Inspiration of the Hebrew Scriptures
Scientifically Demonstrated

by Ivan Panin
Aldershot, Ontario, Canada 1928

Printed copy borrowed, via interlibrary loan:
(from Yale University Library; dated Feb. 28, 1928)

(This book is Public Domain, i.e. FREE to copy)

This pamphlet is printed through the generosity of a Canadian business man to whom it has proved helpful. He therefore trusts that it will prove of the same help to every rabbi in Canada to whom it is being sent with his compliments and those of the author.

To those sufficiently interested to wish for more literature on the subject, a pamphlet of 32 pages, an appropriate sequel to this, will be sent on application.


In the following pages it is purposed to show that the Hebrew Bible is constructed on a marvellous numeric design running through its every conceivable detail; that this design could not have originated with man, nor have been carried out by man; that the numeric system on which it is built is similar to the mathematical schemes observed in nature, in the heavens above, or in the earth around man. And that this numeric design insures its text against errors and interpolations in much the same way in which the designs on a bank note are a guard against counterfeits. And as the cash register automatically counts the nickels and the dimes, so this numeric system automatically checks its own accounts.

The subject is so novel and the facts are so strange withal that the reader may well require a special mental adjustment not only to the matter itself but even to the very vocabulary that has to be used herein. The writer therefore asks the reader's special indulgence and patience at the multiplicity of detail given at the beginning. even at the risk of weariness. Those, however, who do not take kindly to figures may without serious loss, pass them over lightly, but will avoid doing themselves injustice by cleaving steadily to the statement of results and deductions therefrom.

The Hebrew Bible consists of thirty-nine books, in the following order (the names are for convenience given as in the English versions):

1. Genesis  בְּרֵאשִׁית 14. Ezekiel  יְחֶזְקֵאל 27. Psalms  תְּהִלִּים
2. Exodus  שְׁמוֹת 15. Hosea  הוֹשֵׁעַ 28. Proverbs  מִשְׁלֵי
3. Leviticus  וַיִּקְרָא 16. Joel  יוֹאֵל 29. Job  אִיּוֹב
4. Numbers  בְּמִדְבַּר 17. Amos  עָמוֹס 30. Song of Songs  שִׁיר הַשִּׁירִים
5. Deuteronomy  דְּבָרִים 18. Obadiah  עֹבַדְיָה 31. Ruth  רוּת
6. Joshua  יְהוֹשֻׁעַ 19. Jonah  יוֹנָה 32. Lamentations  אֵיכָה
7. Judges  שׁוֹפְטִים 20. Micah  מִיכָה 33. Ecclesiastes  קֹהֶלֶת
8. 1 Samuel  שְׁמוּאֵל א 21. Nahum  נַחוּם 34. Esther  אֶסְתֵּר
9. 2 Samuel  שְׁמוּאֵל ב 22. Habakkuk  חֲבַקּוּק 35. Daniel  דָּנִיֵּאל
10. 1 Kings  מְלָכִים א 23. Zephaniah  צְפַנְיָה 36. Ezra  עֶזְרָא
11. 2 Kings  מְלָכִים ב 24. Haggai  חַגַּי 37. Nehemiah  נְחֶמְיָה
12. Isaiah  יְשַׁעְיָהוּ 25. Zechariah  זְכַרְיָה 38. 1 Chronicles  דִּבְרֵי הַיָּמִים א
13. Jeremiah  יִרְמְיָהוּ 26. Malachi  מַלְאָכִי 39. 2 Chronicles  דִּבְרֵי הַיָּמִים ב

The five books of Moses form "The Law."
 Joshua to Malachi form "The Prophets;"
Psalms to 2 Chronicles form the "Writings," or Hagiographa.

Of these thirty-nine books, some assign themselves to their author by name; others are anonymous. Those which assign themselves wholly or in part to certain writers are: Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy, which ascribe themselves at least in part to Moses. Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and the twelve so-called minor prophets ascribe themselves to the writers whose names they respectively bear.

Psalms ascribes itself largely to David. Proverbs and the Song of Songs ascribe themselves to Solomon; and Ecclesiastes ascribes itself to "the Son of David."

Daniel, Ezra, and Nehemiah ascribe themselves to their respective writers.

The anonymous books are thus: Genesis, Joshua, Judges, 1 and 2 Samuel, 1 and 2 Kings, Job, Ruth, Lamentations, Esther, 1 and 2 Chronicles.

The Hebrews had no separate signs for numbers corresponding to the modern Arabic figures. The letters of the alphabet were used instead, thus:

  Numeric        Hebrew
    Value             Letter
      ח  ―    8   (chet)       ע  ―   70   (ayin)
    א  ―    1   (aleph)       ט  ―    9   (tet)       פ  ―   80   (pey)
    ב  ―    2   (bet)     י  ―   10   (yod)       צ  ―   90   (tsade)
    ג  ―    3   (gimmel)     כ  ―   20   (kaf)     ק  ―  100   (qof)
    ד  ―    4   (dalet)     ל  ―   30   (lamed)     ר  ―  200   (resh)
    ה  ―    5   (hey)     מ  ―   40   (mem)     ש  ―  300   (shin)
    ו  ―    6   (vav)     נ  ―   50   (nun)     ת  ―  400   (tav)
    ז  ―    7   (zayin)     ס  ―   60   (samekh)  

Each Hebrew word is thus an arithmetical sum of the numeric values of its letters. Accordingly the numeric values of the Bible writers (to whom the books ascribe themselves) are:

345—Moses  משה רבנו 176—Amos  עמוס 235—Zephaniah  צפניה 95—Daniel   דניאל
401—Isaiah  ישעיהו 91—Obadiah  עובדיה 21—Haggai   חגי 278—Ezra  עזרא
271—Jeremiah  ירמיהו 71—Jonah  יונה 242—Zechariah  זכריה 113—Nehemiah  נחמיה
156—Ezekiel  יחזקאל 75—Micah  מיכה 101—Malachi  מלאכי  
381—Hosea  הושע 104—Nahum  נחום 14—David  דוד  
47—Joel  יואל 216—Habakkuk  חבקוק 375—Solomon  סולומון       3808

A word about the doctrine of chances.

Even a cursory reader of the Bible is soon struck with the prevalence therein of the numbers seven, twelve and forty. These lie, as it were, on the surface. Other numbers, however, are equally prevalent, only they need unearthing. Thus, out of many others that could be named the following persons have names that have a numeric value of thirteen or its multiples:

Hagar has 208 or 13 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2
Gershon has 559 or 13 x 43
Caleb has  52 or 13 x 2 x 2

But as one number in every thirteen is a multiple of thirteen, no significance need be attached to such numeric values; only it must be remembered that the chance for any number being a multiple of thirteen is only one in thirteen, the other twelve numbers having each an equally good chance to merely happen here as thirteen.

But a case like BEN HADAD is not so readily disposed of. Its numeric value is 65, or 5 thirteens. So far there is nothing remarkable here. But the name consists of the words: BEN, meaning Son, and HADAD. Now the numeric value 65 is divided thus: BEN has 52, or 4 thirteens, and HADAD has thirteen. This may indeed be a mere coincidence; but the chance for it is now no longer one in thirteen, but one in 208.

In like manner, the phrase JEHOVAH ADONAI, Jehovah our Lord, has for its numeric value 91, or 13 x 7, the combination of thirteen with seven, (in itself already not a little noteworthy, since the phrase JEHOVAH ELOHIM, Jehovah God, has for its numeric value 112, or 7 x 4 x 4, also a multiple of seven). But the numeric value 91 is divided thus: Jehovah has 26, or 2 thirteens; ADONAI has 65 (compare BEN HADAD above), or 5 thirteens. Disregarding the seven for the present, the chance for the two features of thirteen here is only one in 195.

Again: the phrase MALACH JEHOVAH, messenger of Jehovah, has a numeric value of 117, or 9 thirteens; of which MALACH has 91, or 7 thirteens; and Jehovah has 26, or 2 thirteens. This division by thirteens may indeed be purely accidental; but the chance for it is only one in 190.

The two Hebrew words for fear of Jehovah "Yirath Y'hovah" have a numeric value of 637, or 7 x 7 x 13, a multiple of thirteen, of which Yirath has 611, or 47 thirteens; and Y'hovah has 26, or 2 thirteens. Up to this point this case is only similar to the cases already cited. But here the thirteen is combined with seven, and moreover with seven sevens. The bearing of this new fact will presently be seen.

Take now the ease of Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph, the patriarchs, where each name has for its numeric value a multiple of 2 thirteens; thus:

Isaac has 208 or 13 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2
Jacob has 182 or 13 x 2 x 7
Joseph  has 156 or 13 x 2 x 2 x 3

The peculiarity of these three names is that they are not taken at random, but are father, son, and grandson. The chance for three persons standing in a peculiar relation to each other like this, each having a numeric value of a multiple of 13 x 2, or 26, is only one in 76,076.

But these three names have this further peculiarity: the sum of their numeric values is 546, or 13 x 7 x 2 x 3, a multiple of seven as well as of thirteen (compare the case of Jehovah our Lord above). Now of this Jacob, the middle of the three, has 13 x 7 x 2; and the two on each side of him have 364, or 13 x 7 x 2 x 2; this division being by 7 x 2, or fourteen, as well as by thirteen. The chance for this division by seven is only one in 49; and the above chance of one in 76,076 is now reduced 49 times, to one in only 3,827,824.

But this is not all. Of Jacob's grandsons: Pallu, son of Reuben, has a numeric value 117, or 9 thirteens; Gershon, Levi's son, has 559, or 43 thirteens; Issachar's son, Puvah, has 91, or 7 thirteens; and Gad's son, Ezbon, has 143, or 11 thirteens. That four of Jacob's grandsons out of some 55 should have multiples of thirteen, is of course what should be expected. But the sum of these four numeric values is 910, or 13 x 7 x 10, the combination again of thirteen with seven, divided thus: Puvah has 91, or 13 x 7; and the others have 819, or 13 x 7 x 3 x 3, itself 9 times 13 x 7, with the sum of its factors 26, or 2 thirteens. This third combination of 7 x 13 so far met with, with its division into a set of ninety-ones, or 7 x 13, diminishes the above chance again 49 times, or into 187,563,376.

One more illustration, and these preliminaries are at an end.

