Chinese Water Deer
Saber-Toothed, and yet a Vegetarian!
by Paul Abramson        Translated by:______

When one imagines the ancient saber-toothed cat (saber-toothed tiger), we tend to think of a vicious predator.  Just look at those long, sharp teeth!  And the imaginative artist drawings "prove" this belief.  But artistic drawings are not always true.

In China and Korea (and recently imported to Great Britain about 130 years ago) the Chinese Water Deer has the same type of protruding canine teeth.  The deer is an herbivore, and usually a threat to no one (unless you are dressed in tasty tree leaves).

The water deer (Hydropotes inermis) lacks antlers and runs in a hopping-jumping manner.  They are territorial and can produce a variety of audible sounds for warning, fear, or when startled.  It is like any other deer, but with long "ferocious" teeth.

Chinese Water Deer
One wonders what modern evolutionists and artists would have imagined, if we only had their fossil remains.  The "Sabre-toothed Deer" might have been portrayed as a vicious predator!

Most mutations are detrimental or lower the DNA potential of the creature for future generations.  (Pity the poor oceanic narwhal!)  It could be that saber-teeth (long canine teeth) are a hindrance, pushing too much vegetation away from the mouth.  It is too bad that no saber-toothed cats survived down to the modern era so that we could see them in their habitats.

Teeth Do Not Indicate Diet - Nor Aggression!

(Do YOUR teeth indicate whether you seek peace or try to attack others?)

    Other Animals with Sharp Teeth

Fruit Bat
Here is an average fruit bat (LEFT).  Look at those long "vampire-like" teeth!  But it eats FRUIT!

And here is (RIGHT) a vegetarian monkey (reminds me of some of the Berkeley vegetarians and vegans I've met, when I used to live there for 5 years).

   Camels and panda bears also have sharp teeth, yet both are vegetarians.

Monkey, that is completely vegetarian

Back in the 1950s, George & Margaret Westbeau of Tacoma, Washington, owned a vegetarian lion named, "Little Tkye".  The lion refused to eat meat, preferring only milk or vegetables instead.  This is well documented; look it up!

Before the Great Flood, humans were instructed to eat only crops, no animals, i.e. no meat.  It was only after the Flood when we (and possibly animals?) were allowed to consume animal flesh. 

The biggest land animals alive today are all vegetarians, no matter what kind of teeth they have:  elephants, giraffes, moose, buffaloes, and elk among them.

Sharp teeth can be useful.  Bite into an apple or a pear.  Have you ever tried to cut a carrot with a spoon?  It is true that mastodon teeth are completely different than mammoth teeth, and yet both were apparently strict herbivores.  Sharp teeth and even elongated canine teeth do not necessarily indicate an aggressive character.

A wolf and a Labrador retriever - have the same skeletal design.
One is "man's best friend" right?  But the other would tear you apart.
However remember, they have almost identical - skeletons and teeth!

If we had only the skeletal remains (fossilized or not) of a black lab, would modern evolutionists presume its character to be like the modern wolf?  Wolves though hunt in packs and can even attack people in wilderness areas (where they've been re-introduced and are flourishing).  But most domesticated dogs (having the SAME skeletal system) are loyal and protective.

    Evolutionary Imaginations

Evolutionists believe that the Tyrannosaurus Rex (T-Rex) was a powerful predator.  Just look at those big teeth!  It's in the movies and in imaginative artist's drawings.  And maybe it was a predator.  But it could also be that the T-Rex was only a scavenger, possibly one that fled from confrontation.  The truth is - we don't know.


Evolutionists put so much faith in the old skeletons of creatures.  Compared to the central nervous system, circulatory system, digestive system, et cetera, the bones are very little to work with.  Mutations in modern life forms (i.e. going down) are increasing.  The eyesight of humans is not improving with each generation, now is it?  The viruses in the world are increasing.  We are going down, which is the opposite of evolution.  The Chinese Water Deer is just one more example of our fallen world, created perfect, but then we've fallen into sin and corruption.  The saber-teeth do not help the animal at all.

The Bible has always said that the Earth is round; Isaiah 40:22a "It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth..."

But ... the masses used to believe that the world was flat (in spite of the truth in the Bible).

The Bible has always said that we were created, not evolved; Genesis 1:1 "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth."

But ... today the masses believe in evolution (in spite of the truth in the Bible).

Belief in evolution is holding back entire areas of scientific research.  It is a belief system more than a set of scientific theories.  Money grants, pride, peer pressure (peer review), and movies drive it forward, not the true fossil evidence.  Creationists though love science.  The fossil record is the creationist's best friend!

"Chinese Water Deer"

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