Chapter 1  ·  Ancient Man

    Adam and Eve

When we look to the beginning of history we see that the cradle of mankind was the Middle East and not Africa, as this was the place where Adam and Eve first lived. There has only been one human race and the out of Africa theory, for the human race is wrong. Adam and Eve had children and grandchildren and the human population increased and moved to new areas. They lived on a beautiful earth with an incredible variety of plants, birds, animals, dinosaurs and sea creatures. There were more species and a greater genetic diversity at that time. The book of Enoch mentions large creatures living before the flood, which could be a description of dinosaurs.

    Our Ancestors

Humans had clothing, kept domestic animals, grew crops, lived in tents, played musical instruments and worked in bronze and iron. Tubal who was an expert in war and very strong, invented the art of making brass. A metal hammer was found in deposits said to be 435 million years old by evolutionists at London in Texas USA. This pre-flood deposit had no carbon in it, which means it was made by a different process from that used today. It was not made from meteorite material.

In 1944 Newton Anderson claimed to have found a bell inside a lump of coal that was mined near his house in West Virginia. When Newton dropped the lump it broke, revealing a bell encased inside. What was a brass bell with an iron clapper doing in coal that is supposed to be hundreds of millions of years old?

According to Norm Scharbough's book Ammunition (which includes a compilation of many such “coal anecdotes”) the bell was extensively analyzed at the University of Oklahoma and it was found to contain an unusual mixture of metals, different from any modern usage. Genesis 4:22 states that Tubal-Cain was “an instructor of every artificer in brass and iron . . .” Perhaps when his civilization came to an end in the flood, this bell was buried with a mass of vegetation that became coal and ended up thousands of years later in Newton Anderson’s coal bin.

Coastal hills and dunes, southern Africa

Numerous other such accounts have been recorded, including the intricate gold chain found in coal (Ivan Sanderson’s book Uninvited Visitors) and the cast iron pot found in a coal seam at the Municipal Electric Plant in Thomas, OK (archived at Creation Evidence Museum).


Cain was recorded as the first to plough the ground, while Abel kept domestic livestock. Trade took place between peoples and they used measures and weights. Jubal was the musician who invented the flute and harp. However man was sinful, with Adam’s son Cain committing various crimes, including the killing of his brother. As time progressed his descendants became increasingly wicked, as they were involved in warfare and robberies. Eventually Cain died supposedly when the stones from his house fell on him. Seth’s family, (the sons of God) were more righteous than Cain’s family, but this changed as time progressed and the two groups began to mix. Seth’s descendants were experts in astronomy and during this early period there were priests and religious activities. Tablets unearthed in the Middle East mention that there were kings and cities.

These tablets mention biblical characters such as Noah and have flood stories showing the authenticity of the event.

    Sinful Man  


Noah was an exceptional man and was righteous and blameless before God. He was born to Lamech and his wife Betenos in the year about 707 AC (After Creation). Under God's instructions Noah began to work on the Ark. The wooden Ark was 450 feet long, 75 feet wide and 45 feet high and was coated with pitch inside and out. It had a door in the side, had lower, middle and upper decks and many rooms. The Ark had firm walls, a roof and was braced with cross beams giving it strength to protect it from strong water currents. He probably had unbelievers helping him build it and was possibly the most mocked man on the planet.

Using models of the Ark it was found that it could have withstood 200- foot tidal waves. Its floating, barge-like design, with no steering gear gave it great stability. The Ark would have had approximately the same carrying capacity as the Titanic. Two Christian scientists, Dr. John Whitcomb and Dr. Henry Morris, worked out that the carrying capacity on the Ark was equivalent to about 130500 sheep. This was enough room for the animals living today and for those now extinct. Noah placed provisions in the Ark for his family and the animals. His three sons Shem, Ham and Japheth accompanied him on the Ark with their wives. The wives of the four men were traditionally called ‘Emzara, Na’eltamau’k, ‘Adataneses and Sedeqetelebab. God ordered Noah to take 7 pairs of each kind of clean animal and 2 of every kind of unclean animal. They also took seven types of every kind of bird. Noah was obedient to Gods instructions.

    Variation of Species

The fossil record shows us the earth is a young planet and confirms the reliability of the book of Genesis. Genetics show that there is a tremendous variation within a species. Recent research has shown that every species has a unique genetic blueprint, as does every individual. Genetically it is impossible for evolution to take place. There are many examples of genetic variation within a species. A Sausage Dog and Great Dane are the same species even though they look so different. Black and white people have the same ancestors and are not different species, as some racists would like us to believe. Animals of different species normally produce hybrids (if they can mate). These hybrids are infertile and will not produce offspring. Great Danes can’t evolve into Persian cats and vice versa. A cat can’t mate with a dog and produce “dats”, as these are different species. Scientists look desperately for elusive missing links to fit their theories of evolution. There are no missing links for the millions of living creatures, linking them to totally different ancestors. Nor will any ever be found.