The case of Isaac, Jacob and Joseph is closely parallelled by the three most prominent heads of the three ancient empires with whom the Jews came in touch for both weal and woe.

The numeric values in the Hebrew of these three rulers are:

Nebuchadnezzar, of Babylon, 416 or 13 x 4 x 8
Darius, the Mede, has 520 or 13 x 4 x 10
Cyrus, the Persian, has  520 or 13 x 4 x 10

Bach ruler has thus 4 thirteens, or 52 as factor in his numeric value. The three examples given have been dealing with only two words in each. Nebuchadnezzar is used in the Bible in two forms: in this the shorter; and in the longer Nebuchadnezzar; a vav, with its numeric value of 6 being added, and n  changed into r. As the difference between the two forms is 156 or 12 thirteens, the result is not affected as to the 13 x 4; but the shorter form brings about this: The sum of the three numeric values is 1456, or 7 x 13 x 4 x 4, the same combination of 7 x 13, already met twice in the preceding section. The chance for these 4 thirteens thus to merely happen together is only one in 620,620. But the chance for the two parallel cases to happen together in the same book, is only one in 187,563,376, multiplied by 620,620, or one in some 10,000 billions. The chance for three such cases is 620,620 times still less.

Now, when the chance for an occurrence is as infinitessimally small as this it is for practical purposes deemed impossible to merely happen. If, therefore, it does occur, it is due not to chance, but to—DESIGN.

If a row of buttons is found on the road at equal distances in a straight line of twelve, it would be difficult to see only chance here. If that dozen buttons were found in two rows of six, it would require much grace to listen to the suggestion that mere chance was here at work. But if these buttons were found in three rows of four, no power in heaven or on earth could convince a normal intellect of aught but design having placed that dozen buttons THUS. And the occurrence of these thirteens here has no more chance of being undesigned than the three rows of four buttons.

With these preliminaries out of the way we may now proceed with the consideration of the numeric phenomena of the Hebrew Bible.

The Hebrew Bible then consists of 39 books, or 3 thirteens (Feature 1), of which the anonymous books have thirteen, and the non-anonymous have 26, or 2 thirteens (Feature 2); the same division is maintained thus: the Law and the Prophets have 26, or 2 thirteens; the Writings have thirteen (Feature 3).

The Law comprises books 1-5; the Prophets comprise books 6-26; the Writings, books 27-39. But the sum of the numbers 1, 5, 6, 26, 27, 39 is 104, or 8 thirteens (Feature 4).

The sum of the order numbers of the books 1 to 39, is naturally a multiple of thirteen, namely 780, or 13 x 60; but this number is divided thus: the only two named after women, Ruth and Esther, are books 31 and 34, their sum is 65, or 5 thirteens; leaving for the other books 715, itself 13 x 5 x 11, or 55 thirteens (Feature 5) ; with the sum of the figures—thirteen (Feature 6).

The chance for these six features of thirteens being undesigned is only one in 256,851,595, less than one in a quarter of a billion.

It so happens, however, that every thirteenth book of the 39, or 3 thirteens is: Jeremiah, Malachi, 2 Chronicles. The numbers of chapters in these three books are: 52, 3, 36, or 91 in all, or 7 thirteens (Feature 7) ; of which Jeremiah has 52, or 4 thirteens; and Malachi and 2 Chronicles have 39, or 3 thirteens (Feature 8). And if Ezra is the writer of 2 Chronicles, then the numeric values of Jeremiah, Malachi and Ezra are 271, 101, 278, with 650 as their sum, or 50 thirteens (Feature 9). As the authorship, however, of Chronicles by Ezra is not yet established before the reader at this stage, only two additional features of thirteens will be here considered. Now the chance for two features of thirteens to happen together is one in 325; and the chance obtained above of only one in 256,851,595, is thus diminished 325 times, to only one in some forty billions. A DESIGN of thirteens thus runs through the mere number of books of the Bible.

At this stage the reader may be interested to note that the FIRST paragraph of the Bible, Genesis 1:1-5, containing the account of the first day's creation, has 52 words, or 4 thirteens; the FIRST book of the Bible, Genesis, has 1,534 verses, itself 118 thirteens, with thirteen for the sum of its figures; (the verses in Exodus also are 1,209, or 13 x 31 x 3, a multiple of thirteen, and of its reverse, 31); the FIRST division of the three great divisions of the Bible, the Law, TORAH, has a numeric value of 611, or 47 thirteens; the FIRST writer, Moses, has a place value (the sum of the places his letters occupy in the alphabet) of 39, or 3 thirteens; the name occurring in the Hebrew Bible 767 times, or 59 thirteens; the FIRST chronological date in the Bible, the birth of Seth, is year 130 of Adam, or 10 thirteens. A scheme of thirteens thus runs also through the FIRSTS of the Bible.

The persons named in the Hebrew Bible (the Tanakh, the Old Testament) as its writers are: Moses, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, the twelve so-called minor prophets, David, Solomon, Daniel, Ezra, and Nehemiah. Their number is 21, or 3 sevens (Feature 1); of these those having odd numbers for their numeric values are 14, or 2 sevens; those having even numbers are seven (Feature 2). Their numeric value (§3 above) is 3,808, or 7 x 17 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2, itself a multiple of seven (Feature 3), with seven factors (Feature 4). This sum, 3,808, or 544 sevens, is divided thus: the LAW and the PROPHETS have 2,933, or 7 x 419, itself a multiple of seven, with the sum of the figures of its factors 21, or 3 sevens (Feature 5) ; the WRITINGS have 875, or 7 x 5 x 5 x 5, or 125 sevens (Feature 6) ; of which in turn David has 14, or 2 sevens, and Solomon to Nehemiah have 861, or 123 sevens (Feature 7).

These 21 numeric values form the following and only groups of sevens: Moses to Hosea have 1,554, or 7 x 2 x 3 x 37. Joel to Jonah have 385, or 7 x 55. Micah to Zephaniah have 630, or 7 x 90. Haggai has 21, or 7 x 3. Zechariah-Malachi have 343, or 7 x 7 x 7. David has 14, or 7 x 2. Solomon to Nehemiah have 861, or 7 x 123. (Feature 7).

These 21 numeric values form the following and only groups of sevens:

Moses to Hosea  have 1,554,  or 7 x 2 x 3 x 37
Joel to Jonah  have 385,  or 7 x 55
Micah to Zephaniah  have 630,  or 7 x 90
Haggai  has 21,  or 7 x 3
Zechariah-Malachi  have 343,  or 7 x 7 x 7
David  has 14,  or 7 x 2
Solomon to Nehemiah  have 861,  or 7 x 123

But these groups are seven (Feature 8); of which the factors of the first group have for their sum 49, or seven (Feature 9) sevens (Feature 10) ; the fifth group has 343, or seven sevens (Feature 11) of sevens (Feature 12).

As the chance for these twelve features of sevens in the mere matter of the list of the Bible writers is only one in 1,302,289,781,830, less than one in THIRTEEN HUNDRED BILLIONS. A design of sevens is thus seen to run the mere list of names of the Bible writers, just as it has already been seen that a design of thirteens runs the mere list of the Bible books.

The very first serious inspection of the bare Table of Contents of the Hebrew Bible reveals thus an elaborate DESIGN of sevens and thirteens.

Thus encouraged by what has so far been found, we may now go on with a closer study of the numeric phenomena of the book.

    The Numeric Structure of Genesis 1:1

The first verse in the Hebrew Bible is "In [the] beginning God created the heavens and the earth," Genesis 1: 1. The sentence is grammatically complete in the first three of its (in the original Hebrew) seven words. In beginning God created: B'rayshith bahrah Elohim.

The letters of these three words occupy the following places in the Hebrew Alphabet: 2, 20, 1, 21, 10, 22, 2, 20, 1, 1, 12, 5, 10, 13 — their Place Value.

The Hebrew has no vowel letters as such, using separate points instead for vowels; but it does have certain letters which are either wholly or partly silent. In this sentence Letters 1, 5, 10 are such letters, and are here for convenience called vowel-letters.

The number of letters in this sentence is 14, or 2 sevens (Feature 1), with a place value of 140, or 7 x 2 x 2 x 5, also a multiple of 2 sevens (Feature 2); of which the odd numbers have 42, or 7 x 2 x 3; and the even have 98, or 7 x 7 x 2, again 2 sevens (Feature 3), of sevens (Feature 4). The vowel letters have 28, or 7 x 2 x 2; the consonants have 112, or 7 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2; this division being also by 2 sevens (Feature 5).

If now the fourteen place values of the letters be multiplied by their order numbers as they occur in the sentence, we have
2 x 1  is  2   20 x 8  is  160
20 x 2  is  40 1 x 9  is  9
1 x 3  is  3 1 x 10  is  10
21 x 4  is  84 12 x 11  is  132
10 x 5  is  50 5 x 12  is  60
22 x 6  is  132 10 x 13  is  130
2 x 7  is  14 13 x 14  is  182
                   140   1008

The result thus obtained is 1008, or 7 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 3, or 144 sevens (Feature 6), with seven factors (Feature 7), whose sum is 21, or 3 sevens (Feature 8) ; and of this sum 1,008, the units have 28, or 4 sevens; leaving for the tens and hundreds 980, or 7 x 7 x 2 x 2 x 5, or 20 sevens (Feature 9) of sevens (Feature 10); the numbers of one figure have 14, or 2 sevens; of more than one 994, or 7 x 7 x 71. This division is not only by sevens, but by 2 sevens (Feature 11).

There are thus no fewer than eleven features of sevens in the matter of place values alone in this sentence of three words; more than three features for each of its three words. An elaborate design of sevens thus runs through this first Bible sentence.

The whole verse "In [the] beginning God created the heavens and the earth," the first part of which already presents eleven features of sevens by itself, presents the following numeric phenomena:

It has seven words (Feature 1) with 28 letters, or 4 sevens (Feature 2), divided thus: As already seen the first three words of the verse forming the subject and the predicate of the full sentence in the verse have 14 letters, or 2 sevens. The object, the heavens and the earth, has also 14, or 2 sevens (Feature 3) ; the object in turn is divided thus: the heavens have seven; and the earth have also seven (Feature 4). The two words which begin with the first letter of the alphabet, Elohim, and eth, have seven letters (Feature 5); being words 3 and 4 of the verse, with seven for their sum; leaving 21 for the other five words, or 3 sevens (Feature 6), being words 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 of the verse, with 21 for their sum, or 3 sevens. The three leading nouns of the verse, God, heaven and earth, have 14 letters, or 2 sevens; leaving for the others also. 14, or 2 sevens (Feature 7). The value of these three words is moreover 924, or 7 x 3 x 44, or 132 sevens (Feature 8); of which the place value has 147, or 3 sevens of sevens (Feature 9); and the numeric value has 777, or 7 x 111, itself a multiple of seven (Feature 10), with the sum of the figures 21, or 3 sevens (Feature 11).

