeur, in its majesty, in its magnificence, in its precision, and this presents a perhaps dim, but glorious reflection of the majesty of God our Creator and sovereign. This in turn provides us with a better insight, and a more realistic approach to the more mundane subject of man with his twentieth century set of problems and new code of ethics, with its concomitant violence – man with his fig leaves, his inability to stand prosperity, his pride, his deep and profound spiritual needs, which Christ met in His redemption and in His teachings.

Here, men of faith and experience in science grapple with age-old questions, unshackled by the bonds of evolutionary uniformitarianism. Here thoughtful essays will grip your interest, and will add insight into specific problems. And perhaps here one may find the rosy fingers of a happier dawn, when men of deep faith and great learning unfold some of the secrets God has placed in His universe for the benefit of mankind, all of which in turn reflect the glory of God.

Donald W. Patten, Editor


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