There is a pride in discovering a new species and so there is a temptation to create a new type of animal on slight physical differences. In taxonomy and paleontology many species are ‘discovered’ when in fact they are simply sub species. If you are a wildlife lover you will find scientific names of mammals, birds, trees etc. continually change. Many similar wild creatures have never been crossbred to find out whether they are the same species. Evolution believes new species are created all the time from common ancestors, so any slight difference between animals, results in them being classified as a different species. This classifying of animals by ‘how they look’, has led to much confusion. The gazelle, wildebeest and long tail monkey animal families are some examples of this confused animal classification. Instead of one monkey with many variations, we have many monkeys and no one can decide how many of them there are.

There are two important reasons why we should understand this confusion. The first is the realization that slight variations within a species are not examples of evolution and secondly Noah didn’t have to take as many creatures on the Ark as people speculate. In fact Noah took different ‘types’ with him of the different animals as God had instructed. This shows that God in giving these instructions to Noah knew there was genetic variety within the animal kingdom. The mention of types of every kind of animal in the Genesis account shows that God doesn’t agree with the present classification system. There are fewer species around than we have been taught. Noah didn’t have to take every type of dog with him, but a few which then produced the great variety we see in the world today.


How is modern man different from those that lived before the flood? The pre flood environment was undamaged by the flood and this meant people lived longer and healthier lives. Many lived hundreds of years before they died. There are clay tablets dug up in the Middle East recording great ages for the ancients, confirming the Biblical account.

This baffles scientists, as people are not meant to live that long. The ancient historians such as Josephus are further witnesses to the great ages in our past. After the flood people still lived long lives, but the ages started to decline. When the Israelites left Egypt many were still living to an age greater than 120 years. This explains why Moses and others living with him were so active after their 80th birthdays.

    Variation in humans

Human beings show a tremendous diversity in size, shape, colour, hairiness etc. There is a definite genetic variety in the humans of those times, as there is now in the human population. Different names have been given to the different types of ancient human fossil remains. Neanderthals, Homo erectus and Cro-Magnon are some of the names given to these peoples. These are all ancestors of the present human population and all look a little different from us. A study done recently by American researchers has found that Neanderthal; Homo erectus, Cro-Magnon and modern man are all genetically linked.


The name Neanderthal was given to a badly deformed human fossil found in Germany. This badly deformed person gave people a low opinion of Neanderthal type human remains. The scientific community thought then that Neanderthals were a different species of human being. Since then better specimens have been found in parts of Europe and the Middle East and they have gained more respect. Around the world Neanderthal type features have been found in many pre and post flood human fossils. It has been found that people, who live to great ages, will have skull changes that include a protrusion of the jaw, a retreating frontal, a heavy brow ridge and projecting face, with a longer nose. This meant their skull was different in shape to that of modern humans.  An accompanying sketch shows how the skull grows in elderly people.

This would be exaggerated in those people living to hundreds of years and would show the Neanderthal skull features. Due to our short life span, skulls today don’t normally take this shape, which is the shape of a Neanderthal skull. With the great ages mentioned in the Bible and other old literature, the people living in early times would have acquired these Neanderthal features. This explains why modern looking people are found alongside the Neanderthals. Human fossils have been found on Mt. Carmel in Israel with a Cro-Magnon Neanderthal mix. Noah and many of his companions probably had Neanderthal features because of their great ages. Abel didn’t have these skull features, as he had died young.

    Big Cave men

Many of the ancient people were large, although many post-flood European Neanderthals were short. Recent scientific research has shown that these ancient people were 30% bigger than the average modern human being. The skull capacity of these ancients was on average 10% bigger than modern mans. Their skeletons were stronger than the skeletons of modern humans and their bone structure shows extreme strength. Muscle markings on the men, woman and children’s bones - show that they had large muscles and great strength. These ancient humans had bodies similar to world-class athletes in the throwing, wrestling and weight lifting categories. Some of the stone tools they made can be experimentally duplicated, but the wear patterns cannot, as modern humans are not strong enough to do it. The Neanderthal and robust features mentioned above I will now refer to collectively as, ‘early man’ features.