Twenty-two features of sevens are thus presented by this verse of seven words, three features for every word, and three features for every four of its 28 letters.

This, however, in nowise exhausts the numeric phenomena of this verse. The paper about this verse alone has been rewritten about a dozen times; because every time it is gone over afresh, new features hitherto unobserved come into view. At the first writing eight features of sevens were observed; and these were deemed remarkable enough to justify their publication in a two page tractlet. In its last edition the number of features grew to over forty. At the present writing over fifty of sevens alone are already in view, with the end not yet in sight. "Without wearying the reader with their entire enumeration, a few examples will be given in illustration of the numeric phenomena presented by this one verse of seven words, where so far already twenty-two features of seven have been pointed out.

Leaving for a while the text of this verse we turn to its vocabulary.

The vocabulary to this verse, owing to the peculiarity of Hebrew as to its prefixes, which are abbreviated words, has a larger number of words than the text itself. It has nine words as a vocabulary to the seven in the text. The case is akin to the English isn't. In the text it is one word, but the vocabulary thereto consists of two words: be (of which is is a form), and not, of which n't is an abbreviation. Now the Vocabulary to Genesis 1:1 has for its value 2,534, itself 362 sevens (Feature 1), with the sum of its figures 14, or 2 sevens (Feature 2).

And this value 2,534, or 362 sevens, is divided thus: the place value has 259, or 37 sevens; of which the first, last, and middle, have 98, or 2 sevens of seven (Feature 3); and the others have 161, or 23 sevens (Feature 4). The numeric value has 2,275, or 325 sevens (Feature 5); of which the odd numbers have 1,841, itself 263 sevens; with the sum of its figures 14, or 2 sevens (Feature 6. Compare Feature 2); and the even numbers have 434, or 62 sevens (Feature 7). The value 2,534 is, moreover, divided thus: of the two uneven halves of nine, the first four have 812, or 7 x 2 x 2 x 29; the last five have 1,722, or 7 x 2 x 3 x 41; this division is not only by sevens (Feature 8); but by 2 sevens.

Three distinct schemes of sevens, with 30 features thereof, are thus presented as forming only the smaller part of an elaborate design of sevens running through this verse; the three separate schemes thus presenting rings within rings, as it were; wheels within wheels; the 30 features giving four for every one of its seven words; and one feature for every one of its 28 letters.

But in addition to this threefold scheme of sevens there are other designs running through this verse.

The numeric value of the verse is 2,701, or 37 x 73, a multiple of thirty-seven (Feature 1), and moreover of 37 reversed, 73. This value is thus divided among the 28 letters of this verse; those occupying the odd places, 1, 3, 5 .... 27, have 444, or 12 thirty-sevens; those occupying the even places 2, 4, 6 .... 28, have 2,257, or 61 thirty-sevens (Feature 2). Of these two features of 37 this is to be noted: In 444 the thirty-seven is combined with 2 x 2 x 3; in 2,257 it is combined with 61. But the sum of the factors 2, 2, 3 is— seven; the sum of the figures 1, 6 is—seven.

The two words with the largest and smallest numeric values, 913 and 86, In beginning, God, have 999, or 27 thirty-sevens, leaving for the others 1,702, or 46 thirty-sevens (Feature 3). The three leading nouns, God, the heavens, and the earth, have 777, or 37 x 7 x 3, the combination of both seven and thirty-seven, leaving for the others 1,924, or 37 x 13 x 4, or 52 thirty-sevens (Feature 4). The numeric value of these three nouns is in its turn divided thus: God, and the heavens have 481, or 13 thirty-sevens (compare for 37 x 13, Feature 4) ; and and the earth has 296, or 8 thirty-sevens (Feature 5). The one duplicate word in the verse, V'AITH, and with the untranslatable particle eth, has 407, or 11 thirty-sevens (Feature 6.) To these six features of 37 found in the numeric values alone, may be added this: The value of the three words without prefix:: barah, Elohim, eth, is 777, the same combination of 37 x 7 x 3 of thirty-seven (Feature 7), with seven already met with under Feature 4. The place value of the vocabulary to this verse is 259, or 37 x 7; again the combination of thirty-seven with seven (Feature 8).

The chance for these eight thirty-sevens being undesigned is one in 528,881,242,618,432, less than one in 500 millions of millions. This takes no account of the double occurrence of 777 (combination with seven) and the noteworthy reduplication of figures in 444, 777, and 999, which diminish manifold the presence of chance here. A scheme of thirty-sevens thus also runs through this verse of seven words.

It was seen above that the numeric value of this verse is 2,701, or 37 x 73; the sum of these factors is 110, or 10 elevens (Feature 1) ; the numeric value of the first word of this verse is 913, or 83 elevens (Feature 2), with the sum of figures in the factor, 83, being eleven (Feature 3). Just eleven letters are made use of in this verse (Feature 4). The first and middle words of this verse have a place value of 143, or 13 elevens (Feature 5); of which the two silent letters have eleven, and the others have 132, or 12 elevens (Feature 6). The number 407, or 11 x 37, under Feature 6 of the thirty-sevens, is a multiple of eleven as well as of 37 (Feature 7.

This enumeration of elevens in this verse is not exhaustive, but a scheme of elevens, as well as of sevens and thirty-sevens, thus runs through this verse.

The place value of the eleven letters used in this verse is 130, or 10 thirteens (Feature 1); of which the seventh letter has thirteen, and the others have 117, or 9 thirteens (Feature 2). The place value of the first, last and middle words of the verse is 143, the combination of eleven with thirteen (Feature 3). The numeric value of the four nouns in this verse is 1,690, or 13 x 13 x 10, or 10 thirteens (Feature 4) of thirteens (Feature 5). The number 1,924, or 13 x 37 x 4, under Feature 4 of the thirty-sevens above is the combination of 37 with thirteen (Feature 6) ; and the same is true of 481, or 37 thirteens (Feature 7), under Feature 5 of the thirty-sevens.

A scheme of thirteens, as well as of sevens, elevens and thirty-sevens, runs through this verse.

The first verse of Genesis is thus constructed on a highly elaborate numeric scheme, combining three distinct schemes of sevens, and one each of eleven, thirteen and thirty-seven; with, moreover, a separate scheme of its own for its first three words. A profound numeric artist being at work here, who, however, cared so little for its being known, that for some 3,500 years it lay hid from the eyes of the millions of folk who, during those millennia had nevertheless been reading, studying and commenting upon that verse.

    The Numeric Structure of Genesis 1:2

The second verse of Genesis in its turn consists of 14 words, or two sevens. It would take a booklet to enumerate the numeric phenomena of that one verse of 14 words. So we shall take up only its first four words.

The four words of the Hebrew original in the second verse of Genesis 1, for "And the earth became waste and void," have 16 letters, of which one-half are duplicates; so that only eight letters are employed in these four words.

Arranging these eight letters in their alphabetical order, their values are:

1 1 2
2 2 4
5 5 10
6 6 12
10 10 20
18 90 108
20 200 220
22 400 422
Total 84 714 798

The value of the eight letters employed in these four words is 798, or 7 x 2 x 3 x 19, or 114 sevens (Feature 1); of which the place value has 84, or 7 x 2 x 2 x 3, itself 12 sevens, with the sum of its factors 14, or 2 sevens (Feature 2); and the numeric value has 714, or 7 x 2 x 3 x 17, or 102 sevens (Feature 3). The value 798 is moreover divided thus: the four numbers occupying places 1, 3, 5, 7 (the odd) have 252, or even) have 546, or 7 x 13 x 6, the combination of seven (Feature 4) with thirteen.

Again, the first four numbers, (the one-half of the eight making up the sum 798) have 28, or 4 sevens; the last four, making up the second half, have 770, itself 110 sevens (Feature 5), with the sum of its figures 14, or 2 sevens (Feature 6). The first half ends with 12; the second with 422; their sum is 434, or 62 sevens (Feature 7). The numeric value 714, or 102 sevens is divided thus: the numbers with zeroes have 700, or 7 x 2 x 2 x 5 x 5, itself 100 sevens, with the sum of the factors 21, or 3 sevens (Feature 8); and the others have 14, or 2 sevens (Feature 9).

In the table above the order of the numbers is that of their letters in the alphabet. In the words themselves these letters occur in the following order, represented by their values: 12, 10, 2, 220, 108, 20, 422, 4. If now these eight numbers be put down in this order, and each be multiplied by its order number, we have:

1 x 12 is 12
2 x 10 is 20
3 x 2 is 6
4 x 220 is 880
5 x 108 is 540
6 x 20 is 120
7 x 422 is 2954
8 x 4 is 32

The result of this multiplication gives 4,564, or 652 sevens (Feature 8), divided thus: the numbers consisting of three figures, have 4,494, or 7 x 2 x 3 x 107, itself 642 sevens, with the sum of its factors 119, or 17 sevens (Feature 9); and the numbers consisting of less than three figures have 70, or 7 x 2 x 5; itself 10 sevens (Feature 10), with the sum of its factors 14, or 2 sevens (Feature 11). If the same process be applied to all the 16 letters of this sentence, in the order of the size of the values, 2, 4, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 12, 12,12,12, 20,108, 220, 422, 422, each value being multiplied by its order Number 1, 2, 3, ... 16, the result is 18,522, or 54 sevens (Feature 12), of seven (Feature 13), sevens (Feature 14).

There are thus fourteen features of sevens displayed in the mere values of the eight letters that are employed in the four words of the Hebrew for "And the earth became waste and void." Moreover, each of the numbers in the ten features (except 119 in Feature 9), is a multiple not only of seven, but of 2 sevens.

This enumeration of the numeric phenomena in the mere item of the eight letters made use of in these four words, is, as it were, a mere scratch on the surface; pages more would not exhaust it. Thus, because 798, or 7 x 6 x 19 is a multiple of six and nineteen, as well as of seven, elaborate schemes of sixes and nineteens, as well as of seven, are found in this one item alone. This phrase, less than a third of verse 2, is thus constructed in the same elaborate numeric manner as verse 1.

But these two verses are only a part of the first paragraph of the Bible, verses 1-5 of chapter 1.

These first five verses of the Bible form its first section, giving the account of creation, ending with the first day. It has just been seen that Genesis 1: 1 has a scheme of sevens running through it, and of elevens and thirteens. Now this section has a vocabulary of 33 words, or 3 elevens, and contains 52 words, or 4 thirteens; thus connecting it once with the numeric structure of verse 1.

This vocabulary of 33 words has a numeric value of 6,188, or 884 sevens (Feature 1) ; of which the words with more than one form have 1,610 or 230 sevens, and the words with only one form (of which there are just seven, Feature 2) have 4,578, or 654 sevens (Feature 3). The first and last words have 658, or 7 x 2 x 47, itself 94 sevens, with the sum of the factors 56, or 8 sevens (Feature 4); leaving for those between 5,530, or 790 sevens (Feature 5). While the first and the last words of the vocabulary arranged not alphabetically, but as the words occur in the text, have 924, or 132 sevens; leaving for those between 5,264, or 752 sevens (Feature 6). Every seventh word in the vocabulary (of which there are four) has for its numeric value: 2, 20, 75, 911, with 1,008 for their sum, of 7 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 3, itself 144 sevens, with seven factors (Feature 7) and their sum 21, or 3 sevens (Feature 8) ; leaving for the other words 5,180, or 740 sevens (Feature 9). These four numbers are moreover divided thus: the two occupying the odd places, 1 and 3, have 77, or 11 sevens; the even places have 931, or 7 x 7 x 19, a multiple of seven (Feature 10) sevens (Feature 11).

Among the letters of the 33 vocabulary words the numeric value, 6,188, is divided thus: The 33 letters with which the 33 words begin have 2,401 itself (49 x 49) seven sevens (Feature 12) of seven (Feature 13) sevens (Feature 14) ; with the sum of its figures seven (Feature 15) ; the remaining letters have 3,787, or 541 sevens (Feature 16).

And thus one might go on with the enumeration of sevens, if space permitted, up to at least thirty-one features of sevens, nearly one for each word of the vocabulary. Anyhow, an elaborate scheme of sevens runs through the first five verses of Genesis 1 in the item of the vocabulary alone.

The number of words in this passage is 52, or 4 thirteens (Feature 1), which occur in 39 forms (Feature 2), which in their turn have 52 syllables, or 4 thirteens (Feature 3). The value of the 52 words is 7,163, or 551 thirteens (Feature 4); of which the place value has 975, or 13 x 3 x 5 x 5, itself 75 thirteens, with the sum of its factors 26, or 2 thirteens (Feature 5) ; and the numeric value has 6,188, or 13 x 7 x 4 x 17, a multiple also of seven as well as of thirteen (Feature 6). This numeric value is divided thus: The last word of the passage has 13; the others have 7,150, or 13 x 11 x 5 x 5 x 2, a multiple of both eleven and thirteen (Feature 7). Every thirteenth word of the vocabulary (of which there are two) has a value of 10 and 341, or 351 for their sum, which is 27 thirteens; leaving for the others 5,837, or 449 thirteens (Feature 8). The five words with which the five verses begin have 1,950, or 150 thirteens; and the other words have 4,238, or 326 thirteens (Feature 9). The 39 forms, or 3 thirteens in which the words of this passage occur begin With thirteen letters (Feature 10), with a place value of 143, or 11 x 13, the combination of thirteen (Feature 11) with eleven. The 52 words of the passage, or 4 thirteens, are divided thus: the last verse has 13, the other verses have 39, or 3 thirteens (Feature 12).

A scheme of thirteens as well as of sevens thus runs thro' the first five verses of Genesis In addition to these an elaborate scheme of eleven also runs through this paragraph. But the enumeration might weary the reader.

We have thus the first section of Genesis with at least a double scheme of sevens and thirteens (though there are others also) ; within which the first verse has four distinct numeric schemes of its own, and the second verse likewise (the three remaining verses the writer has not thought it worth while to analyze separately owing to the great labor involved therein). The first verse in turn has a sub-scheme of its own for its first three words.

But Genesis 1 :l-5 with its schemes of sevens, elevens and thirteens is itself only a part of the first chapter in Genesis which gives the account of creation by days. Accordingly, this chapter forms a numeric unit by itself with all manner of schemes running through it, the enumeration of which a whole volume would fail to exhaust. The numerics of the chapter as a whole, and of its several parts by themselves, are essentially the same as those already presented for some of its portions. To save space, however, only such will hereafter be presented as are readily verified by the reader himself, or present some new phase of design.

Thus to take only one word in this chapter:

ELOHIM, i.e. G_d. The numeric values of its letters are 1, 30, 5, 10, 40. Their place values are 1, 12, 5, 10, 13. The numeric value of the word is 86, with the sum of its figures 14, or 2 sevens (Feature 1). The sum of the figures of the numeric values of the letters is also 14, or 2 sevens (Feature 2); the sum of the figures of the place values is also 14, or 2 sevens (Feature 3); and the number of their integers is seven (Feature 4). This word which thus starts out with four features of sevens (three of which are of two sevens), the chance for which is only one in 19,208, at the most, has special numerics in this chapter as follows: It is found here in verses 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10, 11,12, 14, 16,17, 18, 20, 21, 21, 22, 24, 25, 25, 26, 27, 27, 28, 28, 29, 31. The sum of these numbers is 511, itself 73 sevens (Feature 1), with the sum of its figures seven (Feature 2); divided thus: the numbers of one figure have 49, or seven sevens (Feature 3); and those with two figures have 462, or 66 sevens (Feature 4). The first group consisting of ten numbers is in its turn divided thus: its first half of five numbers have 14, or 2 sevens; its second half of five numbers have 35, or 5 sevens (Feature 5); of the second group the last seven have 196, or 4 sevens (Feature 6) of sevens (Feature 7).

These 32 numbers form only the following groups of sevens:

   Nos.  1- 4  have 14,   or 2 sevens
   Nos.  5- 9  have 35,   or 5 sevens
   Nos. 10-25 have 266, or 38 sevens
   Nos. 26-31 have 196, or 28 sevens

But the numbers with which these groups of sevens begin have for their sum 42, or 6 sevens (Feature 8) ; while the largest group has 266, itself a multiple of seven, but the sum of its figures is 14, or 2 sevens (Feature 9), with the sum of its factors, 7 x 2 x 19, being 28. or four sevens (Feature 10).

As 511 is 7 seventy-threes (compare for the seventy-threes Genesis 1:1 above), it is divided thus: Nos. 1-21 have 219, or 3 seventy-threes; and the others have 292, or 4 seventy-threes. Apart from the in Scripture usual division of seven into three and four, it is to be noted here that the division into seventy-threes stops at 21, or 3 sevens (Feature 11).

Thus in the mere matter of the occurrence of the word God in the verses of this chapter an elaborate scheme of sevens comes into view, with a side-schemelet of seventy-three.

Again: the number of words in this chapter is 434, or 7 x 2 x 31, a multiple of seven combined with thirty-one. It will be well to dispose of the 7 x 31 at once before going on to the sevens. Some of the days of creation are accompanied by the phrase "And God saw that it was good." The first word of this phrase "and-saw" has a numeric value of 217, or 7 x 31. And the number of verses in the chapter is thirty-one.

The number then of the words 434 is 62 sevens (Feature 1). Each of the six days of Creation ends with the phrase "And there was evening, and there was morning. Day one (first), second . . . sixth." With reference to this fact.

The word  first is word 52 of the chapter
The word  second is word 88 of the chapter
The word  third is word 159 of the chapter
The word  fourth is word 228 of the chapter
The word  fifth is word 285 of the chapter
The word  sixth is word 434 of the chapter

The sum of the word numbers is 1,246, itself 7 x 2 x 89 (Feature 2); with the sum of its factors 98, or 2 sevens (Feature 3) of sevens (Feature 4).

Among the six groups given above the number 1,246, or 178 sevens is divided thus:

    Nos. 1-2 have 140, or 7 x 2 x 2 x 5
    Nos. 3-5 have 672, or 7 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 3
    No. 6 has 434, or 7 x 2 x 31.

This division is not only by sevens, but by 2 sevens. And the groups end with figures 2 and 5, with their sum seven (Feature 5). As noted above the chapter falls into six natural sections, one for each day of Creation. The words beginning these sections have a numeric value of 2,198, or 314 sevens (Feature 6). It has already been seen that the numeric value of the word And-saw with which the distinguished phrase "And God saw" begins, is 217, or 31 sevens (Feature 7).

One other numeric item, and we may leave this first chapter of Genesis: The place value of the first word, B'vayshith, In-beginning, and of the last word Hashishi, the sixth, is 133 itself 19 sevens (Feature 1); the sum of its figures seven (Feature 2). The numbers up to ten have 28, or 4 sevens, those above ten have 105, or 15 sevens (Feature 3). And as 133 is seven nineteens, the seven is divided into the usual 3 and 4 thus. The first word has 76, or 4 nineteens; the last has 57, or 3 nineteens. These two words thus display three distinct designs in them: sevens, nineteens, and the division of seven into three and four, a division most frequent in the Bible. In fact, this very chapter shows it thus: Of the seven days Creation the first four deal with heaven as well as with earth; the last three only with earth.

Even the few items presented sufficiently show that as its individual parts are each constructed on a highly elaborate numeric plan, so the first chapter as a whole is also constructed with elaborate numeric design.

After what has already been given, the reader may rest assured, if he is ready to take the writer's assertion, that the whole book of Genesis reproduces the same numeric designs for itself as a unit and for its numerous parts in detail.

It has just been seen that the first chapter of Genesis presents design in the two words with which it begins and ends. The book as a whole duplicates this feature of the first chapter. Only the chapter does it with the Place Values, the book does it with the Numeric Values. The Numeric Value of its first word B'rayshith, is 913; of its last word B'mitsrahyim, In Egypt is 382. Their sum is 1295 or 7 x 37 x 5, itself 185 sevens (Feature 1), with the sum of its factors 49, or seven (Feature 2) sevens (Feature 3).