Graves dating back to the time of ancient Egypt and Sumer have been excavated and have shown people with some of the characteristic ‘early man’ features. Artwork found in Sumer and in the Egyptian Old Kingdom, in paintings and carvings show people with these early man skull shapes. People living in Sumer and Egypt were very civilized, as is shown by the pyramids and other great works of those times. Those living in caves away from civilization were simply backward culturally. We still have people living in caves in some parts of the world, while many people still use stone tools. These modern Stone Age people don’t show that we are in the Stone Age and that modern man is uncivilized and primitive. Abraham’s family was buried in a cave and this was a custom in those early days. This means many of the people with early man features found in caves were simply burials and had not been living in those caves. The point I am trying to make is that - just because someone has a skull shape different to ours, doesn’t mean that they were inferior to us.


Some of the people of early times were quite large and are by definition giants. Goliath was recorded as being about 2.9m in height. Archaeologists claim they have found the head of Goliath. A mummified head was found in a mountain cave overlooking the ancient valley of Elah, Northwest of Jerusalem. The head was almost 35cm high from jaw to crown and 25cm wide from cheekbone to cheekbone. One member of the American team of archaeologists said the jaws of the giant looked strong enough to bite through one of the bronze swords of that time. From the size of the head this man stood between 2.5m to 2.7m tall and weighed 230kg to 270kg, all bone and muscle. The right side of the skull showed a fracture of the temple where archaeologists believe David struck him with a stone. There was a population of these giants in the Holy Land with the city of Hebron being one of their strongholds. When the Israelites came out of Egypt and spied on the Promised Land, they saw them. This explains their fears and why they had felt like grasshoppers and ended up 40 years in the desert. Josephus the historian said that these giants had faces that looked different to ours; they were frightening to look at and had loud voices. In 2 Samuel 21:15-22 the Bible records how the Israelites killed the other giants in Goliath’s family. David was nearly killed by one of them and was rescued by Abishai. It seems that this particular battle caused the Israelites great concern that David could be killed and he was withdrawn from future battles. Jonathan, David’s brother killed one giant who had six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot.

    Dinosaur and Human

A huge stone sarcophagus was found in the state of Arizona in the USA, which held a mummy more than 12 feet tall – with six toes on each foot. At Lampock ranch in Colorado USA, a skeleton of a man 12 feet tall was found. In 1949 the Associated Press reported the finding of a giant human fossil, twice the size of a Gorilla and weighing 1000 pounds.

The reference I have doesn’t tell us the locality where this person was found. Greek literature is full of mythical giant stories, but there may be some historical truth behind some of the stories. Human footprints measuring 9, 15.5 and 25.5 inches have been found along the Puluxy River near Glen Rose in Texas USA. These prints are found with the prints of a large cat and dinosaur. One human footprint was found only two inches from a dinosaur track, while six were found in conjunction with dinosaur prints. 12 miles from the Paluxy footprints a skeleton of a 7-foot tall woman was found. These giants had lived with dinosaurs in the USA and the prints were found under flood deposited limestone. Other sites with human and dinosaur footprints include a site in Russia and about six other sites in North America.

    Other Finds

In the late 1950’s, during road construction in the Euphrates Valley of southeast Turkey, many tombs containing the remains of giants were uncovered. At the sites some leg bones were measured to be 120 cms (47.24 inches). Joe Taylor, Director of Mt. Blanco Fossil Museum, was commissioned to sculpt the human femur. This giant stood some 14-16 ft tall. Deuteronomy 3:11 states that the bed of Og, king of Bashan, was 9 cubits by 4 cubits (approximately 14 ft long by 6 ft wide). In his book Fossils Facts & Fantasies, Joe Taylor cites several accounts of giant human skeletons being discovered, from Egypt, Italy, Patagonia in Argentina and the western US. One of the largest humans in recent history was Robert Wadlow of Alton, IL (who was just under 9ft tall) and who died in 1940. Although there is no record in the fossil record of giants having lived in Southern Africa, we do have fossil human remains and some of these people appear to have died in the flood. Some of these fossils appear to have early man features mentioned above and will be covered in later chapters.

    The Flood starts

In the year 1307 AC, when Noah was 600, the flood began. The family entered the Ark on the 1st of the 2nd month until the 16th day. The animals entered the Ark with his family. God sealed the Ark from the outside on the evening of the 17th day when the rains came. Not only did heavy rain fall, but God also caused water to come from under the earth. The book of Enoch states that water, darkness and mist accumulated on the earth. It rained for 40 days and 40 nights. The whole earth was covered including the highest of the mountains. Angels were involved in bringing this judgment onto the planet. No humans escaped and they couldn’t retreat to higher elevations. The earth was covered for 150 days and then the water began to subside in the 7th month. You will notice there is a lot of historical detail available, showing the Flood is not a myth - rather it is a well-documented event.