But this is not all. It has already been seen above (§17) that a design of thirty-sevens as well as of sevens runs through the first verse of Genesis. Accordingly the sum 1295 is the combination of seven with thirty-seven, or 35 thirty-sevens, divided thus: the letters with which the two words begin and end have 444, or 12 thirty-sevens; leaving for the others 851, or 23 thirty-sevens, with the sum of its figures 14, or 2 sevens. One other illustration of the whole book of Genesis being a numeric unit may be given: one which the reader can verify for himself with the mere text before him.

Genesis may be considered as consisting of the following divisions, which are logically natural in the narratives themselves.

1. Chapters 1-5 give the story of man until Noah. This section closes with the first genealogy from Adam to Noah.

2. Chapters 6-11 give the story of man from Noah to Abraham, father of the faithful. This section closes with the second genealogy from Shem, son of Noah, to Abraham.

3. Chapters 12-24 give the story of Abraham and Isaac until the arrival of Isaac's bride in the promised land, and is taken into his mother's tent. Isaac, the chosen seed, is thus prepared for the descent from him not only of the tribes of Israel, the congregation of God, but also of the promised Messiah himself.

4. Chapters 25-46 give the story of Israel from his birth to his arrival in Egypt where the children of Israel were to be in bondage for over a century and a half. This section also, like chapters 1-5 and 6-11, closes with a genealogy of Jacob and his children.

5. Chapters 47-50 give the story of Jacob and his family until the death of Joseph, with whom the protection of Israel in Egypt ended.

The Hebrew word for YEAR, Shanah, occurs in Genesis 161 times, or 23 sevens (Feature 1), so distributed that each of these five divisions has a number of sevens; thus: The first has 49, or seven sevens (Feature 2). The second has 35, or 5 sevens (Feature 3); the third has 21, or 3 sevens (Feature 4); the fourth has 42, or 6 sevens (Feature 5); and the fifth has 14, or 2 sevens (Feature 6). Moreover, beside the first section, which has seven sevens, the second and the last have also 49, or seven sevens (Feature 7) ; while the three middle ones, the second, third and fourth, have 98, or 2 sevens of sevens (Feature 8).

The sum of the figures of the five multiples of seven 49, 35, 21, 42, 14, is 35, or 5 sevens (Feature 9), of which those occupying the odd places 1, 3, 5, have 21, or 3 sevens, and those of the even places have 14, or 2 sevens (Feature 10). The same division is observed thus: the first two numbers have 21, the last three have 14 (Feature 11).

These five logical divisions begin with chapters 1, 6, 12, 25, 47. Their sum is 91, or 13 sevens (Feature 12): of which the first two have seven, and the others have 84, or 12 sevens (Feature 13). The sum of the figures in these five numbers is 28, or 4 sevens (Feature 14.

Compare Feature 9): of which the units have 21, or 3 sevens, and the tens have seven (Feature 15). The odd figures have 14, or 2 sevens, and the even have also 14 (Feature 16. Compare Feature 10 above and others below).

The five divisions end with chapters 5, 11, 24, 46 and 50. The sum of their figures is 28, or 4 sevens (Feature 17. Compare Features 9 and 14). And of this the first two numbers have seven, and the others have 21, or 3 sevens (Feature 18. Compare Features 11 and 13).

This account is in nowise exhaustive. Thus the first dated year in Genesis is 130 of Adam, at which age he is stated in 5:3 to have begotten Seth. The last year dated is in the last verse of Genesis, where Joseph dies 110 years old, acknowledged by all as year 2369 from Adam. Now the sum of these first and last dated years of Genesis, 130 and 2369, is 2499, or 51 sevens (Feature 19) of sevens (Feature 20).

If the five sections be examined in detail. Chapters 1-5 present the following: The sum of the years named therein is 15,750, or 7 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 5 x 5 x 5, itself 2250 sevens (Feature 21), and having seven factors (Feature 22).

This 15,750 is moreover the sum of 28 numbers, or 4 sevens (Feature 23) : of which the first and the last have 630, or 90 sevens; leaving for those between 15,120, or 7 x 90 x 24. This division is not only by sevens (Feature 24), but by 90 sevens. The sum of the four numbers which are every seventh number of the 28, is 1785, itself 255 sevens (Feature 25), with the sum of its figures 21, or 3 sevens (Feature 26). Just seven of the 28 numbers are multiples of seven (Feature 27) ; and more of the like.

And each of the other four sections displays the same phenomena.

Thus by means of the one word Year (Shanah) Genesis is proved to be constructed on an elaborate design. And the same is readily shown by many other words.

The limits of this pamphlet do not permit going into extensive proof that every one of the thirty-nine books of the Hebrew Bible is built numerically on exactly the same plan as Genesis; and this likewise not only as a whole, but in its every part. One or two proofs will therefore be given of the Hebrew Bible being thus constructed as a whole. Before doing so, however, it is well to remind the reader of the following facts:

It has been seen above that the first and last words of Genesis have numeric design running through them. Now what is true of the first chapter of Genesis as a part, and of the book itself as a whole is also true of the first five books of Moses, the Law, as a whole. For Deuteronomy ends with the word Israel, with a place value of 64. This with the 76 place value of B'rayshith, In-beginning, makes 140 for the place value of these two words beginning and ending the Law. But this is 20 sevens.

Moreover a similar numeric scheme runs through the first and last words of the Law and the First Prophets, which end with "his life" Chahyav. The value of the first word of Genesis is 989; of the last word of II Kings it is 68; their value is thus 1057, or 151 sevens, itself a multiple of seven, with the sum of the figures of its factors 14, or 2 sevens.

The Law and the Prophets display a similar design thus: The writer of the Law, Moses has a value of 384; Malachi, the last writer of the Prophets has 148. The two have 532 or 76 sevens.

And what is true of Genesis by itself; of the book of Genesis as a whole and of the Law as a whole; and of the Law and the First Prophets and of the Law and the Prophets as a whole, — is equally true of the Hebrew Bible as a whole. For it ends with "V'yahahl", "and he shall go up." The numeric value of the first word of Genesis is 913; of the last word of 2 Chronicles, 116; their sum is 1029, or 3 sevens (Feature 1) of seven (Feature 2) sevens (Feature 3).

Put into tabular form these numeric phenomena for the first and last words are:
   Genesis B'vayshith Place Value
 or 7 x 19
   Genesis Numeric Value
 or 7 x 37 x 5
   Law Place Value
 or 7 x 4 x 5
   Law & First Prophets Value
 or 7 x 151
   Law & Prophets Value
 or 7 x 76
   Hebrew Bible (Tanakh) Numeric Value
 or 7 x 7 x 7 x 3

The sum of these six numbers is 4186, or 7 x 13 x 23 x 2, the combination of seven with thirteen and twenty-three. This is divided thus: The numbers with only three figures have 805, or 7 x 23 x 5, with the sum of its factor 35, or 5 sevens; those with four figures have 3381, or 7 x 7 x 23 x 3, a multiple of seven sevens; but the division is not only by sevens, but by 7 x 23.

It has been seen above that the numerics of the word "Year" (Shanah) in Genesis demonstrate that the book as a whole is constructed on an elaborate numeric design. Every other book can also be shown to be thus constructed by even a single word; to say nothing of hundreds. The word Year was chosen because its Numerics are easily verified by any reader without the aid of works of reference, and moreover even in a translation. It so happens that by means of the same word Year, at least two other books can be demonstrated to be constructed on an elaborate design. These two books happen to be the only ones the writer has had occasion to examine as to this particular word; namely Judges and Ezekiel. Not till the moment of writing this sentence was it noticed that these two books are seven and fourteen, or 2 sevens of the Bible.

In the following Table for the book of Judges are given the passages with the number of years named therein; also the number of years multiplied by the chapter numbers in which they occur; also the number of years multiplied by their order numbers 1, 2, 3, .... 22. Nine numbers, marked with a star, belong to persons who are expressly spoken of as having ''judged Israel," or as in Abimelech's case, "was ruler over Israel."

The following, then are the places where the word, year (Shanah) is given in Judges with definite numbers:

     1  2:8 110 220 110
     2  3:8 8 24 16
     3  3:11 40 120 120
     4  3:14 18 54 72
     5  3:30 80 240 400
     6  4:3 20 80 120
     7  5:31 40 200 280
     8  6:1 7 42 56
     9  6:25 7 42 63
    10  8:22 40 320 400
    11  9:22 3* 27 33
    12  10:2 23* 230 276
    13  10:3 22* 220 286
    14  10:8 18 180 252
    15  11:26 300 3300 4500
    16  12:7 6* 72 96
    17  12:10 7* 84 119
    18  12:11 10* 120 180
    19  12:14 8* 96 152
    20  13:1 40 520 800
    21  15:20 20* 300 420
    22  16:31 20* 320 440  847 6811 9191

The number of years thus given in Judges is 847, or 121 sevens (Feature 1); of which 119, or 17 sevens, belong to those marked with a star - *; leaving for the others 728 or 104 sevens (Feature 2). The numbers first found in the chapters are:

Chapter  2    110
Chapter  3    8
Chapter  4    20
Chapter  5    40
Chapter  6    7
Chapter  8    40
Chapter  9    3
Chapter 10    23
Chapter 11    300
Chapter 12    6
Chapter 13    40
Chapter 15    20
Chapter 16    20

With respect to this fact the 847 years, or 7 x 11 x 11, are divided thus: the first numbers in each, chapter have 637, or 7 x 7 x 13, or 13 sevens of sevens (Feature 3) ; leaving for the others 210, or 30 sevens (Feature 4). The 847 years are moreover divided thus in the same manner. Those occupying the odd places 1, 3, 5, . . . . 21, have 637, or 13 sevens of sevens (Feature 5); those occupying the odd places 2, 4, 6, .... 22, have 210 or 30 sevens (Feature 6).

If the years are multiplied each by its chapter number their sum is 6811, or 139 sevens (Feature 7) of sevens (Feature 8). The same multiplication by the order numbers gives 9191, or 7 x 13-x 101, or 1313 sevens (Feature 9).

This enumeration of sevens is not exhaustive: but these nine features show that an elaborate design of sevens runs through these numbers of years in Judges.

The number of passages in which the number of years is given is 22, or 2 elevens (Feature 1). Accordingly the number of years 847, or 7 x 11 x 11 is 7 elevens (Feature 2) of eleven (Feature 3); of these the first, middle and last have 176, or 16 elevens; leaving for the others 671, or 61 elevens (Feature 3. Note that 671 is 176 backwards). Of the first middle and last, the first have 110, or 10 elevens, and the others have 66, or 6 elevens (Feature 4). The passages form just seven groups of elevens thus:

    1    110   or 11 x 10
    2—4    66   or 11 x 6
    5—9    154   or 11 x 7 x 2
    10    66   or 11 x 6
    11    22   or 11 x 2
    12—17    341   or 11 x 31
    18—22    88   or 11 x 8

Of this the three groups that consist of the single numbers 1, 10, 11, have 22, or 2 elevens (Feature 5) and the numbers with which the groups begin and end 1, 2, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 17, 18, 22, are eleven (Feature 6).

The following persons are named as having ruled, judged or delivered Israel: Joshua, Oth-niel, Ehud, Deborah, Gideon, Abrinelech, Tola, Jair, Jephthat, Ibsan, Elon, Abdon, Samson. The years placed against their names are 110, 40, 80, 40, 40, 3, 23, 22, 6, 7, 10, 8, 20, 20 (two numbers against Samson); their sum is 429, or 11 x 13 x 3, or 39 elevens; leaving for the others 418, or 38 elevens (Feature 7) ; with the numeric values of these persons placed against these numbers, 391, 561, 16, 217, 133, 103, 506, 221, 495, 143, 101, 132, 696, 696, having for their sum 4411, or 401 elevens (Feature 8). In 14 numbers two elevens may be looked for at most. There are, however, 561, 506, 495, 143, 132, five numbers that are multiples of eleven (Feature 9). The sum of the figures in these five numbers is 55, or 5 elevens (Feature 10).

Two elaborate schemes of sevens and elevens thus run through Judges in the sole matter of years (Shanah), enumerated in that book. And this is one example in hundreds.

The reader may note here moreover the occurrence not only of sevens and elevens but also of thirteens (the sequence of prime factors) already found at the very beginning of the examination of the numeric phenomena of the Bible.

Thus the following numbers met with in this examination are combinations of seven or eleven with thirteen:

637    is 7 x 7 x 13
9191    is 7 x 13 x 101
143    is 11 x 13
429    is 11 x 13 x 3

To this may be added the numbers in which the seven, eleven or thirteen appears in combination with the others by means of neighborhood, thus:

6811    is 7 x 7 x 139, neighbor of 6812    or 13 x 524
651    is 7 x 93, neighbor of 650    or 13 x 50
1715    is 7 x 7 x 7 x 5, neighbor of 1716    or 13 x 11 x 12
495    is 11 x 35, neighbor of 494    or 13 x 38
506    is 11 x 46, neighbor of 507    or 13 x 13 x 3
22    is 11 x 2, neighbor of 21    or 7 x 3
176    is 11 x 16, neighbor of 175    or 7 x 25
671    is 11 x 61, neighbor of 672    or 7 x 96
4411    is 11 x 401, neighbor of 4410    or 7 x 7 x 90
561    is 13 x 51, neighbor of 560    or 7 x 80
132    is 11 x 12, neighbor of 133    or 7 x 19

    The Word, Year (Shanah), as used in Ezekiel

The phenomena of the same word, year (Shanah), in Ezekiel may now be presented more briefly, with the same result: that an elaborate design of sevens is found running through the book by means of this one word.

The word, Year (Shanah) occurs in Ezekiel 28 times, or 4 sevens (Feature 1). It occurs with the following numbers: 30, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 10, 40, 40, 40, 27, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12, 7, 25, 14. Their sum is 329, itself 47 sevens (Feature 2), with the sum of its figures 14, or 2 sevens (Feature 3). It is divided thus: the first, middle and last numbers, 30, 40, 14, have 84, or 7 x 3 x 2 x 2; itself 12 sevens; with the sum of its figures seven (Feature 4) ; and of this the first and the middle have 70, or 7 x 2 x 5, itself 10 sevens; with the sum of its figures seven (Feature 5); the remaining numbers have 245, or 7 x 7 x 5. or 5 sevens (Feature 6) of sevens (Feature 7). Again the numbers 7, 11, 11, 12, 12, 40, 40, seven in all (Feature 8), are duplicates and have 133, itself 19 sevens, with the sum of its figures seven (Feature 9); and the other numbers 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 25, 27, 30, 40 have 196, or 7 x 7 x 4 or 4 sevens (Feature 10) of sevens (Feature 11).

If these 19 numbers are arranged in that natural order, we have: 5, 6, 7, 7, 9, 10, 11, 11, 11 12, 12, 12, 14, 25, 27, 30, 40, 40, 40, we find them divided thus into the two unequal halves into which 19 can be divided. The first nine have 77, or 11 sevens; the last ten have 259 or 37 sevens (Feature 12).

Ezekiel begins his dates with a year 30 of some era, which however he designates no further; but he synchronizes this year with Year 5 of King Jehoiachin's captivity. The following are all the passages in which certain years of this captivity are dated:

   (1) "It came to pass in Year Thirty as I was among the captives that the heavens were opened, and I saw visions of God. On the fifth of the month, which was the fifth year of King Jehoiachins' captivity, Jehovah's word came expressly unto Ezekiel" — 1:1.
   (2) "In the sixth year ... Jehovah's hand was upon me.'' — 8:1.
   (3) "In the seventh year certain of the elders of Israel sat before me." — 20:1.
   (4) ''And Jehovah's word came unto me in the ninth year." — 24:1.
   (5) "And it came to pass in year eleven that Jehovah's word came unto me." — 26:1.
   (6) "In the tenth year Jehovah's word came unto me." - 29:l.
   (7) "And it came to pass in year twenty-seven that Jehovah's word came unto me." — 29:17.
   (8) "And it came to pass in year eleven that Jehovah's word came unto me." — 30:20.
   (9) The same in 31:1 (Year eleven).
   (10) "And it came to pass in Year twelve that Jehovah's word came unto me." — 32:1.
   (11) The same in 32:17 (Year twelve).
   (12) "And it came to pass in Year twelve of our captivity that a fugitive from Jerusalem came unto me." — 33:21.
(13) "In Year twenty-five of our captivity in year fourteen after the city was smitten, Jehovah's word was upon me." — 40:1.

The Captivity years named in Ezekiel are: 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 25, 27. Though these are nine in number, and some consist of only one figure, and others of more than one, these numbers have 14 figures, or 2 sevens (Feature 1) with 49 as their sum, or seven (Feature 2) sevens (Feature 3). Of these nine numbers the middle one, 10 has a zero, being the only one with a zero. With reference to this fact, the sum 49, or 7 x 7, is divided thus: the numbers up to the middle one, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, consisting only of one integer (zero being a figure only negatively) have 28, or 4 sevens; the numbers above the zero number, consisting of two integers have 21, or 3 sevens (Feature 4). Note also, in addition to these four features of sevens the division of 49, or seven sevens into four sevens and three sevens, 28 and 21—a division very frequent in the Bible. The sum of these nine numbers is 112 or 16 sevens (Feature 5), of which the odd numbers have 84, or 7 x 4 x 3, itself 12 sevens, with the sum of its factors 14 or 2 sevens (Feature 6); and the even numbers have 28, or 4 sevens (Feature 7). This last division is moreover not only of sevens, but by four sevens. The first, middle and last have have 42, or 2 x 3 sevens; the others have 70, or 7 x 2 x 5, itself 10 sevens (Feature 8); with the sum of its factors 14 or 2 sevens (Feature 9), and the sum of its own figures is—seven (Feature 10).

This division of 112 into 42 and 70 is not only by sevens, but by two sevens.

In his Bible Chronology the writer has demonstrated that the year 5 of Jehoiachin's Captivity, the first datum mentioned by Ezekiel, is the year 3440 from Adam. For the purpose of this paper it is not necessary that the reader who has not seen that demonstration accept it. All that is needful here is that he assume for the present that Year 5 of Ezekiel's Captivity is 3440 Anno Mundi (A.M.);; i.e. from Year Zero, or since Adam, or since the Creation Week.

Now if Year 5 is 3440 Adam, Year 1 is four years back, or 3436. And as this Year 5 is Year 30 of some event which Ezekiel had in mind when he wrote Passage 1, Year 1 of these 30 is 3411. We thus obtain from Ezekiel the following fifteen years of his own dating:

  1 Year   1 of the dated 30        
from Adam (A.M.)
  2 Year   1 of his Captivity
Anno Mundi (AM)
  3 Year   5     "    "    " 
     "      " 
  4 Year   6     "    "    " 
     "      " 
  5 Year   7     "    "    " 
     "      " 
  6 Year   9     "    "    " 
     "      " 
  7 Year 10     "    "    " 
     "      " 
  8 Year 11     "    "    " 
     "      " 
  9 Year 11     "    "    " 
     "      " 
10 Year 11     "    "    " 
     "      " 
11 Year 12     "    "    " 
     "      " 
12 Year 12     "    "    " 
     "      " 
13 Year 12     "    "    " 
     "      " 
14 Year 25     "    "    " 
     "      " 
15 Year 27     "    "    " 
     "      " 

Ezekiel thus mentions eleven particular years, but as he mentions Year 11 of the Captivity thrice, and Year 12 also thrice, he mentions these eleven years fifteen times as in the Table above.

The sum of these 15 years thus obtained from Ezekiel is 51,660, or 7 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 5 x 41, itself a multiple of seven (Feature 11), with seven factors (Feature 12) whose sum is 63, or 9 sevens (Feature 13). As 15 is an odd number it can consist of only unequal halves, 7 and 8. They are accordingly divided thus: Up to 3445 comprising the first seven numbers, there are no duplicates. With 3446 begin the numbers with duplicates. Accordingly the sum of the 15 numbers, 51660, is divided thus: the first seven have 24059, or 7 x 7 x 491, itself a multiple of seven sevens (Feature 14), with the sum of the figures of its factors 28, or 4 sevens (Feature 15) ; the last eight have 27601, or 3943 sevens (Feature 16) ; with the sum of the figures in its eight numbers 133, or 19 sevens (Feature 17); divided thus; the duplicate numbers 3446, 3446, 3446, 3447, 3447, 3447, have 105 or 15 sevens; and the numbers 3460, 3462 have 28 or 4 sevens (Feature 18).

On the other hand, the first seven numbers with their sum 24059, are divided thus: the odd numbers 3411, 3441, 3445 have 10297, or 1471 sevens; the even numbers, 3436, 3440, 3442, 3444 have 13762, or 1966 sevens (Feature 19). Here too, moreover, the seven numbers are divided into 3 and 4.

Again: 3411, 3436, 3460, 3462 are detached numbers, while the remaining eleven form groups 3440-3442; and 3444-3447; with reference to this fact the sum of the 15 numbers, 51,660, is divided thus: the detached numbers have 13769, or 7 x 7 x 281, a multiple of seven sevens (Feature 20) ; the numbers forming groups have 37891, itself 5413 sevens (Feature 21), with the sum of its figures 28, or 4 sevens (Feature 22).

In the 15 numbers of Ezekiel's years only the figures 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 are made use of, 8 and 9 being absent. Thus only seven digits are used (Feature 23), with 28 as their sum, or 4 sevens (Feature 24) ; of these seven digits, moreover, only 3 and 4 are found in every one of the 15 numbers; but the sum of 3 and 4 is seven (Feature 25) ; and this sum is again divided into three and four.

These years are all in Century 34. But their decades are 1, 3, 4, 6, with 14 as their sum, or 2 sevens (Feature 26).

An elaborate DESIGN of sevens thus runs through the years named by Ezekiel. And as for the present it was only assumed that the fifteen Anno Mundi years are the true ones, their 16 features of sevens now prove that they are the true ones, since the slightest change in any one of the 15 years destroys the design of sevens now seen running through them.

Ezekiel dates his first vision thus: "It came to pass in Year thirty .... the heavens were opened"; the first of these 30 we have seen to be 3411 from Adam; and the year 30 is thus 3440; the interval from the beginning of Ezekiel's era to his year of the vision is therefore twenty-nine years (Feature 1). Now omitting the four duplicates of the 15 years we have: 3411, 3436, 3440, 3441, 3442, 3444, 3445, 3446, 3447, 3460, 3462. The sum of these eleven years, 37,874, has twenty-nine for the sum of its figures (Feature 2), and is itself 29 x 2 x 653 or 1306 twenty-nines (Feature 3). And these 1306 twenty-nines are thus divided: the first number, 3411, and the last number 3462, have for their sum 6873, or 237 twenty-nines; leaving for those between them 31,001, or 1069 twenty-nines (Feature 4).

Thus in its Chronology alone, one of the numerous items that could be taken up, Ezekiel is found to be constructed on a highly elaborate design.

We will now present by means of one word the numeric unity of several books of the Bible, which are widely separated from one another, namely, 2 Kings, Jeremiah, Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah and 1 and 2 Chronicles. The only bond between them is the fact that the name, Jeremiah occurs in these books, which are books 11, 13, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39 of the Bible. It is this word Jeremiah that demonstrates an elaborate design running through these books.

The following are the forms in which this name (Jeremiah) appears in the Bible, in their Hebrew alphabetical order, with numeric values 273, 271, 277, 265, 271, 295, 301

    (The name, Jeremiah in the Hebrew Scriptures, in its seven forms.)

B'Yirmyahu Yirmyahu
V'Yirmyah L'Yirmyah
V'Yirmyahu L'Yirmyahu

This name (Jeremiah) then occurs in seven (Feature 1) books, in seven forms (Feature 2), 147 times or 3 sevens (Feature 3) of sevens (Feature 4); of which the shortest form, the central, Yirmyahu has 14, or 2 sevens, and the others have 133 or 19 sevens (Feature 5. With the sum of its figures seven (Feature 6). The seven forms have a numeric value of 1953 or 279 sevens (Feature 7), of which the first and last have 574, or 82 sevens, and the others have 1379, or 197 sevens (Feature 8). Of the first and last again, the first has 273, or 39 sevens; and the last has 301, or 43 sevens (Feature 9).

As B'Yirmyahu occurs twice the total numeric value of its occurrences is 273 x 2 or 546. As V'Yirmyah occurs thrice its total numeric value 271 x 3, or 813. Going thus through all the seven forms, the total numeric value of all the occurrences of the name in the Hebrew Bible is 39,865, or 5695 sevens (Feature 10), of which 33,089, or 4727 sevens belong to the two forms which occur the largest and smallest number of times: namely Yirmyahu, which occurs 121 times, and L'Yirmyah, which occurs only once; leaving for those between them 6,776, or 7 x 11 x 11 x 2 x 2 x 2, itself 968 sevens (Feature 11), with the sum of its factors 35, or 5 sevens (Feature 12). If now the seven numeric values are each multiplied by their order numbers we have:

273 x 1 or 273
271 x 2 or 542
277 x 3 or 831
265 x 4 or 1060
271 x 5 or 1355
295 x 6 or 1770
301 x 7 or 2107

Total:  7938   or 7 x 7 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3

The result thus obtained is 7938, a multiple of seven (Feature 13) sevens (Feature 14) with seven factors (Feature 15) whose sum is 28, or 4 sevens (Feature 16). Only the following letters are used in these forms, which have a place value of 2, 5, 6, 10, 12, 13, 20; but their number is seven (Feature 17).

The sum of the figures in the seven Bible books 11, 13, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39 is 56, or 8 sevens (Feature 18) ; of which the odd numbers have 42, or 6 sevens and the even numbers have 14, or 2 sevens (Feature 19). The first and last books 11 and 39 have 14 or 2 sevens, with 42 for the others, or 6 sevens (Feature 20). The first three books (the usual division in the Bible of seven into 3 and 4) have 14, or 2 sevens, and the remaining four have 42, or 6 sevens (Feature 21). In three distinct items there is thus the division of 56 into 14 and 42. An elaborate scheme of sevens thus runs through the occurrence of the word Jeremiah in the Bible.

The sum of the seven order numbers of the books, 11, 13, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, where Jeremiah occurs is 209; itself 19 elevens (Feature 1); with the sum of its figures eleven (Feature 2); this sum is divided thus: those occupying the odd places 1, 3, 5, 7 have 121 or eleven elevens (Feature 3), those occupying the even places have 88 or 8 elevens (Feature 4). Exactly the same division is between the 3 anonymous books 11, 38, 39 and the four non-anonymous books 13 35, 36, 37 (the same division of seven into 3 and 4); the one set has 88, or 8 elevens, and the other has 121, or eleven (Feature 5) elevens (Feature 6). Of the anonymous books the first has eleven; the other two have 77, or 7 elevens (Feature 7). The place value of the authors whose names are given: Jeremiah, Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah, is 198 or 18 elevens.

An elaborate scheme of elevens as well as of sevens runs through these seven books in connection with the name Jeremiah, the same concurrence of the two sevens and elevens already met with more than once; specially in the Years of Judges, where their sum is 847 or 7 x 11 x 11.

These seven books are thus seen to be a numeric unit with reference to the name Jeremiah alone. In this respect a special design runs through them. Other designs could be readily produced. Here is one:

The first book of the seven in which Jeremiah is found is 2 Kings. It begins with the word "Vahyipsha", And he rebelled. The last book is 2 Chronicles. It ends with "V'yahal," And he shall go up. The value of these two words is 696, or 24 twenty-nines (Feature 1); divided thus: The numeric value of V'yahal is 116, or 4 twenty-nines, the remaining items have 580, or 29 x 4 x 5; or 20 twenty-nines (Feature 2).

V'yahal Numeric Value
  or 29 x 4 x 1
   "   "  Place Value
Vayipsha Numeric Value
   "   "  Place Value
   or 29 x 4 x 5
  or 29 x 4 x 6

This division is thus by 29 x 4, or 116. The chance for these two features of 29 x 4 to be undesigned, accidental is one in 26,796.

If now the values of the nine letters of these two words be multiplied by their order numbers 1, 2, ... 9, we have
12 x 1 or 12 20 x 2 " 40 97 x 3 " 291 321 x 4 " 1284 86 x 5 " 430 12 x 6 " 72 20 x 7 " 140 86 x 8 " 688 42 x 9 " 378 696 3335 or 29 x 23 x 5 The result thus obtained is again a multiple of twenty-nine (Feature 3). The chance for this now to be undesigned is only one in 767,040, less than one in three quarters of a million.

A design of twenty-nines thus runs through the words with which these books begin and end.


Jeremiah is found in only seven books. A name may now be taken which covers a wider range. The longer form of Abram, the covenant name Abraham is found in sixteen books. He lived 175 years or 25 sevens (Feature 1); and these 7 twenty-fives are thus divided: He was 75, or 3 twenty-fives at his Call: he lived 100 years, or 4 twenty-fives, after his Call. Now this Covenant name occurs exactly the same number of times in the Hebrew Bible, 175, or 25 sevens (Feature 2) as the number of years he lived. These 175 occurrences are thus divided: the first middle and last books of these 16 books: Genesis, 2 Kings, Isaiah, 2 Chronicles (Books 1, 11, 12, 39 of the Bible, with their sum 63, or 9 sevens (Feature 2) have 140, or 7 x 5 x 4; the other books have 35, or 5 sevens (Feature 3). And this division moreover, is by 5 sevens. The 140 occurrences are moreover divided thus: the first book, Genesis, has 133, itself 19 sevens, with the sum of its figures seven (Feature 4; the middle and the last have seven (Feature 5). Again the latter prophets (Isaiah, 4, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Micah one each) have seven, with the division again into 3 and 4, and the other books have 168 or 24 sevens (Feature 5).

     The exact name: Abraham occurs thus:

Book   1 - Genesis, # of times   133 1
Book   2 - Exodus, # of times   1 1
Book   3 - Leviticus, # of times   1 1
Book   4 - Numbers, # of times   1 1
Book   5 - Deuteronomy, # of times   7 1
Book   6 - Joshua, # of times   2 2
Book 10 - 1 Kings, # of times   1 4
Book 11 - 2 Kings, # of times   1 4
Book 12 - Isaiah, # of times   4 5
Book 13 - Jeremiah, # of times   1 6
Book 14 - Ezekiel, # of times   1 7
Book 20 - Micah, # of times   1 13
Book 27 - Psalms, # of times   4 20
Book 37 - Nehemiah, # of times   1 25
Book 38 - 1 Chronicles, # of times   6 4
Book 39 - 2 Chronicles, # of times   2 4
  242         175   99

The numbers used for the occurrences are: 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 133, seven in number (Feature 6) with the sum of their figures in the 16 occurrences 49 or seven (Feature 7) sevens (Feature 8). The 175 occurrences fall into the following groups of sevens:

Book  1       has 133   or 7 x 19
Books 2-10   have 21   or 7 x 3
Books 11-14   have 7   or 7 x 1
Books 20-39   have 14   or 7 x 2

But the numbers with which these groups end. 10, 14, 39, have for their sum 63, or 9 sevens (Feature 9), of which the first and the last have 49, or seven sevens (Feature 10), and the middle one has 14 or 2 sevens (Feature 11).

These Numerics of sevens hold only of the Covenant name Abraham. Now the Covenant of circumcision was made with him when he was 99, in the Year Adam 2107 or 43 sevens (Feature 12) of sevens (Feature 13), and the sum of the figures in the factors 7 x 7 x 43, is 21, or 3 sevens (Feature 14).

The number 175, itself is 25 sevens, is a neighbor of 176, or 16 elevens (Feature 1). The 16 or 4 x 4 at once connects it with the 16 books in which Abraham occurs. Now the sum of the book numbers where the name occurs is 242, or 2 elevens (Feature 2) of elevens (Feature 3). The 16 numbers form the following groups:


The sum of these eight numbers (just half of sixteen) is 154 or 7 x 11 x 2, the combination of seven with eleven (Feature 4). Of the 16 numbers, those occupying the odd places, 1, 3, 5, 10, 12, 14, 27, 28, have 110, or 10 elevens, leaving for the even places 132, or 12 elevens; this division is also into the two nearest halves of eleven into 5 and 6; thus:

110  is 11 x 2 x 5
132  is 11 x 2 x 6
242  is 11 x 2 x 11.

It is established now that Genesis is the work of Moses; Joshua of Joshua; Kings and Chronicles of Ezra. Moses is thus writer 1 of the Bible; Joshua 2, Ezra 4, etc. If now the order number of the writer be placed against each book, as in the last column in the table of §53, the sum of the 16 numbers thus obtained is 99, or 9 elevens (Feature 5), made up of the following groups of elevens:

1-4   have 11   or 11 x 1
4-7   have 22   or 11 x 2
13-20   have 33   or 11 x 3
25-4   have 33   or 11 x 3

Here again 99 or 9 elevens is neighbor of 98 or 2 sevens of sevens, just as 175 or 25 sevens is neighbor of 176, or 16 elevens.

A scheme of elevens as well as of sevens runs through the occurrence of the name Abraham through the 16 books where it is found. And this word alone thus proves these sixteen books to be a numeric unit, constructed on an elaborate numeric design. But as this design begins with Genesis, the first book, and ends 2 Chronicles, the last, it thus runs through the Bible as a whole.

The Prophets begin with Joshua, and end with Malachi. Whoever is the writer of Joshua (and it was not Moses) he is writer 2 of the Bible. Malachi is writer 19 (as demonstrated elsewhere). They are thus writers 2 and 19 of the Bible, with 21 for their sum, or 3 sevens (Feature 1). In another treatise it is demonstrated that Joshua is the writer of the book that goes by his name. The Place Values of the letters of Joshua are: 10, 5, 6, 21, 16; of Malachi, 13, 12, 1, 11, 10. Their sum is 105 or 15 sevens (Feature 2), of which the four letters beginning and ending the two names have 49, or seven sevens (Feature 3) ; and the others 56, or 8 sevens; the number 15 again divided into its nearest half of sevens, 7 and 8. Arranging the Place Values of the 10 letters in their natural order, we have 1, 5, 6, 10, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 21. Their sum 105 is divided thus: the last, the largest number has 21 or 3 sevens; leaving for the others 84 or 7 x 2 x 2 x 3, itself 12 sevens (Feature 4), with the sum of the factors 14, or 2 sevens (Feature 5). Just half of the ten numbers 10, 10, 11, 12, 13, form a group by themselves 10-13; their sum is 56 or 8 sevens; leaving for the others 49, or seven (Feature 6) sevens (Feature 7) ; the two middle ones 10, 11, have for their sum 21, or 3 sevens; leaving for the others 84, or 7 x 2 x 2 x 3, itself 12 sevens (Feature 8) ; with the sum of its factors 14, or 2 sevens (Feature 9) ; the same division into 21 and 84 forming Features 4 and 5 above. This elaborate scheme of sevens in the mere matter of Place Values of Joshua and Malachi thus proves that Joshua is the writer of the sixth Bible book, though it is anonymous.

In much the same manner it is shown elsewhere that the following anonymous books are written by the writers set against them:

1   Genesis   - is written by Moses.
2   Joshua   - is written by Joshua.
3   1 Samuel—2 Kings   - are written by Samuel.
4   Job   - is written by Job
5   Ruth   - is written by Ezra
6   Lamentations   - is written by Jeremiah
7   Esther   - is written by Esther (not Mordecai)
8   1-2 Chronicles   - are written by Ezra.

The writers of Anonymous books are thus: Moses, Joshua, Samuel, Ezra, Job, Jeremiah, Esther - seven in number.

The Prophets contain the books from Joshua to Malachi: Joshua—2 Kings are narrative books, and are called the First Prophets; Isaiah—Malachi are called the Last Prophets. Of these fitteen writers whose books are prophetic in the stricter sense, Isaiah and Jeremiah are the first pair and Zechariah and Malachi are the last pair. This fact of these four prophets being the first and last pair is signalized by special Numerics.

Thus: the Numeric Value of these four names is 1015, itself 145 sevens (Feature 1), with the sum of its figures seven (Feature 2); and of this the first pair has 672, or 7 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 3, itself 96 sevens, with seven factors (Feature 3); the second pair has 343, or seven (Feature 4) sevens (Feature 5) of seven (Feature 6). The Numeric Values of the letters of Isaiah and Jeremiah are 10, 300, 70, 10, 5, 6, 10, 206, 40, 10, 5, 6. Their sum 672, or 48 sevens, is thus divided: the numbers occupying the odd places 1, 3, 5 . . 11, have 140, or 7 x 4 x 5; those occupying the even places 2, 4, 6 ... 12, have 502, or 7 x 4 x 19, itself 76 sevens (Feature 6), with the sum of the figures of its factors 21, or 3 sevens (Feature 7). If now these 10 numeric values be each multiplied by its other number, we have

10 x 1  is 
                 200 x 8  is 
300 x 2  is 
40 x 9  is 
70 x 3  is 
10 x 10  is 
10 x 4  is 
5 x 11  is 
5 x 5  is 
10 x 1  is 
6 x 6  is 
6 x 12  is 
10 x 7  is 
 or  7 x 454

Zechariah and Malachi are the writers of the last two successive books. The numeric values of the letters of these two names are: 7, 20, 200, 10, 5, 40, 30, 1, 20, 10. The numeric value of these two names is thus 343, or seven (Feature 1) sevens (Feature 2) of seven (Feature 3). The sum of the figures in the ten numeric values of their ten letters is 28, or 4 sevens (Feature 4); of which the first has seven, and the others >have 21 or 3 sevens (Feature 5). If these 10 numbers are arranged in their natural order, 1 5, 7, 10, 10, 20, 20, 30, 40, 200, their sum 343 is divided thus: the first, last and middle numbers have 231, or 7 x 3 x 11, itself 33 sevens; with the sum of the factors 21, or 3 sevens (Feature 6); the others have 112, or 16 sevens (Feature 7).

If these ten numbers be multiplied by their order numbers we have:

1 x 1 is 1          20 x 6 is 120
5 x 2 " 10          20 x 6 " 140
7 x 3 " 21          30 x 8 " 240
10 x 4 " 40          40 x 9 " 360
10 x 5 " 50          200 x 10 " 2000 —2982

The result is 2982, itself 426 sevens (Feature 8) with the sum of its figures 21 or 3 sevens (Feature 9). An elaborate design of sevens thus runs through the mere numeric values of the names of these two Bible writers whose only thing in common is the fact that their books form a contiguous pair.

The facts so far presented — and hundreds of volumes would not suffice to enumerate a thousandth part of them — force the following conclusions:

a. The writer of each of the thirty-nine books of the Bible was a consummate mathematical artist unparalleled in all literature of the ages.

b. The mathematical design running not only thro' every sentence, every verse, chapter. and division, separately, as well as through the book as a whole, must have required hundreds of years for its accomplishment, if such an elaborate, intricate, intertwined, and permeating design could at all be accomplished by any one mind.

c. Of such unparalleled artists, however, there is not only one, but dozens, twenty-five in fact.

d. As Moses wrote five books, Ezra eight, Jeremiah two, and Solomon three, the difficulty of writing books thus is doubled in one case, trebled in the other, five folded in the third, and eight folded in the fourth case.

e. The Numeric designs running through the years named in Judges and Ezekiel demonstrate that these years are the years designed by their respective artists. But the Table from which their dates are taken has been constructed only during the last twenty years. Till then all was confusion in Bible chronology. The Jews themselves being to this day hundreds of years out of the true reckoning of the years from Adam. The writer of Judges (Samuel) and Ezekiel nevertheless saw to it that the true dates be left in their books, even tho' the Bible data leave an apparently unbridgeable chasm between 2583 from Adam, the last date obtainable directly from the Bible Text (the Division of the Land by Joshua), -and the first oppression in the book of Judges, from which point on to Solomon's Temple the chronology has hitherto presented inextricable difficulties.

f. No one man, nor any set of men with about a thousand years between them, could have devised such schemes, least of all carried it out so successfully to the minutest detail of the hundreds that present themselves.

g. The Numeric and other values of the names of the writers of the thirty-nine books, with their elaborate designs, the designs running thro' the words beginning and ending the different books alone demonstrate the impossibility of mere skill of men leaving their works as we have them.

h. But once assume that the Master Mind of Creation, which is itself the handiwork of the Great NUMBERER, has so guided the twenty-five Bible writers as to produce these designs even unconsciously, just as the bee produces its six-sided cells unconsciously, and all the problems otherwise insoluble on any other hypothesis, disappear at once.

i. With this solution the Numeric Design proves itself also an automatic check upon errors in the text; since the change of even a single letter with its numeric and other values changes a sum in arithmetic, and destroys the design. Every corruption of the text that may be found therein can with the sufficient amount of the labor required be now eliminated by replacing it with what brings harmony into what is otherwise confusion.

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